Quote:I mentioned the Koch Bros. only after you had multiply posted that the top 10 wealthiest individuals favored Democrats. Once again, you try to get people to ignore the fact that the wealthiest 1% of the country are taking a greater and greater share of the country's wealth for themselves-from 24% in 1980 to 43% in 2012. In response, you have posted multiple times about how many people are in the 1%, when the simple answer is one out of a hundred people. Now the latest dodge from you is the "Hollywood elite", a miniscule portion of the 1%. One need not be famous to be wealthy and powerful, so the "Hollywood Elite" nonsense you come up with in no way addresses the issue of how much more the wealthy take of the nation's wealth every year, year after year.
Yes, this was in answer to your claim that the 1% would use their wealth to sway the political process in their favor. If the wealthiest of the wealthy are going to do such a thing, then pointing out that those people are on your side of the aslie should be valid. Don't ignore who the wealthy vote for and so far it looks like the majority of the wealthy, especially those at the very top, favor your views.
The biggest problem I have, which I have continued to express comes from your entire use of this single piece of data. Your continued use of the term "take" or "fair share" or "take of the nation's wealth". I can't debate with someone who insists on what others have earned isn't fairly theirs and you refuse to explain anything other than a hatred of their success.
Quote:At this rate the top 1% is gobbling up the country's wealth from all other economic classes, they will own 99% of the country's wealth in forty years. And all you can post in response is boy we really should do something about those liberals in Hollywood.
Gobbling... Once again no reason for why they are successful, just pissed that they are successful and demanding that we do something to make them less successful.
Quote: The liberals in Hollywood aren't cutting taxes for the wealthiest like the new tax bill does, and it doesn't undermine the financial underpinnings of universal healthcare, the mandate, so the program collapses.
Again, if you can't be honest about the tax bill, how can we have an honest debate about it. It's pointless because you refuse to see that 80-91% of Americans will get a tax cut. Nothing you can post can disprove this.
If you and those you refuse to acknowledge as left leaing and powerful, would put their money where their mouths were, we wouldn't have these issues would we? The wealthy liberals have enough money combined to actually follow through with their ideals, why won't you get after them to do so? As I've pointed out before, they need to lead from the front and set the example, not bitch about their wealthy political counter-parts not paying enough.
Quote:What comes next, are you going to cut out the mandate for Social Security and Medicare too, so that those programs collapse? I'm sure you are trying to, in fact the conservatives already tried to when Bush 43 was president with his attempt to allow Social Security payments to be diverted into personal savings accounts, which would bankrupt the system in a couple of years.
The shame of allowing people to invest some of their own SS money. Seeing as how I'm in my mid 40's, I know I'm not going to see any SS, why should I continue to pay into a system I will never benefit from? Most studies show the system will no longer fund full payouts by the mid 2030's, so I'm screwed anyways.
Quote:Conservatives are not going to satisfied until all protections for workers are gone and all the New Deal programs which brought prosperity to the great majority of Americans are repealed. You are tireless in that regard.
The New Deal is more than 60 years old and severely outdated for modern times, it should be overhauled in a big way because it was modeled off of a heavy physical labor work force, that isn't the case today.
Quote:And you clearly don't care if 1% wealthiest of the country ends up with 99% of the wealth,
I don't think they will and you have no proof except for a single outdated, by 5 years, chart.
I seem to have a better understanding of how business and the economy works than you do. You bring nothing to this discussion except the repeated use of this chart.
Maybe this can do a better job of what I've been trying to say. Will you actually read it or discard it in favor of your single chart?
Quote:which is where we are headed by 2058 if somebody doesn't do something quick.
What's the answer? You have done nothing but repeat the same comments over and over again but you provide no answers, except to dismiss anything I have said.