Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 07:22 pm
. If you can’t see the “damage” done to the GOP by this circus being led by a real estate huckster, you’re dangerously stupid and willfully blind.

you are delusional, Trump is every bit as smart as Carson and Sanders, and has Clinton beat by a lot. This idea from the Left I keep hearing that Trump does not know how to sell himself, that he will be out of the race in a month because of lack of support, is ridiculous. He has decades of experience doing it very very well. If Trump wins then you need to take a sabbatical to try understand how you got to be so wrong about where America is.

You should probably do it anyways.

BTW: The elite are out to get Trump any way they can because they know that if he gets the POTUS chair he will be a traitor to his class, to the elite. Going to war with the champion of the little people makes for some strange bedfellows, the elite on both the Left and the Right are desperately trying to sell the story that Trump is not smart enough for the job, which is ridiculous on the face of it.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 07:25 pm

No, there is a difference. The baker knows that he/her is helping fags get married. The seller has no idea if the buyer is a shooter, just that he/her has passed a back round check. And the sale is legal.

Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 08:21 pm
Trump is not smart enough for the job, which is ridiculous on the face of it.

Trump delegates very well. Reagan delegated very well.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 08:39 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Trump is not smart enough for the job, which is ridiculous on the face of it.

Trump delegates very well. Reagan delegated very well.

Trump is also intellectually smart. Being the egghead is not his brand but he is good at it and he will not refrain from telling us how smart he is. There is a good reason why he is not afraid of the elites, why temper tantrums from the elite do not move him. It is because he is a talented enough intellectual to see through their games and manipulations, and because he knows better than they where the little people are.

Over on CNN’s State of the Union, he answered a similar question with, “I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I was an excellent student. I’m a smart person. I built a tremendous company. I had a show called The Apprentice that NBC desperately wanted me to do another season. I do all this stuff. Do you think I make a stupid statement like that?”

This rehearsed inarticulacy, with its weird boasts and odd syntax, is Trump’s signal to voters that, like a rightwing version of Warren Beatty in Bulworth, you should vote for him because he just doesn’t care. It’s an odd paradox, a kind of nihilism masquerading as the human touch, one that has served Nigel Farage well in Britain. Both men give the impression they’ll say any old thing, since caution is the refuge of the weak. Both use the word “stuff” a lot. (“There’s important stuff to contemplate, about Labour in the south-east of England,” said Farage earlier this year), a verbal shrug that says: I’m so sure of myself I don’t mind sounding stupid.

And both have more than a pinch of self-mockery, something scarce on the ground in politics, which in Trump manifests itself as wild self-aggrandising: “When I was attacked viciously by those women, of course, it’s very hard for them to attack me on looks, because I’m so good-looking.”

Farage, on the other hand, knows that in England the way to ingratiate yourself is through self-deprecation, and so talks about how “useless” he is, confesses he’d be a bad prime minister and describes his own party’s manifesto as “a complete Horlicks”.

The Brits already know this, but as Trump watchers discovered in the US this week, it’s hard to land a blow on the guy who treats the whole thing as a joke


What you see is not what you get with Trump, He is normally three steps ahead of everyone else, but pretends otherwise because he is good at this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 09:04 pm
snood wrote:
So, you’re just an objective observer, with no dog in the fight….

I wouldn't say that. I'm relieved that the Democrats are destined to lose in 2016. They really are a grave threat to American freedom.

I'm also a little concerned over which candidate the Republicans will nominate.

I'm just questioning this nonsense about "my candidates".

snood wrote:
That’s convenient, since all your candidates are garbage.

Which candidates are these?

snood wrote:
It’s surprising you don’t intuitively know who’ll be the nominee with all your profound political insight.

It shouldn't be surprising. "Seeing that the Democratic Party has fatally damaged itself for 2016" does not offer any information as to "who the Republicans will nominate".

snood wrote:
God, you’re full of crap. You “know”? You can “see”? You know bupkus.

I know the current ages of the following left-wing justices:

Anthony Kennedy: 79
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 82
Stephen Breyer: 77

I know that after 2016 we're going to have eight years of Republican appointees to the Supreme Court.

snood wrote:
If you think these republican candidates are interchangeable with each other and that it makes no difference if it’s Trump, Rubio or Bush, you’re ignorant as hell.

That word "if" is a pretty big word for having just two letters in it.

snood wrote:
If you can’t see the “damage” done to the GOP by this circus being led by a real estate huckster, you’re dangerously stupid and willfully blind.

We'll see how Mr. Trump does in the primaries.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 09:11 pm
I wouldn't say that. I'm relieved that the Democrats are destined to lose in 2016. They really are a grave threat to American freedom.

I did not think you were correct when you said over a year ago that it would be the gun issue that wins it for the R's, but as of last week it looks like Hillary is determined to make it so.

We'll see how Mr. Trump does in the primaries.

Romney's campaign manager about 10 days ago promised that Trump would be out by the time the first vote is cast.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 09:26 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
I did not think you were correct when you said over a year ago that it would be the gun issue that wins it for the R's, but as of last week it looks like Hillary is determined to make it so.

I'm not predicting that the gun issue will win the election directly -- just that Mr. Obama wrecked his second term by spending all of his political capital on a futile attack against the NRA.

By not spending that political capital on achieving something positive, he denied himself a second term legislative agenda. Come 2016 it will have been a long six years since he got any legislation passed through Congress.

That lack of anything to show for 3/4 of his presidency is what I'm predicting will win the White House for Republicans.

But Hillary's recently-expressed hatred of our freedom will certainly help the Republicans win.
Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 09:35 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Romney's campaign manager about 10 days ago promised that Trump would be out by the time the first vote is cast.

Trump doesn't scare me as much as Jeb does. I liked W well enough, but I don't trust Jeb on Israel policy.
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Reply Sun 18 Oct, 2015 09:53 pm
But Hillary's recently-expressed hatred of our freedom will certainly help the Republicans win.

Anyone who says that they are open to confiscation has a big problem.

Hillary Clinton said Friday that mandatory gun buy-back programs like ones in Australia are “worth looking into,” sparking criticism that the Democratic presidential front-runner would, if elected, impose gun-confiscation efforts.

Clinton made the comments during a campaign stop in Keene, N.H., when an attendee asked about Australia’s 1996 and 2003 buy-back programs that collected roughly 700,000 banned semi-automatic rifles and other firearms.

“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged,” Clinton responded.

“This validates what the NRA has said all along,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action. “The real goal of gun control supporters is gun confiscation.”

Cox said Clinton’s comments echo recent ones by President Obama, making “very clear” that the underlying goal of gun-control advocates is confiscation.


From the data I have seen America is no where near willing to do this. Really makes her look out of touch.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 05:13 am
No, there is a difference. The baker knows that he/her is helping fags get married. The seller has no idea if the buyer is a shooter, just that he/her has passed a back round check. And the sale is legal.


1. How does a cake help your parents get married? How does a cake do anything at all? You only hate gays? You don't give yourself enough credit. You hate blacks,too.

2.Guns kill. Cakes don't.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 06:12 am
Damn you gun-bots are stupid. A gun buy back is not confiscation. People voluntarily bring their guns in and sell them, but it's hard to believe that anyone needs this explained to them. I never know whether you chumps are really this stupid, or if you just act ignorant to make your stupid points.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 06:25 am
snood wrote:

Damn you gun-bots are stupid. A gun buy back is not confiscation. People voluntarily bring their guns in and sell them, but it's hard to believe that anyone needs this explained to them. I never know whether you chumps are really this stupid, or if you just act ignorant to make your stupid points.

you are not up on the subject....Again

Unlike the voluntary buybacks in the United States, Australian buybacks of 1996 and 2003 were compulsory, compensated surrenders of particular types of firearms made illegal by new gun laws.


That is confiscation. The only reason it was not called that is because the Australians have an even harder time sticking to the truth than we Americans ....they have been corrupting language worse than us even.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 06:44 am
"Unlike the voluntary buybacks in the United States..."

(Besides being willfully ignorant and intentionally misleading)Why would you focus on the Australian buybacks - it's not done that way in the US?
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 06:52 am
snood wrote:

"Unlike the voluntary buybacks in the United States..."

(Besides being willfully ignorant and intentionally misleading)Why would you focus on the Australian buybacks - it's not done that way in the US?

Because as I understand it Clinton was asked specifically about doing something like the Australians did, which was in part confiscation. Talking like that is the best possible way to get rural people to the polls, and they vote R a lot more than D.

Though it is not clear that Clinton understands that the Australians confiscated guns, but how she could not know this IDK, the gun lobby has been on that story big time for a long time.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 07:09 am
The key part of that last was "As I understand It". You are twisting things to fit your goofy one-sided narrative. Look out!! They're coming to get our guns!!!

This is what was actually said in that town hall meeting in New Hampshire:

"Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked Clinton.

The question referenced the buyback policy that Australia introduced in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, where gunman Martin Bryant killed 35 people using a variety of guns at a historic tourist site in the island state of Tasmania.

As she answered the question at Friday's town hall meeting, Clinton said that the evidence appeared to "support" Australia's policy.

"By offering to buy back those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future," she said, before adding that she did not know how such a scheme could be implemented in the US.

Of course the NRA made a press release directly after that saying

"If you own a gun now, take heed. President [Barack] Obama and now Hillary Clinton finally made clear what they're really after - national gun confiscation,"

Wild, irresponsible exaggeration to keep gun owners in a state of perpetual fear of losing their guns. And simpletons like you just blindly follow suit.
You people are pathetic.

(Just for the record, the collection of guns-for-pay that Australia did, seriously reduced the number of gun deaths and gun violence.)
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 07:27 am
she did not know how such a scheme could be implemented in the US.

Ya, I know she is not a brainiac but it is really hard to believe that she does not know what the Australians did, and that she does not know what the US Constitutional gun rights are. So if she is not that stupid then what was she doing? There are two possibilities, one she was trying to evade the question and did it poorly. the other is that she was trying to signal to the pro gun control people that she is willing to consider trying to get Washington to implement extreme measure. No matter what she was trying to do she failed, she hurt herself.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 10:02 am
snood wrote:
The key part of that last was "As I understand It". You are twisting things to fit your goofy one-sided narrative. Look out!! They're coming to get our guns!!!

This is what was actually said in that town hall meeting in New Hampshire:

"Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked Clinton.

The question referenced the buyback policy that Australia introduced in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, where gunman Martin Bryant killed 35 people using a variety of guns at a historic tourist site in the island state of Tasmania.

As she answered the question at Friday's town hall meeting, Clinton said that the evidence appeared to "support" Australia's policy.

"By offering to buy back those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future," she said, before adding that she did not know how such a scheme could be implemented in the US.

Did she say:

"I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged."

or not?

snood wrote:
Wild, irresponsible exaggeration to keep gun owners in a state of perpetual fear of losing their guns. And simpletons like you just blindly follow suit.
You people are pathetic.

There is no exaggeration. The Democrats mean to abolish the Constitution and take everyone's guns away. That is why we need a strong Republican Party in order to protect America's freedom.

snood wrote:
(Just for the record, the collection of guns-for-pay that Australia did, seriously reduced the number of gun deaths and gun violence.)

I'm not sure that being murdered without a gun makes a person less dead.

The main impact was a massive crime spree that lasted for years.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 01:30 pm
Your refusal to challenge Coldjoint says what sort of person you are, end of.

It says I could careless with CJ says because I don't pay CJ any mind. His rantings are just noise which I find easy to ignore. The reason what CJ says bothers you so much is because you two are different sides of the same coin. That's why it bothers you so much. You want people to step up and go against CJ? Why? Because you are not man enough to do it yourself? I give as much thought to CJ's posts as I do to the bug crawling across the grass.

My support for Palestinian self determination is well known, so I take great pains to challenge Holocaust deniers/belittlers like Carlos le Baron or Krumple, because Anti Semitism has no place in the liberation of Palestine.

Because you are a closet Muslim. There's nothing wrong with that, but at least have the balls to step up and admit it. You are one of those fools who throws a party every time an Israeli dies at the hands of a Pal terrorist. You were talking about someone pulling their dick off when people die... What you didn't know is that you were talking about yourself. This past week has been one hell of a jerk off week for you hasn't it?

That's the sort of person I am, you are quite happy to sit alongside bigots because you're one of them. You don't challenge Coldjoint because you agree with him, your posts say as much, you're just too cowardly to stand by what you've said. You're just like the old school racist who has a go at all blacks then tells the one black guy in the room that obviously he didn't mean him, he's different.

I don't sit beside anyone here at a2k. If you think I do, then you are wrong.

I don't challenge CJ because I give as much thought to his posts as I do the bug crawling across the grass outside... None. I stand by what I say, you want me to stand by what YOU think I mean., the 2 do not match. As I said before, those who think about nothing but race and color are the true racists.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 02:43 pm
Baldimo wrote:
It says I could careless with CJ says because I don't pay CJ any mind. His rantings are just noise which I find easy to ignore. The reason what CJ says bothers you so much is because you two are different sides of the same coin. That's why it bothers you so much. You want people to step up and go against CJ? Why? Because you are not man enough to do it yourself? I give as much thought to CJ's posts as I do to the bug crawling across the grass.

Speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way

I dunno. Perhaps "speak at length in an impassioned way" might count. But I'd not consider his posts "wild" or "shouting".

I also don't see the "two sides of the same coin" thing. Izzythepush is outright evil, and makes vile personal attacks against anyone who stands for good. Coldjoint is nothing like that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2015 02:45 pm
Your emphasis on Israelis being killed by Palestinians when the reality is that significantly more Palestinians are being killed by the IDF and settlers shows exactly what sort of person you are. You live in a world divorced from reality, a product of your own prejudice. The same twisted reality that forces you to think that only a Moslem could take issue with your fascistic ideology.

You can't have it both ways, you can't claim not to be Islamophobic whilst attacking Moslems not terrorists, and then staying silent and uncritical when blatant hatred is displayed. BillRM, to give him his due, started a thread challenging CJ on this issue. You despite all your sound and fury about it being noise haven't actually condemned anything he said.

You think you're walking a fine line, you're not. You clogged over it a couple of miles back. Stop kidding yourself you're smart enough to carry it off. You're not.


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