This is Bernie's net worth:
What is Bernie Sanders’ Net Worth?
Tom GerencerJan 1, 2016
Net Worth
Bernie Sanders’ net worth is $528,014. Our Bernie Sanders net worth calculations come from analyzing his U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms.
U.S. Senators aren’t required to disclose their exact net worth. The closest anyone can get to Bernie Sanders’ net worth is to dig through disclosure forms and do the math. Since senators report assets and debts within preset ranges, finding Bernie Sanders’ net worth means averaging reported max and min figures.
In August of 2015, Bernie Sanders reported net worth assets at a minimum of $187,026 and a max of $759,004. Sanders also owns a condominium in Vermont valued at about $100,000. He has debts of at least $25,002 and as much as $65,000.
Figuring Sanders’ maximum possible debt and minimum possible assets gives a minimum possible Bernie Sanders net worth of $222,026. Figuring lowest possible debt and highest possible assets gives a net worth a high as $769,002. Combining average assets with average debt gives an average Bernie Sanders net worth of $528,014.
Bernie Sanders Net Worth 2
Donald Trump has called Sanders a “wacko.” Sanders has argued that Trump is pushing policies intended to help only himself and other billionaires like him. Sanders claims Trump’s plan is to ride into office with the help of misguided members of the working class.
Above the Rose Parade, a skywriter wrote, “America is great, Trump is disgusting, anyone but Trump.” On 1/5/16 on The Nightly Show, Larry Wilmore accused Sanders of being behind the skywriting. Sanders defended himself, saying, “I don’t have to spend money to make Donald Trump look dumb. He does it all by himself.” Watch the clip below.
Sanders is at least tentatively on the primary ballot in several states, including Ohio, New Hampshire, Texas, Vermont, Alabama and Virginia. Sanders is the only candidate to get on the ballot in Texas through voter signatures rather than by paying a fee.
Bernie Sanders Net Worth Facts
Bernie Sanders net worth: $528,014 (August 2015 average)
Bernie Sanders net worth estimate from May 2015: $440,511bernie sanders net worth facts
Out of 100 U.S. Senators, Bernie Sanders’ net worth is #86.
Bernie Sanders minimum possible net worth 2015: $222,026
Bernie Sanders maximum possible net worth 2015: $769,002
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Jeb Bush net worth: 40 times smaller.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Carly Fiorina net worth: 112 times smaller.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Hillary Clinton net worth: 47 times smaller.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Bill & Hillary Clinton net worth combined: 230 times smaller.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Donald Trump net worth: 10,795 times smaller.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs median U.S. household net worth: 7.8 times larger.
Bernie Sanders net worth vs Bill Gates net worth: 151,515 times smaller.
We estimate Bernie Sanders’ net worth at $528,014. That’s 7.8 times larger than the net worth of the median American family. However, since all senator net worths are estimates, it’s possible Bernie Sanders’ net worth is much lower. In fact, Bernie Sanders’ net worth could be as low as $222,026. That’s 3.3 times larger than the net worth of the median American family. Finally, the Bernie Sanders net worth average of $528,014 is about twice the net worth of others in his age group.
Compared to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s combined net worth of $121 million, Bernie Sanders’ net worth of $528,014 is 230 times smaller. Compared to Bill Gates’ net worth of $80 billion, Bernie Sanders’ net worth is 151,515 times smaller. Finally, Jeb Bush has an estimated net worth of about $21 million. That’s 40 times larger than Bernie Sanders’ net worth.