Breaking historic precedent, Republicans will share only a portion of the relevant documents to Trump's SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The American people deserve to see his record. Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Dick Durbin ask: What are the Republicans hiding? LIVE:
Putin trying to divide us again...
Facebook Has Identified Ongoing Political Influence Campaign
Political influence is an oxymoron.
Yeah, it just means you’re a liar and untrustworthy.
Republican Racism
The cornerstone of the republican hatred for low income people they claim is that they do not work. They hate old people and disabled people for the same reason.
(Besides, Donald only likes the pretty ones....)
Yet there seems to be contradictions on so many fronts.
Why do the republicans hate Chinese labor? The Chinese work for longer hours and for much less pay? The Chinese often make the young, old and disabled work too...
Yet all you hear out of republicans is hatred for Chinese goods and labor.
The fact that the Chinese are working so hard for so little should be a reason for respect but it is not the work ethic that the republicans really care about or they would give credit where credit is due.
Republicans also have a myth (among many)... that all black people collect welfare and the repugs perpetuate this myth wherever and whenever it suits
Regardless of the fact that black people are usually highly educated in spite of the fact that they have had to overcome racism in the workforce, racism in housing and racism in their scholastic endeavors.
No, it is not a work ethic that republican respect, it is whiteness.
If it was a work ethic than they would not complain when a person from India answers the phone to help them with a technical problem.. They are obviously educated enough to have gotten the job in a field where a highly technical education is paramount.
Then you have republican idiots screaming at waiters because they do not speak perfect enough English without considering once that this waiter may be attending engineering school and this is their second or third job to try and pay for tuition...
Republicans who have a 5th grade education (like Trump) love to scream at people to return to their own country. Even tourists who are spending their hard earned money to enrich our economy. Arab tourists who have become a myth in their own right due to republican racism and fake facts about terrorism.
Really it is not about speaking English, it is not about a good work ethic it is about ethnicity.
Republican racism.
It is not about not permitting people to enter illegally into this country or we would also be building a wall on the Canadian border too.
Does anyone even keep statistics on how many Canadian are in this country illegally? Has anyone ever even considered to check?
Do Canadian rapists and murderers cross the border from Canada to escape Canadian justice? Not one, ever?
It is this exact double standard that has allowed Canada 's economy to prosper and Mexico's economy to stagnate...
Republicans have been running this country for the last 50 years or more. Nearly all public policy has had to be approved by a republican house and senate except for a very few fleeting moments where the democrats have controlled both houses and the presidency.
As the democrats have become less racist, the republicans have become more racist and more partisan.
Our deficit is a product of republican rule. Only democrats have been showing fiscal responsibility when it comes to spending.
As for the safety net... there would be money for these programs if it were not for republican racist war-profiteering and fossil fuels that come with a exorbitant hidden cost to consumers and the environment.
While taxes are squandered on republican pork barrel projects that are meant to rip off our economic reserves (like Trump has done).
All so the republicans can feed tax dollars to their racist cronies and socialist corporations and keep the racist status quo...
Their work ethic idea is nothing more than a smokescreen for racism and corruption.
They are racists first and Christians second or maybe even Christians last with their white Christmas Santa and white God and white Jesus...
This racism has been perpetuated long before the Roman empire with words like "citizenship" and "immigrant"...
It is time for a new world order... One that demands fair trade and an end to racist exceptionalism...
A new world where the only outsider is the racists themselves, all alone in their pitiful and hateful poor excuse for an existence.
It is, however, bullshit, or in this case rudyshit.
Betsy DeVos' Department of Education to curb college loan forgiveness, cutting estimated $13 billion in relief for defrauded students
Because forgiveness is unchristian! (cynical)
@cicerone imposter,
"Political influence" is a double negative...
Why should we forgive debt that someone agreed to pay off? You are correct though, the current college system is defrauding students with educations that do not provide benefits in the real world. SJW's are going broke because their SJW professors are greedy.
SJW? Single Jewish Women? Getting anti-Semitic on us, Baldimo.? Fraudsters ppreyed on potential students with demonstrably bad loans. Obama gave them relief. DeVos is destroying their futures tieing them to bad loans for years of education they will never get. Oust DeVos, drain Trump's swamp.
What do you expect from a white woman?
Same thing we expect from any woman. Or any man. That they don't side with scammers.