Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Brand X
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 07:44 pm
Chris is good at attacking the true opposition where most of the other R candidates are just there to scream, 'look at me!'. But after watching Hillary get grilled for 11 hours....I've got news for Chris....she's just going to laugh him off with her witch laugh unruffled.

This 'debate' was good in that they actually debated some.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 08:09 pm
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 08:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:


People are only responsible for what they say and do, not for what other people in the room say and do.

This kind of idiocy from not fully formed people that you in particular continually subject us too can stop at anytime.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 08:31 pm
Some nitwits think they aren't known by the company they keep.

Run with dogs, sleep with fleas.
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 08:52 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Some nitwits think they aren't known by the company they keep.

We are responsible for what we do and say, not for what is in other peoples minds. Your beliefs are at general abusive. Your constant clear desire to impose your will upon others is at heart abusive. You are one of the worst of the worst of A2K.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 10:08 pm
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 10:26 pm
Hawkeye's call:

Trump, Carson, Rubio did what they needed to do, Bush did not, and the rest dont matter. (Ok, there is an outside chance that Cruz does matter, he was ok).

Loved the consensus that the R's are part of the problem. That is going to go far with the people.

Best debate yet and this revolution from the little people I think is going to make the R's better than they have been in awhile.
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2015 10:50 pm
Snap polls all say Trump won, Cruz did great, Carson did poorly and Bush lost. Some variation on the rest.

So Trump answers the question " can Trump do an in depth policy debate well" with a resounding "YES!".
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 06:31 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 06:33 am
Now if the coffee didn't cost an arm and a leg and tasted any good at all.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 09:43 am
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 02:59 pm
Donald Trump and Marco Rubio won Tuesday’s night primetime Republican debate, according to an overnight poll of Internet users who watched the contest, but Mr. Trump came out as the favorite among Republicans and left the best impression about his ability to serve as president.

Some 24% of debate-viewers named Mr. Trump and 23% picked Mr. Rubio as the winner of the eight-candidate event, which was sponsored by the Wall Street Journal and Fox Business News. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson followed, with 13% declaring each to have won.

Mr. Trump’s lead in the Internet survey was larger among debate-watchers who said they’d vote in a Republican primary.

Among those GOP voters, Mr. Trump was declared the winner by 28%, with 23% naming Mr. Rubio. Mr. Cruz followed, with 16%, while Mr. Carson had 14%

Other candidates were in single digits among GOP voters: Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina were named the winner by 7% of GOP debate-viewers, while Jeb Bush had 3% and John Kasich 2%.


This is a new kind of snap poll which has it is claimed up to a +/-4% error rate but is sounds right to me. The claims that I see around the web that Bush did great looks to me to be from Establishment wishful thinkers. Cruz clearly did well, his plan is that this is going to end up as Cruz/Rubio and that he will win because he will pick up Carson and Trump supporters. Trump for sure is not going anywhere as he is showing far more political skills than I and almost everyone else knew that he had, and Carson who knows. I personally think that Cruz's plan does not work because he is so much of the dysfunction of Washington, he is the dictionary definition of what the rebellion is against.

It was a very impressive night from The Donald.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 07:01 pm
Surreal GOP Debate Gets Surrealist Grades


When the candidates are spouting nonsense and drawing facts out of thin air, what’s a pundit to do?

Here is the only debate scorecard that matters. We gave the candidates traditional grades in style and substance, and then a more whimsical “overall” one because, let’s be honest, grades are not a very useful metric for assessing political speech or events.

Donald Trump

Style: B-

Still gets most excited when he can talk about walls and winning. Because someone has a gun named Ben Carson at his head, he said nice-ish things about other candidates, though “You should let Bush talk” might also be the night’s sickest burn.

Substance: F

Rand Paul ripped the China-bashing right out from under his feet, and it becomes more and more clear that Trump is less a gifted public speaker than a human beatbox, spitting out variations of the same sounds over and over when pressed. Claimed to be Putin’s “stablemate” at one point, which is the kind of thing Santorum warned us about.

Overall: The last Danish left in the green room.

Ben Carson

Style: C+

He was totally awake for a lot of it.

Substance: D+

When he talked about the people who had died from drug overdoses during the time it took to have the debate, he resisted the urge to call them moral failures. On the other hand, flubbed his answer on ISIS by parroting the Trump Doctrine: “How do we make them look like losers?” At one point attributed the growth of the American economy between 1776 and 1876 to “entrepreneurship,” which is probably a correct representation of how the white people of that period would explain their success as well.

Overall: A blunted knife.

Marco Rubio

Style: B+

Teachers love this kid, always has his hand raised, very polite. When asked something he had a prepared answer for, called it “a good question,” a nice cue for those who have heard them before to take a little mental break. Smiles like Eddie Haskell, frowny-faces like someone who doesn’t want to go to bed yet.

Substance: C

Bravely tackled the huge philosopher glut in the current job market, endorsed welding instead, but what does that really mean? Lauded the growth of Candy Crush, which means I’m unfriending him immediately. Apparently has based his whole platform on gimmicky new economy success stories, and I look forward to the rollout of his plan to combat cyber-warfare by weaponizing “The Dress.”

Overall: Sad Elvis.

John Kasich

Style: B-

His hand gestures suggest debate coaching by Mr. Miyagi, his demeanor as well: Kasich doesn’t want to get the kids off his lawn, he just wants them to stand still and listen for minute, OK? If you’re gonna throw the football around, then you might as well do it right. Shush! Give it over here. Give it! This is not that hard! No, shhh, he’s talking.

Substance: B

Had some actual facts on hand and was clearly frustrated with the moderators’ acceptance of the other debaters’ ideas and other debaters, period. Said of Trump’s Build a Big Wall plan, “It’s not an adult argument,” which is generous because it’s not even an argument. Grumbled about philosopher kings, which gives further context to Rubio’s warning. You know what Madison said: “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be under the guise of logical positivism.”

Overall: Raisins in cookies.

Ted Cruz

Style: B-

Got tripped up naming the governmental departments he’d eliminate, naming Commerce twice, but seems at low risk for being Perry-ed because that’s just how much he hates the Commerce Department. Also, we were distracted from debating just how much of a clusterfuck it’d be if we got rid of the Commerce Department. Talked directly into the camera like he was going to ask you to lay hands on your TV. Often pauses for applause even when it hasn’t started.

Substance: C-

Tried to scare reporters into hysterical nationalism with the image of a bunch of people with “journalism degrees” crossing the Rio Grande, but, ha, joke’s on him: You can’t get a job with a journalism degree! Cruz compared the length of the tax code to the Bible, which is better than the usual GOP tactic of trying to legislate what’s actually in the Bible.

Overall: A paper cut.

Jeb Bush

Style: F+

He so obviously didn’t want to be there, I suspect he somehow wasn’t. Could barely even protest getting interrupted. I’m giving him a F+ rather an F because pity.

Substance: F

At one point, started an anecdote, then stopped it, then tried to start it again and wound up saying, “Uh, anyway.” This is the epitaph of the Bush campaign.

Overall: Off-brand diet cola.

Carly Fiorina

Style: B+

Forest green looks fantastic on her, her hair was molten steel and her jaw was something even stronger. I don’t think her forehead moved but her teeth didn’t much either.

Substance: F

Said that “the secret sauce of America is entrepreneurship,” which it may be, but rampant inequality is the gray-pink meat byproduct poor people are forced to eat. Spouted the same fake-specific military nonsense as before, with the same confidence. Cited Dodd-Frank as a “great example of how socialism starts,” which suggests she doesn’t understand socialism or banking regulations.

Overall: Needing to use the bathroom at the end of a long car ride.

Rand Paul

Style: B-

At this point, Rand realizes that he’s not going to win, so he’s using his time on the debate stage to prove to himself how much smarter he is, anyway. The “ACT-UAL-LY” at the beginning of every answer he gave was silent. Good thing he’s an ophthalmologist because he’s gonna damage his eyes from rolling them so much.

Substance: D

Wants to shrink government down to the size where “you can’t see it” (maybe he’s not a good ophthalmologist?), bristled at Rubio calling him a “committed isolationist” but Rubio has staked out a position that would make Reagan look isolationist. Did some funny math to make the assertion that income inequality is worse in states run by Democrats but, ha-ha, how many states are run by Democrats these days?

Overall: Watching Star Trek re-runs dubbed in a foreign language in your hotel, waiting for sleep to come.

Undercard debate

Mike Huckabee

Style: B-

Even his folksy aphorisms failed him (comparing the fluctuating dollar to something as “crazy as... the price of bread.”)

Substance: B-

Elevated above a C by dint of inventing “the poverty industry” as a political enemy. (Big Poverty, man, always keeping small, independent poverty producers down.)

Overall: The tears of a child on Christmas, a child who sent their allowance to the longshot campaign of a former governor of a far-away state and now worries that gay Muslims will never stop saying “happy holidays” at Starbucks.

Rick Santorum

Style: C+

With a trimmer haircut and lips pressed as tight as an unmarried lady’s should be, Santorum radiated barely suppressed rage. And then he raged.

Substance: D

“America’s most important business is the family,” and corporations are people, and we all die alone.

Overall: Lamp.

Chris Christie

Style: A

No one does “I’m amused and disappointed with all of you” better than Chris Christie (and my mom, R.I.P.). To really shine in a debate, all Christie needed was a much lower bar.

Substance: C-

Mostly, Christie gamely tried to take advantage of an old Republican urban legend that says if you glower at the camera and say “Hillary Clinton” three times in a row while denouncing taxes, the ghost of Lee Atwater will appear and save your campaign.

Overall: A guy in a tollbooth lane, desperately going through the seat cushions for change.

Bobby Jindal

Style: C+

With his Brylcreemed hair, Indian Howdy Doody came to the fight with all the great insults people once threw at him. Right now, he’s back at his hotel room, staring at the ceiling, wondering why that juice box line didn’t crush Christie the way it once crushed him.

Substance: D

He wants to get rid of *everyone* in Washington, and he’s got the intra-Republican oppo research to prove it. With polling this low, he’s gotta go with the high-risk strategy of alienating everyone.

Overall: Participation ribbon.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2015 09:01 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Speaking of Burnie..

Well, I suppose they don't always burn the beans, but I bought some burned Starbucks beans from Costco a few years ago, all clutching each other.

I had a colleague whose husband knew one of the starter people re Starbucks. I should talk with her (the colleague) re what she remembers, for curiosity's sake.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 06:53 am
I like a solidly dark roast, but burnt roast is bitter, and Starbucks usually tastes burnt.

I'd enjoy reading those memories if you're able to extract them from your friend.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 02:53 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Some nitwits think they aren't known by the company they keep

You mean like Obama and Aryes, or Edward Said? How about Tony Rezco?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 04:29 pm
Seriously. First of all, Obama didn't "know" Ayres. He may have bumped into him one or twice a Democratic function. Secondly, Ayres has devoted his life after Weather working as an educator of children in poor neighborhoods of South Chicago. Thirdly, Ayres never called out for the killing of a class of people like that "preacher" did. That preacher certainly called for the murder of all of these people with violence that tops anything Rev Jeremiah Wright ever said.

Who are you really?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 04:32 pm
Speaking of fleas and dogs:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 04:36 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Do people always kick off their campaigns in the homes of people they don't know? Obama being a community organizer would have known someone who "dedicated" his life, after being a domestic terrorist, to the education of poor blacks in the very neighborhood where Obama did his community organizing. Also as I noted, he kicked off his campaign in Ayers home. How did he not know him then?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 12 Nov, 2015 04:58 pm
Not if they have any kind of campaign staff and the "unknown" guy has a nation wide ministry and rants hysterically about having the state execute all gay people.

Google the guy. Would you like to see one of youtube clips????????

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