Pie in the sky? What about the pork in sky?
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a program thats decades late and costs into the trillions (many times more than when this system was announced THIRTY YEARS AGO) and would be sold to the different services for $135,000,000 each to the Army and $250,000,000 each to the Navy. Lockheed finally supplied three for testing (two decades late) this week and only one was flyable.
We can't afford education and health but we can afford a non performing boondoggle of a pork barrel.
Corn producers are paid billions a year in price supports to make sweeteners that sell at an under market to cost so that taxpayers end up giving welfare to farmers, corn producers, soda pop and breakfast food manufacturers.
We give billion a year to oil companies to subsidize their search for more reserves in the face of a collapsing market and introduction of new sources for electrical generation.
And we don't want to tax these WELFARE WHORES.
But we can't get single payer or free education or use alternative energy.
Western Europe do all those things and have better economies than the US.
Can't afford them? We're doing piss poor without them.