Ben Carson needs to go back to his "grain pyramids" and take a freakin' nap. This bullshit about he's "blacker than Obama" is workin' my last damn nerve.
The only way he will win the GOP race is to give a mass lobotomy to the Republican Party. I am amazed that people actually allow this dumb man to operate on their brains. I wouldn't let him give me as much as a pedicure.
LOL! I was just talking to a friend in a coffee shop a few minutes ago and he mentioned that Kasich was one of the "moderates" of the Republican Party. I told him that Kasich, like all the other Republicans, wants to end Social Security and Medicare in anything like their present form and that does not qualify as moderate by any conceivable definition. 15 or 20 years ago if you came out with any of these plans toward Social Security or Medicare like the Republicans are, you would have been considered a stark raving loon.
I guess PP will have to shift funds from their abortion operations to cover those other services. Why is it the responsibility of the public to fund PP? People such as yourself who believe in PP mission should be funding them, not taxpayers dollars.
The only reason Ben Carson made that insane comment regarding Obama's blackness was because he wasn't getting enough attention. The only way you can get any attention in the republican primaries is to say something that is insane or over the top. The nuttier you sound, the more it helps your numbers. At least that's the case inside the republican primaries. It won't be long before Ben Carson's 15 minutes of fame will be long gone.