Brandon9000 wrote:
First of all, no one pays more taxes than the government requires knowingly and voluntarily.
Probably true. But the post truly was not about paying more than one should...but about paying
LESS THAN ONE SHOULD. Even a puppet should understand that.
Quote:Second, what makes you think Trump paid $750 in taxes?
What makes you think that I think that Trump paid $750 in taxes? I have no idea of what he paid in taxes. The piece of ****, despite promising to release his taxes, has not done so. So all I have to go on are reports on which to base guesses.
My guess is that if he could get away with paying no taxes at all...he would not have paid the $750.
I do get a kick at the morons who are so dedicated to their Fuhrer that they are not enraged that the disgusting lump of garbage seems to have paid so little despite his supposed wealth.
What a bunch of chumps they are.
Is your source reliable?
For what I think...and guess?
Hell, yes. My source about what I think and guess...is me. And I am very honest about what I think and guess.
Strange question.