I will quote a source, "the King James Bible".
I am not relying on what an "expert says about it" but what it says about itself.
I can show you thousands of ancient Greek words, they are behind every word and phrase in the King James Bible. Many of them I have studied in-depth (Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew). Some are words that are not very rich in meaning like: is, and, but, are... and some are a treasure trove of understanding. Like déxomai and lambano (GR). These words both mean "to receive" but there is a subtle difference between them that is very important in understanding how and what we "receive"...
You can look up each English word and find out which ancient text it was taken from and which word each word was translated from.
This is not possible with many of the other "translations" because exhaustive concordances have not been compiled and published for them, tracing every word back to the Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew, this is impossible with many translations. These "modern" translations do nothing but disconnect you from the ancient texts (is this on purpose?) ... Besides, they were not all translated by many renowned experts from the world over like the King James Bible was. Many modern translations were translated by quacks and frauds, "no experts from all over the world" were called in and parts were added and changed to suit their wacky agenda.. Perhaps this is true with the King James Bible also but at least you can check their work by tracing every single translated word back to the ancient copies yourself.
I don't need it translated into American slang by idiots so other idiots can understand. The KJV has extraneous books that trace the words, similar to tables of numbers, that allow you trace every single word back to the ancient texts that the verses were translated from and see what word is behind each "Old English" word...
This is why most experts STILL use the King James Bible to study words.
I happen to own these exhaustive concordances and have used them for years since I was very young to do countless word studies.
I am familiar with many ancient words off the top of my head but I have books that give me access to every single ancient Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew word used in the Bible, interlinears, lexicons and concordances etc...
I have mentioned that I am ordained clergy, I have over 10 years of deeply intensive study, that makes me a doctor of theology. I cannot read ancient Greek fluently because I have expertise in other areas also i.e. historical, biblical thought, geography, memorization and recall and knowledge of spiritual matters that go way beyond what most people (even most experts) are aware of.
I was taught by "experts" to study the book for myself and not rely on them or others to do it for me.
The expert that I use to study the Bible is, "the Bible itself" (not Google)... lol Not only the English words but the words behind them.
THAT is the first part of "the process".
If you are listening to experts rather than studying the book yourself then than you are easily misled and not connected to the fountain/source of the writings. Hmmm, easily misled...
I will continue this conversation in my "What Is Evangelism" thread.
Please continue with the politics peeps.