Max Blumenthal, who founded The Grayzone in 2015, also slashed Trump's government for trying to shift the blame in his latest article, arguing that several liberal and conservative American journalists might have played the critical roles in carrying water for Trump's repeated accusations against China from inception.
Max Blumenthal, who appears to have been a trenchant critic of the Republican Party, also implies in his article that some American journalists simply make a virtue of rising anti-China sentiment to seek fame, say, Josh Rogin, a journalist who writes for the Washington Post, which is an anti-Trump newspaper. The Post's owner, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has had contretemps with Trump.
For all his jeremiads about Trump's dilatory response to Covid-19, Max Blumenthal's allusion that liberal publications also help Trump disseminate rumors about the origins of Covid-19 doesn't jibe with the fact that scores of liberal journalists have come out speaking out against Trump's craven efforts to pin blame on China. And there is no reason to think that the Post wants to play such obnoxious conspiracy theories up as an acerbic critic of Trump's policies.
Therefore, Chinese websites don't need to use Max Blumenthal's accusation against Trump as damming evidence to make a case that even Americans think Trump is lying. Make no mistake, Trump is a liar or blamer. Yet Max Blumenthal or his website The Grayzone's criticism of Trump simply cuts no ice with American voters, since The Grayzone is still a "two-bit" website- by which I mean most Americans hardly pay attention to such websites. Plus, unlike ProPublica, which has hired some revered journalists, The Grayzone's authors seem to be all little-known ones.
Max Blumenthal may also have made a big mistake by expostulating with liberal publications instead of the conservative publications supportive of Trump. Doing this would only sow division within the anti-Trump camp and give fodder to Fox News in its quest to besmirch the reputation of the anti-Trump camp. Chinese websites had better not to use The Grayzone as a weapon to fight against Trump for this reason.
Actually, some Chinese websites have already done this; Max Blumenthal was interviewed by some Chinese reporters days ago and his articles have been translated into Chinese. Personally, I don't think it was a prudent move considering that Max Blumenthal is just a bit player, although he claims to have written a best-selling book. And don't forget that he is an anti-Semite and once appeared on Fox News to chide the Democrats.
He can not be trusted as another attention-seeker