The key part of that last was "As I understand It". You are twisting things to fit your goofy one-sided narrative. Look out!! They're coming to get our guns!!!
This is what was actually said in that town hall meeting in New Hampshire:
"Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked Clinton.
The question referenced the buyback policy that Australia introduced in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, where gunman Martin Bryant killed 35 people using a variety of guns at a historic tourist site in the island state of Tasmania.
As she answered the question at Friday's town hall meeting, Clinton said that the evidence appeared to "support" Australia's policy.
"By offering to buy back those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future," she said, before adding that
she did not know how such a scheme could be implemented in the US.
Of course the NRA made a press release directly after that saying
"If you own a gun now, take heed. President [Barack] Obama and now Hillary Clinton finally made clear what they're really after - national gun confiscation,"
Wild, irresponsible exaggeration to keep gun owners in a state of perpetual fear of losing their guns. And simpletons like you just blindly follow suit.
You people are pathetic.
(Just for the record, the collection of guns-for-pay that Australia did, seriously reduced the number of gun deaths and gun violence.)