I will try and explain it, many republicans are unevolved... Meaning they are still in the caveman state, running around with clubs and racist about anyone who is different from their own "tribe". Owning women etc...
Many other (non shithole) countries, for the most part, have evolved and have a social fabric that is accepting and collective.
Republicans know only power and greed, party over principle and partisan over policy. Violence and extortion is the only answer they have to getting along with others.
This is simply a lack of education, intelligence and moral character. Republicans are still living in the jungle, hunters and gatherers and the city dwellers have long overcome the fear of a society that is woven together in peace and "brotherhood".
Republicans have not bonded with others from an early age and so they are still "wild" and untamed by human contact and interaction.
They hide their feelings in hypocrisy versus accepting them and simply being who they are. As if denial is a way of making them go away.
Racism is not always something learned, it is often something garnered by the unlearned.
Like fear of the light or fear of isolation. Some become accustomed to the dark and when the light is turned on they must extinguish it because they think the light created what was obscured by the dark.
Superstition and religion, fantastical imaginary, unscientific, irrational behavior all aimed at extinguishing the light of reason.
Fear of society and "socialism" as if living in a urban environment is somehow "wrong". But living in isolation and ignorance is somehow "right".
This is not devolution but it is rather unevolutionary and the height of ignorance.
Like a domestic cat that never bonds with humans will seemingly always be "wild" though it can learn it will always be prone to fits of terror.
Empathy is learned from a young age and it is what separates educated humans from most other animals. Hitler was uneducated also.
Can republicans be taught? It is unlikely, but sometimes possible.
Overcoming fear is rare. Educating future generations is the key to lifting our society out of the muck and mire... Our children are often more trusting of others than their parents and this is the start of "civilization".