Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 12:29 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Dual justice system?

That is right, or Killary would be in jail. Period. Done.
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 01:23 pm
Here is the root of the problem in a nutshell...

The republicans have wanted to privatize everything from the post office to how social security works and is funded.

The democrats consider that going too far in privatizing our government, it undermines the US Constitution of "we the people" and shifts it to "we the few".

Private concerns versus the concerns of the people

So what does the Trump White House do? Try and privatize national security!?! This act alone violates his own oath of office.

Jared Kushner Security Clearance Rejection Overruled By Trump Appointee | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

This generation of republicans will forever be known as self-interest profiteers and traitors to our US Constitution... All for private interests and concerns that erode and neglect public interest and common core values that our country has held sacred and dear for centuries.

Republicans have attacked everything from religious liberties to publicly owned lands all to bow to their special interest masters who have paid them to turn their backs on our democracy.

While republicans claim to be against open borders... (and pro-life) they have criminally opened our borders to foreign influence at the peril of our own national security and our sovereign rule of law (while referring to themselves as nationalists).

A deceptive shell game designed to wrest the power from the electorate and hand it to foreign powers that have not sworn allegiance to our Constitutional edicts...
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 01:44 pm
The republicans are closing our borders to "allied" immigrants while secretly opening our borders to foreign oligarch invaders who reject our constitutional values.

Let that sink in for a moment...

This is the very definition of political treachery and being "double-crossed"...
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 02:45 pm
reject our constitutional values.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 03:37 pm
You apparently don't mind sinking to the level of Donald Trump, a pimp, selling off our country like a mail-order-bride, a common whore... so foreign speculators can defile our image and plunder our national treasures, with not love, but cheap sexual gratification and lust for power.

You are no better than he is Cold... you have stood idle, actually, attempted to enable this prostitution of our sacred homeland... You think this is a joke but you are the subject of the gag...

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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 03:50 pm
Have you noticed that all the "Lock Her Up" people are the ones going to jail?
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 04:11 pm
Millions of Americans Flood Into Mexico for Health Care — the Human Caravan You Haven’t Heard About
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 04:24 pm
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 04:36 pm
Amazing you want to highlight the justice system and their non treatment of Killary. It only shows the laws are not being enforced equally. Hopefully it will be rectified by the new AG.
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 05:00 pm
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 05:11 pm
You can't easily make a legitimate crime stick for long to an innocent person eventually the truth comes out... Innocent people are targeted when a corrupt person is trying to deflect the blame... but you can easily become complicit with a guilty person when enticed by lying denials, divisive rhetoric and empty promises.

Hillary was the target of a Russian, social network ruse and smear campaign against her character and you were stupid enough to have bought it and are still going about NOTHING. Will you ever forgive yourself to what you have done to that woman? I won't easily forgive you.

Intelligent people knew what was happening and voted for her...

Unintelligent people voted for Trump...

That is the fact of the matter.

Your denial simply continues to demonstrate how sexist and debased you really are...
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 05:33 pm
Unintelligent people voted for Trump...

Your presence allows me to say the same thing about Clinton's voters.
Will you ever forgive yourself to what you have done to that woman? I won't easily forgive you.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 05:36 pm

Some people cannot see the contradiction of their own existence.
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 05:42 pm
You can say what you want, your fake news and stupid delusion does not make it so. The courts have spoken, Hillary is clean and off enjoying freedom and a clear conscience and your Trump, many of his associates are "in jail" and the hammer is coming down on him soon.

His presence allows the courts and jails to exist...
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 06:22 pm
maporsche wrote:
Prove your fact. Sorry, "fact".
Are these nutcases calling for revenge for what happened to Bill Clinton? Or are they simply screaming "I hate Trump"?


As for the legal witchhunts against Nixon and Reagan, I am certainly not aware of Republicans conducting legal witchhunts against Democratic presidents before this. Are you aware of some facet of history that I somehow missed?
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 06:27 pm
TheCobbler wrote:
who reject our constitutional values.
Leftists are the ones who always try to violate people's civil liberties for fun.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 07:16 pm
Hillary is clean and off enjoying freedom and a clear conscience

Most likely she is drunk as a pig making whoever is around her miserable. Shocked
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2019 08:51 pm
U.S. Economy Lost An Estimated $6 Billion To Shutdown, S&P Says
The president had demanded $5.7 billion to fulfill his long-promised project to build a wall on the southern border.

Trump caves to Pelosi and federal workers demands to stop bleeding the economy and republicans are outraged the government got reopened...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2019 02:14 pm

The Democrats Can't Escape Their Farrakhan Problem

Like a preacher tiptoeing out of a brothel, the Democrat Party quietly dropped its sponsorship of the Women’s March. Like most of the other lefty establishment groups slowly backing away from its pro-Farrakhan leadership, the DNC offered a non-denial and no condemnation of the group’s anti-Semitism.

Instead of condemning the March’s anti-Semitism, the Southern Poverty Law Center explained that it wasn’t going to sponsor it because “other projects were a priority.” Even though HRC and GLAAD’s names had vanished from the Women’s March partner page, the spokespeople for both gay rights groups claimed that they were waiting for clarification from their respective organizations.

That’s typical.

Racists and haters and they are Democrats.
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