Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 06:39 am
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Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:16 pm
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:24 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
It means the Zionists are attempting to delegitimize the Palestinians and their cause.

Oh, is that "cause" digging tunnels?

I think a two state coexistence is the best plan, but digging tunnels?

Tunnels and allowing Hamas to launch thousands of Russian rockets at Israel is certainly are not what I would call a, "good faith effort" at peace.

How can you trust deception?

Trust is not a privilege, it is earned...

The Palestinians do not all build tunnels.

The tunnels are a response to the Zionists' oppression of the Palestinian people.

The Zionists' oppression is hardly a good faith effort at peace, as well.

Trustworthiness is lacking from both extremists.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:29 pm
No such oppression. Israel merely asks that the Palestinians stop murdering them.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:30 pm
I'm wondering whether the Security Fence won't over centuries become the de facto border between Israel and the Palestinian state.

That's why I made my post yesterday in the other thread about the path of the Security Fence through Gush Etzion.

Israel is risking catastrophe by continuing to try to include Efrata on their side of the Security Fence even though it's clear at this point that it's never going to happen.

They could end up with the entire settlement block including the city of Beitar Illit ending up on the Palestinian side of the Security Fence.

Far better to just accept reality and build the Fence along Route 60.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:32 pm
As far as the Palestinians are concerned Cobbler is of the same mind as Oralloy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:36 pm
Verily such oppression. The Palestinians demand that Israel stop oppressing them.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:37 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 01:38 pm
All Israel is doing is defending themselves from Palestinian attempts to murder innocent Israelis. That's not oppression.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 02:55 pm
oralloy wrote:

All Israel is doing is defending themselves from Palestinian attempts to murder innocent Israelis. That's not oppression.

All Israel is doing is violating the Palestinians' Right of Return, among other things. That is oppression.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 03:10 pm
There is no such right.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:03 pm
Proverbial 'smoking gun' of Trump camp giving info to Russia seen in unredacted records
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:13 pm
Fake news.

"Russia's attempt to infiltrate the Trump Campaign" is not "an attempt by Mr. Trump or his family to help Russia."
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:17 pm
'Reporters are the heroes of our time': Timothy Snyder on facts and fending off autocracy

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:21 pm
"The Hill" is conservative news...

There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder

So you are wrong. ...and the degree to which you are wrong reflects on your lack of intelligence.


There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder
The Hill

It’s official: The Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections to Donald Trump’s top 2016 campaign official “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and [Trump] campaign strategy.”

This revelation demolishes, once and for all, Trump’s ceaseless claims that he was the victim of the “greatest witch hunt in the history of our country.” (Recall that a Trump appointee directed Robert Mueller to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.”)

But just how valuable was the polling and campaign strategy data that Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chairman, gave to a Russian agent?

According to Brad Parscale, Trump’s election data guru, the information that Manafort handed directly to Russian intelligence was of critical importance, determining “98 percent” of the campaign’s resource allocations (such as spending on TV, radio and social media ads, rallies, field operations, and so on).

Indeed, the data was so important that Parscale kept a visualization of the information on his iPad at all times, allowing him to tell then-candidate Trump where to conduct his next rally at a moment’s notice.

According to the then-Republican-led Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the ultrasensitive campaign information that Manafort passed to a Russian spy “identified voter bases in blue-collar, democratic-leaning states which Trump could swing,” including in “Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota.”

Moreover, the Russian intelligence officer who received the information “was capable of comprehending the complex polling data.”

That leaves a lot of unanswered questions as to what Russia’s spies did with the information.

Perhaps worse, Trump ultimately pardoned Manafort. Trump’s potential political rivals would be wise to remember that he handed the ultimate political favor to the man who colluded with Russia amid Moscow’s campaign to undermine American democracy.

But Manafort’s malfeasance fits a broader pattern.

As former Trump adviser Steve Bannon — indicted on fraud charges — aptly noted, top Trump officials engaged in a “treasonous” meeting with a former Russian counterintelligence officer and a woman with “extensive and concerning” links to Russian intelligence services.

At the same time, the then-GOP-led Senate committee made clear that Trump knew of and discussed the release of tens of thousands of Russian-hacked documents and emails pilfered from the Democratic National Committee.

Indeed, Trump may have instructed a close confidant, Roger Stone, to orchestrate the leak of Russian-stolen documents as a political distraction at a make-or-break moment during the 2016 campaign.

But it gets worse. According to former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, in surreptitious conversations with a top Russian official, Trump’s soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn was “neutering” American sanctions designed to punish Moscow for interfering in the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf.

At the time, Flynn’s previous links to Russia made him the target of a counterintelligence probe, thoroughly justifying the FBI’s investigation into his collusive calls with a senior Russian government official.

Perhaps worst of all, Trump’s political allies released sensitive document after sensitive document in a desperate — and ill-fated — bid to score cheap political points for their boss. (Oh but, but, but, Hillary's emails!)

Among other damaging revelations, these selective, politically driven leaks of once highly classified information gave America’s adversaries an intimate look into how America’s secretive spy catchers conduct their work. The long-term damage to national security and to America’s counterintelligence efforts will be debated for years to come.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:28 pm
TheCobbler wrote:
There was Trump-Russia collusion

No there wasn't.

TheCobbler wrote:
and Trump pardoned the colluder

Note that "Manafort-Russia collusion" is not "Trump-Russia collusion".

TheCobbler wrote:
So you are wrong.

No I'm not.

TheCobbler wrote:
...and the degree to which you are wrong reflects on your lack of intelligence.

My IQ is 170. You are the one who lacks intelligence.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:32 pm
House Democrats are finally close to getting Trump's Deutsche Bank financial records
Brad Reed May 17, 2021

House Democrats are finally close to getting Trump's Deutsche Bank financial records

Bloomberg reports that "Trump and House Democrats said in a court filing Monday that they are close to a deal resolving issues surrounding congressional subpoenas of his financial records from Deutsche Bank."

The two parties have thus asked the court to give them an additional 30 days to hammer out negotiations.

The House Financial Services Committee and the House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed the bank all the way back in 2019 in an effort to get more insight into Trump's potential financial conflicts of interest.

Deutsche Bank starting in the late 1990s became the only major financial institution willing to lend Trump significant sums of money, as other banks froze him out after he regularly burned them by defaulting on loans.

Trump infamously refused to release his tax returns throughout his years as president, despite having pledged to do so repeatedly in the past. A lengthy New York Times investigation on his taxes found that the former president repeatedly got himself into financial trouble and that he owes massive sums in personally guaranteed loans that are set to come due in the next four years.

Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 04:58 pm
Your childish name-calling is no surprise.

What more are you capable of?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 05:00 pm
neptuneblue wrote:
House Democrats are finally close to getting Trump's Deutsche Bank financial records

If they leak his private personal information they should be prosecuted for it.
Reply Tue 25 May, 2021 06:53 pm
I'm very sure the Grand Jury indictments will be plastered all over the world.
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