Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 11:56 am
@cicerone imposter,
It has everything to do with this discussion. You're just blind to the facts of how political parties influence our country.

You weren't talking about political parties, you were talking about liberals, which if you look through US history, the DNC were not always liberals, don't forget, the DNC was the founding party of the KKK. Political ideology, side of the aisle, has changed between parties. When I refer to leftist I'm referring to the extreme left wing of the scale, those who are not happy with just a few changes to society, they want to completely change society and turn it against what our founding principles actually were. I see a difference between liberals, progressives and leftists.

Here; get some education on how political parties influence our lives.

This doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know. What was your point and how does it play into your bias on who does what for the country?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 11:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
How much garbage can you possible post? Neither of these articles have any relevance to anything I said. You went from Quora, which is no better than Redit, to using even more bias sources and stories.
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 01:03 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The only people who don't value free university education are tax avoiding fat cats and their lickspittle supporters who are too thick to benefit from one.
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 04:39 pm
Merry Christmas, You’re Fired: AT&T Lays Off 1400 After Trump Tax Breaks
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Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 04:40 pm
Well said Izzy... Sometimes we agree.
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 04:56 pm
You are one to talk about "biased sources"....
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 05:51 pm
Which links do you have a problem with? I'll wait.
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Real Music
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 08:26 pm
No surprise, the republicans plan to go after entitlement programs that help the poor to pay for the massive tax cuts they just gave to the wealthy and to corporations.

If House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) has anything to do with it, the next step for Congress will be cutting welfare programs that benefit low-income Americans — a move that is not particularly popular with the American public, including the congressman's own party.

The Washington Post's Jeff Stein reported earlier this month that congressional Republicans will aim next year to reduce spending on both federal health care and anti-poverty programs, citing the need to reduce the federal deficit.

“We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said during an appearance on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. "... Frankly, it's the health-care entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health-care entitlements — because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking.”

Ryan said on Fox News last week that House Republicans will attempt to trim the federal deficit by cutting spending on Medicare, Medicaid and welfare programs:

“We're going to get back at reforming these entitlements. And we're going to take on welfare reform, which is another big entitlement program, where we're basically paying people, able-bodied people, not to work and depriving them with all these disincentives from going to the workforce. This good economy we're going to get out of this, this faster-growing economy, is going to produce higher wages and more demand for good-paying jobs. And that's what's good — so ... it's the perfect time to do welfare reform to ease the path for people who wanted to work.”

But Ryan may face an obstacle with this, considering just how unpopular decreasing funding for programs helping low-income Americans may be.

Only 12 percent of American adults want to see President Trump and Congress decrease spending for Medicaid, according to a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Four in 10 preferred to increase Medicaid spending. And nearly half — 47 percent — want funding levels to remain the same.

Perhaps Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) knows this, which is why he told Axios that he “would not expect to see” welfare reform on the agenda for 2018.

“I think Democrats are not going to be interested in entitlement reform, so I would not expect to see that on the agenda. What the Democrats are willing to do is important because in the Senate, with rare exceptions like the tax bill, we have to have Democratic involvement,” McConnell said.

But getting Democrats on board may be the least of Republican lawmakers' concerns, considering how little Republican voters support decreased funding for those programs.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, only 15 percent of Republicans support decreasing funding for Medicare, the federal health insurance program primarily for people 65 or older. And only 10 percent of Republicans support decreased funding for Social Security, an entitlement program primarily benefiting older Americans after retirement.

Given that the majority of Americans over 65 voted for Trump in the 2016 election, according to Washington Post exit polls, this may be something GOP leaders want to keep in mind.

And in general, fewer than 4 in 10 Republicans — 37 percent — support making cuts to America's “needy.” While Trump did not win working-class Americans as a whole, he did beat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton with white working-class voters by 39 percentage points, according to exit polls.

Congress is experiencing lower approval ratings than Trump, who has some of the worst ratings of any president at this time in history. Fewer than 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, according to Gallup. With the 2018 midterm elections approaching — and with some Republican National Committee officials already concerned about the party's relationship with voters — Ryan leading his party forward with entitlement reform could cause significant political harm.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Dec, 2017 11:50 pm
Quote Baldimo:
Impressive, you found 2 people on the wealthiest persons list who didn't support her [Hillary]. The other top 10,
So who the hell is talking about the top 10 wealthiest individuals? Only you. I've been talking about the top 1% of the wealth owners. Simplistic as you are, you somehow think you can shrink the top 1% of the entire country down to 10 people, see how those 10 people feel politically, and poof! - you know how the entire top 1% thinks and votes. Look at this way-Trump just pushed and signed a tax law which vastly favors the top wealth owners and ends healthcare for the working poor and lower middle class. Now who do you think favored that bill?

Like the police say, when you investigate a crime, first figure out who benefitted from it the most, then work back. Try it sometime.

Quote Baldimo:
A few rich stars? How deep in the sand in your head, a majority of the hollywood elite are indeed left leaning wacko's
And the entire Hollywood elite are a tiny percentage of the top 1% wealth holders. Think, Baldimo, you have to learn to think. How many people do you know make their living by acting? Probably none. How many do you know are involved in the production of major feature films? Probably none. Yet you dwell on that industry as representing the top 1%. For all your attempts at portraying yourself as a political commentator, you're just like the housewives who spends their time watching all those "what's up with the celebs" shows that flood TV, looking to funnel a little bit of a glamorous industry into their lives. The only difference between them and you is the housewives know it's all fluff and fantasy, while you try to build political theories around Hollywood and post them here. Grow up already.


Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 02:02 am
We'd agree more often if you were more aware of things going on outside the US. I don't think your heart's in the wrong place.
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Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 05:11 am
Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 05:48 am
Remember the carrier plant in Indiana where Shitface said he would save jobs? They're laying off 2,000 next month!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 05:52 am
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Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 11:51 am
So who the hell is talking about the top 10 wealthiest individuals? Only you.

Why do you mention the Koch's? You pointed them out, I only point out that there are more wealthy people at the very top who support your world view than the 2 guys the left loves to point out.

I've been talking about the top 1% of the wealth owners. Simplistic as you are, you somehow think you can shrink the top 1% of the entire country down to 10 people, see how those 10 people feel politically, and poof!

If you don't want me to point out the wealthiest of the wealthy support your world view, then don't use the Koch's as the entire evil of the 1%.

you know how the entire top 1% thinks and votes.

I'm not the only one. You seem to have your own idea's on the same things.

Look at this way-Trump just pushed and signed a tax law which vastly favors the top wealth owners

What proof do you have of this? Specific's of the plan, not your BS conjecture.

and ends healthcare for the working poor and lower middle class.

He didn't end healthcare for anyone. He has allowed people to not pay the fine/fee/tax for not having health insurance. People choosing to not have insurance is not the same as them "loosing" insurance.

Now who do you think favored that bill?

I think people who actually looked at the tax bill and applied it to their lives actually supported it. The leftist media has done their best to trick suckers like you into thinking it won't benefit you. Have you tried looking at CNBC or CNN, who have basic tax calculators available, to see how your personal taxes will be effected? I bet you haven't.

Like the police say, when you investigate a crime, first figure out who benefitted from it the most, then work back. Try it sometime.

That only works if a crime has been committed. In this case, 80-91% of Americans are going to see more of their OWN money in their pay checks and even a larger return at the end of the year.

And the entire Hollywood elite are a tiny percentage of the top 1% wealth holders. Think, Baldimo, you have to learn to think. How many people do you know make their living by acting? Probably none. How many do you know are involved in the production of major feature films? Probably none. Yet you dwell on that industry as representing the top 1%. For all your attempts at portraying yourself as a political commentator, you're just like the housewives who spends their time watching all those "what's up with the celebs" shows that flood TV, looking to funnel a little bit of a glamorous industry into their lives. The only difference between them and you is the housewives know it's all fluff and fantasy, while you try to build political theories around Hollywood and post them here. Grow up already.

Nice deflection. These people have a larger voice than you give them credit for. You can insult me all you want to, but the truth is the loudest voices calling for the policies you cherish are those same people you are trying to dismiss. These are the fools who throw campaign events for the left and raise millions of dollars not to mention the face time they provide to such candidates as Obama and Clinton. Who do you think the loudest voices have been since the 2016 election? The Hollywood Elite and their ilk of simple minded followers. The same people who then go on programs filled with left-wing sycophants who claim to be unbiased journalists who push their left-wing agenda. If you don't see this, then we must not live in the same world, or because you agree with what they say, you don't see the bias.

You still haven't addressed how either the wealthy don't work or steal from the poor and how to fix the issue. You keep trying to convince me of the greed of the wealthy without providing any sort of evidence except for your over used chart.
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 12:30 pm
Coal CEO: Senate tax plan 'wipes us out'

Maybe you would a got a better deal with Hillary?

No pity for a company that supported "lying Trump".

Bankruptcy will teach a lot of Trump supporters the cold hard FACTS...
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Dec, 2017 08:18 pm
The cold hard facts about Trump is his history of bigotry, lies and scamming. No more need be known about this low life.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2017 01:13 am
I mentioned the Koch Bros. only after you had multiply posted that the top 10 wealthiest individuals favored Democrats. Once again, you try to get people to ignore the fact that the wealthiest 1% of the country are taking a greater and greater share of the country's wealth for themselves-from 24% in 1980 to 43% in 2012. In response, you have posted multiple times about how many people are in the 1%, when the simple answer is one out of a hundred people. Now the latest dodge from you is the "Hollywood elite", a miniscule portion of the 1%. One need not be famous to be wealthy and powerful, so the "Hollywood Elite" nonsense you come up with in no way addresses the issue of how much more the wealthy take of the nation's wealth every year, year after year.


At this rate the top 1% is gobbling up the country's wealth from all other economic classes, they will own 99% of the country's wealth in forty years. And all you can post in response is boy we really should do something about those liberals in Hollywood. The liberals in Hollywood aren't cutting taxes for the wealthiest like the new tax bill does, and it doesn't undermine the financial underpinnings of universal healthcare, the mandate, so the program collapses. What comes next, are you going to cut out the mandate for Social Security and Medicare too, so that those programs collapse? I'm sure you are trying to, in fact the conservatives already tried to when Bush 43 was president with his attempt to allow Social Security payments to be diverted into personal savings accounts, which would bankrupt the system in a couple of years.

Conservatives are not going to satisfied until all protections for workers are gone and all the New Deal programs which brought prosperity to the great majority of Americans are repealed. You are tireless in that regard. And you clearly don't care if 1% wealthiest of the country ends up with 99% of the wealth, which is where we are headed by 2058 if somebody doesn't do something quick.

Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2017 01:31 pm
I mentioned the Koch Bros. only after you had multiply posted that the top 10 wealthiest individuals favored Democrats. Once again, you try to get people to ignore the fact that the wealthiest 1% of the country are taking a greater and greater share of the country's wealth for themselves-from 24% in 1980 to 43% in 2012. In response, you have posted multiple times about how many people are in the 1%, when the simple answer is one out of a hundred people. Now the latest dodge from you is the "Hollywood elite", a miniscule portion of the 1%. One need not be famous to be wealthy and powerful, so the "Hollywood Elite" nonsense you come up with in no way addresses the issue of how much more the wealthy take of the nation's wealth every year, year after year.

Yes, this was in answer to your claim that the 1% would use their wealth to sway the political process in their favor. If the wealthiest of the wealthy are going to do such a thing, then pointing out that those people are on your side of the aslie should be valid. Don't ignore who the wealthy vote for and so far it looks like the majority of the wealthy, especially those at the very top, favor your views.

The biggest problem I have, which I have continued to express comes from your entire use of this single piece of data. Your continued use of the term "take" or "fair share" or "take of the nation's wealth". I can't debate with someone who insists on what others have earned isn't fairly theirs and you refuse to explain anything other than a hatred of their success.

At this rate the top 1% is gobbling up the country's wealth from all other economic classes, they will own 99% of the country's wealth in forty years. And all you can post in response is boy we really should do something about those liberals in Hollywood.

Gobbling... Once again no reason for why they are successful, just pissed that they are successful and demanding that we do something to make them less successful.

The liberals in Hollywood aren't cutting taxes for the wealthiest like the new tax bill does, and it doesn't undermine the financial underpinnings of universal healthcare, the mandate, so the program collapses.

Again, if you can't be honest about the tax bill, how can we have an honest debate about it. It's pointless because you refuse to see that 80-91% of Americans will get a tax cut. Nothing you can post can disprove this.

If you and those you refuse to acknowledge as left leaing and powerful, would put their money where their mouths were, we wouldn't have these issues would we? The wealthy liberals have enough money combined to actually follow through with their ideals, why won't you get after them to do so? As I've pointed out before, they need to lead from the front and set the example, not bitch about their wealthy political counter-parts not paying enough.

What comes next, are you going to cut out the mandate for Social Security and Medicare too, so that those programs collapse? I'm sure you are trying to, in fact the conservatives already tried to when Bush 43 was president with his attempt to allow Social Security payments to be diverted into personal savings accounts, which would bankrupt the system in a couple of years.

The shame of allowing people to invest some of their own SS money. Seeing as how I'm in my mid 40's, I know I'm not going to see any SS, why should I continue to pay into a system I will never benefit from? Most studies show the system will no longer fund full payouts by the mid 2030's, so I'm screwed anyways.

Conservatives are not going to satisfied until all protections for workers are gone and all the New Deal programs which brought prosperity to the great majority of Americans are repealed. You are tireless in that regard.

The New Deal is more than 60 years old and severely outdated for modern times, it should be overhauled in a big way because it was modeled off of a heavy physical labor work force, that isn't the case today.

And you clearly don't care if 1% wealthiest of the country ends up with 99% of the wealth,

I don't think they will and you have no proof except for a single outdated, by 5 years, chart.

I seem to have a better understanding of how business and the economy works than you do. You bring nothing to this discussion except the repeated use of this chart.
Maybe this can do a better job of what I've been trying to say. Will you actually read it or discard it in favor of your single chart?


which is where we are headed by 2058 if somebody doesn't do something quick.

What's the answer? You have done nothing but repeat the same comments over and over again but you provide no answers, except to dismiss anything I have said.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2017 05:20 pm
It’s not about the majority getting a tax cut. It’s about who gets the most benefit.
Reply Fri 29 Dec, 2017 05:45 pm
@cicerone imposter,
How do you figure they get the most benefit? It's those wealthy people who are loosing the state tax write off benefit. Unless you many people who are poor and claim more than $10k in property, sales and income tax...
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