Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2023 05:53 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 30 Apr, 2023 06:11 pm
And a hearty Sieg Heil to the Congressfrau auf Georgia.

The fake blond skank from Georgia just went there...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told a group of Republican donors over the weekend that Americans need to "throw out the trash" when securing the border.

While speaking at a Reagan dinner in Ohio, Greene said that her generation had a responsibility to the country.

"But we also need to remember, where we are the Americans, and we should have a lot of pride in our home and our country," she opined. "And that's why we have to recognize the battle that the radical left has brought to our front door because we need to clean up our house."

"We need to fight for it," she continued. We need to shut our doors. We need to shut our windows. We need to throw out the trash, and we need to clean it up."

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 May, 2023 10:36 am
State Republicans have gone from opposing Democrats to opposing democracy

Across the country, from Tennessee to Montana, Republican-controlled state legislatures are quietly and effectively eroding democracy on a near-daily basis. Amassing outsized power is enabling them to push a radical agenda, including expelling and silencing elected leaders, banning abortion, loosening gun laws, targeting trans families and banning books.

Too many Republican-controlled legislatures have gone from opposing Democrats to opposing democracy itself.

This didn’t happen overnight. Years of investment and aggressive gerrymandering have led to veto-proof Republican supermajorities in 20 state legislatures, while Democrats hold supermajorities in just nine. Moreover, Republicans hold trifectas — governorship and both state houses — in 22 states and control 58 out of 99 State legislative chambers across the country.

In at least four states — Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Wisconsin — Republicans are also profoundly overrepresented in state governments relative to the voter party affiliation. This outsized, unrepresentative power has huge implications for two of the most urgent issues facing the country today: gun control and abortion access — both life and death issues where Americans are largely united.

Recent polls show that more Americans than ever, including a majority of Republican voters, want their representatives to prioritize gun control over the rights of gun owners. And poll after poll shows that huge majorities of voters, including Republicans, are against banning abortion early in pregnancy.

North Carolina presents exactly this case. Although it is a state with evenly divided voters, a large share of young, unaffiliated voters and a Democratic governor, Republicans there have been manipulating the legislative districts for years, engaging in highly partisan gerrymandering. One newly elected Democratic legislator who switched parties recently under dubious circumstances gave Republicans a veto-proof supermajority.

With this unaccountable power, among their first actions was filing a bill to ban nearly all abortions in the state, despite that 57 percent of North Carolina voters want abortion to be legal with some restrictions. So far this year, guns have killed nearly 14,000 people in homicides, suicides and accidents in the U.S.

No other nation has this many gun deaths per capita. Yet Republican-controlled state legislatures in Tennessee, Florida and other trifecta states have ignored the will of the people and continue expanding permit-less carry laws or pushing to arm teachers and school personnel. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) passed such a bill against the will of a whopping 77 percent of Florida voters who opposed it. By contrast, in Washington State, where Democrats are in the majority, lawmakers passed an assault weapons ban and did so with some bipartisan support.

It’s said that democracy dies in darkness, which is exactly how state legislatures have become so out of touch with the mainstream. Indeed, if it weren’t for the appalling expulsion of Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson from the Tennessee House and the barring of transgender Montana lawmaker Zooey Zephyr from taking to that state’s House floor (rare instances in which the national news media shined a spotlight) most Americans would not know how bad things have gotten in state government.

A study by Johns Hopkins University found that only 20 percent of Americans could even name their state representatives. This widespread ignorance has allowed a proliferation of political gamesmanship and radical extremism that is dangerous for our country. Lawmakers can’t be held accountable for their actions when voters are unaware of them.

One reason is that local and regional newspapers have sharply reduced their coverage of state and local governments in recent years as a consequence of declining circulation and earnings that cut the number of journalists employed at U.S. newspapers from nearly 72,000 in 2004 to just 31,000 last year.

But money and political investments are another reason. In the 2022 cycle, the Republican State Leadership Committee, which helps elect Republicans in state legislative races, raised a record $71 million, compared to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which broke fundraising records but raised only $47 million. This differential reflects a general lack of focus from Democrats on state elections.

With the notable exception of Michigan going blue in 2022, Democrats failed even to challenge all the Republican-held state seats that were open. In Florida, 45 Republican State legislators ran totally unopposed. A stunning 57 percent of Missouri State legislative seats were unopposed, and in Ohio, only 1 in 4 Republican seats were challenged.

To stem this undemocratic tide, Democrats must do three things.

First, they must recruit, fund and support candidates to run in competitive races everywhere. It won’t be easy — many legislative districts are so gerrymandered that they are not winnable now.

But this leads to the second urgent solution. Democrats and groups that support democracy must mount even more aggressive legal challenges to hyper-partisan gerrymandering everywhere they are wreaking havoc.

Third, national Democrats, including President Biden, must do more to highlight critical state races throughout the 2024 campaign. Biden did the right thing by inviting the then-ousted Tennessee legislators for an Oval Office meeting, and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Nashville to deliver one of her most passionate speeches.

Of course, flipping state houses requires time, money and resources — Democratic donors must invest more consistently and aggressively for the long term to fund all three of these solutions. The presidential election matters hugely, but 2024 can and should be a galvanizing moment at the state level too. As states push for extreme abortion bans, try to silence opposition and pass legislation most Americans oppose, Democrats should relentlessly highlight the contrast and make sure voters understand just what is at stake; quite simply, everything.

The Hill
Reply Mon 1 May, 2023 01:20 pm
Maybe people have to hit rock bottom before they're able to see they have to climb out of the abyss. I don't know what will motivate them to change their thinking, or for Independents to vote Democrat, but until that wave comes, I think we can just expect more of the same. I wonder what will be next.

The other thing is that the Democrats haven't been grooming the younger politicians to step in and up. They have an 82 year old man (who should be retired) and then who? Who would the Democrats get behind. Biden shouldn't have to do another term at his age. There seems to be a void.
Reply Mon 1 May, 2023 02:38 pm
What can I say except I agree all of it.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 2 May, 2023 05:54 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 2 May, 2023 06:49 am
Reply Tue 2 May, 2023 10:29 am
@bobsal u1553115,

bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 2 May, 2023 12:41 pm
Scalia is too tone-deaf to sit; Thomas, too venal and stupid; Roberts, too willfully ignorant of the truth; Barret, too low wattage; Kavanaugh, likes beer tooo much; Gorsuch, is out of touch.

I'd settle for Roberts, Scalia and Thomas to be shown the door.
Reply Tue 2 May, 2023 02:47 pm
The House of Representatives just passed a bill that would cut Social Security by at least 23%. The vote was 217 to 215. That figure should be used in the next election to inform retired people of which party represents them.
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 01:47 am
Do you have a list of whom voted for which result?
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 04:47 am
@bobsal u1553115,

I'd settle for Roberts, Scalia and Thomas to be shown the door.

You mean Alito?
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 04:49 am
Do you have a list of whom voted for which result?

In this case, it's not needed.

Good night, Builder.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 07:00 am
Although it's not needed, I wonder, why he can't look it up himself.
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 07:04 am
@Walter Hinteler,
It would necessitate the use of opposable thumbs.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 3 May, 2023 08:42 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 4 May, 2023 06:32 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2023 05:25 am

ANTIFA convicted of sedition for Jan 6th attack... (cynical)
Region Philbis
Reply Fri 5 May, 2023 06:12 am

slowly making America great again by locking up all the domestic terrorist scumbags...
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 5 May, 2023 05:08 pm
At least eight Trump electors have accepted immunity in Georgia investigation

Source: Washington Post

At least eight of the 16 Georgia Republicans who convened in December 2020 to declare Donald Trump the winner of the presidential contest despite his loss in the state have accepted immunity deals from Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating alleged election interference, according to a lawyer for the electors.

Prosecutors with the office of Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D) told the eight that they will not be charged with crimes if they testify truthfully in her sprawling investigation into efforts by Trump, his campaign and his allies to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in Georgia, according to a brief filed Friday in Fulton County Superior Court by defense attorney Kimberly Bourroughs Debrow.

Willis has said that the meeting of Trump’s electors on Dec. 14, 2020, despite Republican Gov. Brian Kemp’s certification of Biden’s win, is a key target of her investigation, along with Trump’s phone calls to multiple state officials and his campaign’s potential involvement in an unauthorized breach of election equipment in rural Coffee County, Ga.

Georgia was among seven states where the Trump campaign and local GOP officials arranged for alternate electors to convene with the stated purpose of preserving legal recourse while election challenges made their way through the courts. Among the questions both Willis and federal investigators have explored is whether the appointment of alternate electors and the creation of elector certificates broke the law. Another question is whether Trump campaign officials and allies initiated the strategy as part of a larger effort to overturn Biden’s overall victory during the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/05/05/fulton-county-georgia-trump-investigation-electors-immunity/

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