Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 01:50 pm
That picture misrepresents Cubans.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 02:14 pm
Anyone watch Rachael Maddow? If you dont, you should. She just did a show comparing Trump to Barry Goldwater in 1964 and an ad compaign Johnson aired against him! You could take this ad, replace Johnson's and Goldwaters names with (Dem tbd) and Tumps name, and it could fit right into todays political climate! It was eery!
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 04:26 pm
You mean the bomb going off ad?
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 04:37 pm
No! The 4 minute ad of Confession of a Republican. It was eery!
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 07:11 pm
Rachel doesn't come on here until 9 PM EST. Are you in a different time zone?
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 07:20 pm
I dvr her tbh, I dont really pay attention to her time slot. But I am PST. So yes, I think 6pm here. Sometimes she wears on me but her referrals to the past is why I watch, her comparisons to todays issues help frame the thoughts I already have. I adore her insight and knowlege and although I know she is a true blue liberal, she will hold a Dem's feet to the fire if they deserve it. I have difficulty trusting any pundant talk but her. She doesnt like being wrong...and I trust that. Shes a Rhode scholar and highly intelligent, not like "some" that have higher ratings cuz they have created the Trump crap they now deny.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:45 pm
I don't hate Bernie Sanders, just like I don't hate my "friends" who hate America... I just would prefer not to have to vote for him or them. If he wins the nomination I will begrudgingly vote for him in spite of my “serious” misgivings.

1) Sanders evidently does not really care about LGBT people. When marriage equality became law of the land Bernie sent out a tiny message and that was it! No gay flags on his Facebook page, no LGBT memes, no heart felt stories about the long arduous struggle of LGBT people. On the contrary Hillary's FB page was all (and still is) gay flags, endless memes and triumphant LGBT stories for days! She even had an artist turn her “H” logo into a rainbow flag “H” and sported it on her page for at least a week after the court decision. She stuck her neck out for us! While Bernie supporters called her a lesbian. Was Bernie thinking his “Bernie bros” would think he was a queer if he supported the decision too much? No thanks Bernie! Obama withstood all the gay jokes to stand up for LGBT people! Bernie does not have what it takes to fight today's civil rights.

2) Sanders is money obsessed. All he talks about is bringing Wall Street down. He is more obsessed than the err, the "Jewish" bankers he claims to oppose. This makes me want to barf! Love of money… and the pot calling the kettle black! He needs a trillion dollars for his infrastructure plan, err, for starters. Like Trump's wall, that will not feed hungry starving children. Hillary says start out slow a much more sensible approach. And like the mass corruption in Afghanistan’s private building contractors do we want a trillion dollars of US tax payer money floating around in cyberspace? Definitely not! Hillary’s start small approach is not the cantankerous bull in a china shop approach. Bernie fails...

3) Sanders tries to buy the votes of poor young people by CONSTANTLY using the keyword "free" like some shameless sleazy email spammer. Obama tried that and said he would give everyone a thousand dollars in tax relief. That is one reason why I did not vote for Obama the first time. So it has nothing to do with me being anti-Semitic, I hate all greedy religions equally!

4) Sanders' use of the word "revolution" contains the innuendo of violence (we live in a democracy Sanders!) Hillary is against the use of the word revolution (and so am I!) and instead, like a person of scruples who honors our form of government, she uses the words "policy change" instead. Sanders has no idea how offensive the word revolution is in a democracy. It makes me think of a marauding mob of juvenile Bernie thugs going house to house murdering people at will FOR MONEY or Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric about Mexican and Muslims while he drags black protesters out of his all white campaign speeches while being sucker punched by racists.

5) Sanders has fought President Obama on key legislation that I think he should have signed (closing Guantanamo, auto bailouts, TPP). After all Sanders is the expert on Cuba, the economy and national security… (Not!)

6) He has supported hideous NRA legislation to advance his political career (does that sound like a democrat to you?).

7) Every time Sanders says the words "my religion is the people" he says it out of the side of his mouth without the lease amount of believable honesty. Bernie, my religion starts with truth! You are a poor liar.

8) When he debates he has the body language of either a brute sexist or a man who has no conscious physical restraint. Even Obama debated Hillary with restraint and class avoiding all of this bolstering and physical finger wagging posture.

9) Bernie has clear ties to Karl Rove and that infuriates me. Bernie’s campaign manager’s wife is Rove’s cousin. Coincidence? Highly unlikely!

10) Bernie's followers are white juvenile thugs that are of the “anonymous” variety. They spend all day going online skewing internet polls to make it seem like Bernie won debates. They have even coined a term for them, “Bernie bots”! This is disingenuous and crooked corruption at its worst. A democracy that values the vote and we have Bernie bots to make it “seem” like he won??!!! Who is the real liar here?

11) It seems he would decapitate rather than regulate the rich, that is what a revolution does right? (Like the anti-Arab racist sleaze Rosanne Barr has suggested on Twitter.) Bernie seems more like a teapublican. Then he pays his Bernie bro university professors to put out graph charts on Facebook showing how much more centric Bernie is compared to the "republican" Hillary. These charts have no specific details merely plots on a graph. Just Bernie's stance on shielding gun manufacturers from lawsuits alone would plot Bernie smack dab in tea party land.

12) His disastrous plans for America's economy are enough to crash our economy on day one. Worse than Bush!

13) He makes promises fully knowing he does not have the votes in congress to accomplish them, that is called political pandering and playing on people's hardships! Downright low.

14) He has a clear history of stabbing America in the back when it comes to communist dictators. Got any friends like that well they are all voting for Bernie.

15) He smokes pot (and God only knows what else) which I am not against pot but his thinking is clearly befuddled and unfocused. (It is so obvious when he debates Hillary)

16) He has pushed for the legalization of "all drugs" including heroin. (Bath salts anyone?) Marijuana, fine, but all drugs? Definitely not! I like George Soros too but I stop at his insistence that all drugs be legalized. On the same account I certainly would not vote for Soros for president.

17) I am neutral when it comes to Israel and Palestine. I do not really know Bernie enough to know if he, an evidently Jewish man, would be impartial and not favor his own race. Seeing he can’t keep a straight face whenever he says "my religion is the people" I do not "trust" him. My religion is the people? Really??? I would be more inclined to say his obsession is money (other people’s money). I will not go into Jewish stereotypes but the inclination is there. And as I said I have Jewish ancestry myself but I also do not believe in the Bible.

18) Bernie said to Hillary in a debate, “You were the one who ran against a black man.” when actually it was a black man who ran against her. Hillary officially announced her candidacy January 20, 2007 Obama announced his February 10, 2007. Bernie twisted the truth for political gain and this makes his character clearly and undoubtedly suspect. And when he said that he had that same “talking out of the side of his mouth” fib face that he displays whenever he lies. He is transparent and fools himself.

19) Bernie pays disabled cripples in wheelchairs to sit by the side of busy thoroughfares holding his propaganda signs. If Trump were not even more despicable I would vote for him but the republicans are much worse. Hillary is the only choice and I feel she will leave America in a better place, like Bill did.

20) Bernie calls himself anti-war but has voted to fund every war and calls Hillary “part of the military complex”. Those words sound uncannily like words crafted by Fox News’ wordsmith Frank Luntz… (compliments of Rove and the Kochs?) Bernie, when you vote to fund wars YOU are also part of the military complex!

21) Bernie uses millennials in universities to blindly spread his communism as if these young adults will get rich doing so. The lowest form of insincerity.

22) …and let’s not forget the “Feel the Bern” slogan as if electing him and free pot will rain down from heaven like mana… more like, “listen to the befuddled Bernout lie”!

23) Bernie's statements of female and child sexuality are abysmal and appallingly reprobate.

Need I go on?

Yes we dems need to be united and the sooner Bernie drops out the sooner we can put a real democrat in the White House.

I would have written this curtailing the MANY shortfalls of Donald Trump but the only way Trump has a chance of winning is if Bernie become the nominee.

Hillary = Trump loser. She already has over a million and a half more votes than Trump and is several million votes ahead of Bernie.

...and just for the record, in hindsight, I wish I had not voted for McCain and had voted for Obama.

Question: Would I ever vote for Jew as US President?
Answer: When Israel completely ceases its greedy land grab then, yes. Not until!

Question: Would I ever vote for a Muslim US President?
Answer: If there is extended peace in the Middle East, yes. Not until!

Would I ever vote for a republican? NEVER AGAIN!
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:54 pm
This is just slavery under the cover of a work program. Most states have it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 08:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I love Cubans and Cuba, really... But not the Cuba that Bernie loves. And I do not love Cuba only so I can hate on the US. Hate for hate sake to allure nonconformists, opportunistic insincere hate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 11:31 pm
I read most of your post and the only thing I know I disagree with is you dont "hate" bernie sanders. You sound angry at him but I agree with what you say that I know anyway.
I am no expert on the man. I am glad he voted against Iraq. Had I a say, I would have agreed. I am still angry about that today. I thought war in Iraq was the stupidest decision ever. I am a history buff. Anyone with a a basic understanding of the middle east should have known that would spell disaster.
Movng on...I cant comment on all the points you spelled out, but the ones Bernie goes on about, I am suspicious of. The "revolution" idea is ridiculous. We had a "revolution" with Obama. How did that turn out? A whole lotta racist, whte supremisit assholes saw it as their, "call to arms."
Free college, are you kidding? We cant even produce decent high school grads with free high school.
The idea he could even walk up to a republican in congress without them spitting on him is a joke. Hillary is GOP target cuz shes a threat, so they ignore Bernie, cuz they actually trust Dems to be logical voters, which they cant do for their own party.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 04:10 am
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 04:24 am
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 05:47 am

Ann Coulter Verified account

I'm watching a presidential debate in the United States tonight, being conducted in Spanish. Adios, America!

John Dingell Verified account

John Dingell Retweeted Ann Coulter

You're finally leaving? Bye.

John Dingell added,

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 05:50 am
@cicerone imposter,
It also misrepresent Bernie Sanders. Its a classic propaganda chop piece.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 05:51 am
Wasn't that one of the more amazing shows? Last night was just as good.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 05:58 am

Or you're going to keep losing. If I were Clinton... or a Clinton supporter.... I would pay VERY CLOSE attention.

"A Lesson for Mrs. Clinton in Michigan" --- Lead Editorial in today's NYT.

>>>>On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton’s surprising loss in Michigan is still being analyzed, but it holds some lessons about how to approach future contests.

Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy speaks eloquently of embracing the people, values and thinking that make this nation a leader in the world. But her campaign tactics, particularly in Michigan, did not live up to this vision.

Even with a double-digit lead before the primary, she failed to avoid the type of negative tactics that could damage her in the long haul. A new Washington Post-ABC poll says that nationally, Mrs. Clinton’s margin over Bernie Sanders has shrunk: she polls at 49 percent compared with 42 percent for Mr. Sanders; in January her lead was more than double that. If she hopes to unify Democrats as the nominee, trying to tarnish Mr. Sanders as she did in Michigan this week is not the way to go.

Mrs. Clinton’s falsely parsing Mr. Sanders’s Senate vote on a 2008 recession-related bailout bill as abandoning the auto industry rescue hurt her credibility. As soon as she uttered it in Sunday’s debate, the Democratic strategist David Axelrod registered his dismay, tweeting that the Senate vote wasn’t explicitly a vote about saving the auto industry. Even as reporters challenged her claim, she doubled down in ads across the state. As The Washington Post noted, “it seems like she’s willing to take the gamble that fact-checkers may call her out for her tactic Sunday — but that voters won’t.”

Though Mrs. Clinton spent more time in Genesee County, home to Flint, than Mr. Sanders, she only won narrowly there. Mr. Sanders’s full-throated call for top-to-bottom government accountability for Flint’s drinking-water catastrophe contrasted with Mrs. Clinton’s tepid remarks about the need for a housecleaning at the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency.

Mr. Sanders’s opposition to free-trade agreements resonated in Michigan, and are likely to help him in Ohio, Missouri and Illinois next week. He has consistently pointed out Mrs. Clinton’s past support for trade pacts, starting with Nafta when her husband was in the White House, and her shifting positions ever since. Mrs. Clinton is now opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she promoted as secretary of state. If she hopes to convince skeptical rust-belt voters that she’s in their corner, she needs to explain why she once believed that trade pacts would help American workers.

The Clinton machine should stop trying to tie Mr. Sanders to the National Rifle Association. Though Mr. Sanders has a D-minus from the N.R.A., in Michigan Mrs. Clinton’s operatives took to >>>>
the rest: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/10/opinion/a-lesson-in-hillary-clintons-loss-in-michigan.html?_r=0
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 06:07 am
My daughter has a lot of American LGBT friends. They're all supporters of Sanders. Clearly they think he does care about LGBT issues.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 06:13 am

AP FACT CHECK: Eye-popping claims about Sanders


Calvin Woodward, Associated Press Updated 5:09 am, Thursday, March 10, 2016

WASHINGTON (AP) — How can it be that Bernie Sanders could stand on the side of vigilantes on the border, against the auto industry bailout, against an immigration overhaul that would have eased the plight of people in the country illegally? Can this be the liberal senator his supporters know and love?

It can be because of the politically perilous way legislation works in Congress, as bill after bill becomes a grab bag of the good and bad — as lawmakers see it. Hillary Clinton took full advantage of that in the latest Democratic debate, pointing out votes by her opponent that are eye-raising on the surface while brushing off complexities that help explain them.

A look at some claims in the debate and how they compare with the facts:

CLINTON: While in the Senate, she voted for a bill that later provided the money to bail out the auto industry. "The money that rescued the auto industry was in that bill," which she chided Sanders for voting against.

SANDERS: That bill "was the bailout of the recklessness, irresponsible and illegal behavior of Wall Street."

THE FACTS: Sanders is correct in the main. The bill passed in October 2008 provided $700 billion to bail out big banks. But some of that money was later used for a bailout of Chrysler and General Motors. When Clinton voted for the Wall Street package and Sanders voted against it, neither knew money would be shifted to the auto industry.

When legislation came up separately that proposed explicit support for the auto industry, both voted for it. Then in January 2009, shortly before Barack Obama became president, lawmakers tried to block the release of a second phase of the package approved earlier for the Wall Street rescue. Sanders backed this effort, which failed. At this point, it was known that some of the money would go to the auto industry as well, although it was not known how much.


CLINTON: Sanders "stood with the Minutemen vigilantes in their ridiculous, absurd efforts to, quote, hunt down immigrants."

SANDERS: "No, I do not support vigilantes, and that is a horrific statement, an unfair statement to make."

THE FACTS: She was right about his vote, perhaps a little over the top in characterizing it. In 2006, as a member of the House running for the Senate, Sanders voted for an obscure and largely symbolic amendment that sought to prohibit Washington from giving information to foreign governments about the activities of a civilian group operating along the border.

At the time, some hard-liners against immigration were concerned that U.S. officials were tipping off the Mexican government about movements of the civilian Minuteman group that was patrolling the border for people crossing illegally.

Sanders said it was an unimportant amendment "supported by dozens and dozens of members of the House which codified existing legislation." But it stands as an example of lawmakers backing something they might not like — or might not have given enough thought to — in order to achieve larger goals in a bill. As it was, the amendment did not survive and the issue was mostly forgotten — but not by Clinton.


CLINTON: "I think our best chance was in 2007, when Ted Kennedy led the charge on comprehensive immigration reform. We had Republican support. We had a president willing to sign it. I voted for that bill. Senator Sanders voted against it."

SANDERS: "Well, you have guest-worker programs that have been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the important institutions in this country who studies these issues, as guest-worker programs akin to slavery... They were cheated. They were abused. They were humiliated."

THE FACTS: Clinton is right that Sanders opposed the immigration liberalization, but that doesn't make him an opponent of that goal. As he explained it, the abusive guest-worker program contained in the legislation was so odious that he could not back the broader bill.

What Sanders did not make clear, though, was that his position also reflected concerns of labor unions that the temporary workers would drive down wages and cost Americans jobs. His stance was not all about the plight of the immigrant laborers, as a video played at the debate showed.


CLINTON: Defending her use of a private email server, now the subject of an FBI investigation into whether it was improperly used for classified information, said "it was not prohibited. It was not in any way disallowed... I did not send or receive any emails marked classified at the time... I asked all my emails to be made public."

THE FACTS: Clinton is correct that when she began using the private email system as secretary of state in 2009, federal law did not explicitly prohibit doing so. But her own department warned its employees against the use of private email to conduct government business because it could compromise classified materials and be subject to hacking.

In the year since Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department, the agency has since censored hundreds of those emails because they contained classified materials.

And when Clinton agreed last March to turn over "all" of her emails to the State Department and urged their release, she acted only after her aides had combed through all of her private emails, withholding messages that they deemed to be personal. Those decisions weren't made by federal records specialists who normally decide which materials need to be turned over.


Associated Press writers Alicia A. Caldwell, Jim Drinkard and Stephen Braun contributed to this report.

EDITOR'S NOTE _ A look at political claims that take shortcuts with the facts or don't tell the full story
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 06:17 am

Republican presidential primary candidates gather in Miami on Thursday night for their final debate before the Tuesday primary, South Floridians are learning that radioactive material is seeping into Biscayne Bay, the 35-mile lagoon that stretches along the state into the Atlantic Ocean.

A county-ordered report released this week found levels of the radioactive isotope tritium in the bay to be 200 times higher than normal, leading to suspicions that the Turkey Point nuclear power plant in Homestead, Florida, which was built in the 1970s and supplies juice to 900,000 Floridians, is leaking.

While such a level of tritium is not harmful to humans, the problems at the power plant, on wetland that is vulnerable to rising sea levels, evokes the worst-case specter of another seaside nuke plant—Fukushima.

“I think the Fukushima scenario is very reasonable, and it terrifies me,” says Cindy Lerner, mayor of Pinecrest, Florida, which sits 14 miles north of the plant. “I was never anti-nuclear. But when Fukushima happened, the U.S. government issued an alert to all U.S. citizens, that if they were within a 50-mile radius to get outta Dodge.” Lerner says if a Fukushima-type event happened at Turkey Point, she’s concerned because the current evacuation plan is limited to a 10-mile radius......

Read more: http://www.newsweek.com/biscayne-bay-florida-nuclear-power-plant-leaking-435721
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 11:13 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Sorry, Bob, but that "exposé" of Hillary lying about Bernie's record only showed that she was telling the truth. He did vote against a bill that ended up helping the auto industry twice, once when he didn't know some of the money would be going to the auto companies as well as Wall Street banks, and a another time when he DID know that some of the money would go to help bail out the auto companies. Sorry, in a political campaign it is not your opponent's job to talk about nuances that might make a vote seem not so bad-that's the candidate's job.
I like kitten pics too, but Hillary was telling the truth.


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