Of course he is criticizing the CTS. The CTS didn't give him the results he wanted.
If scientifically collected data doesn't match your pre-existing beliefs, you have two choices. You can either accept the scientific data and evolve your beliefs, or you can go back to find a way to try to refute the scientific data until you can convince yourself that you were right all along.
This happens a lot when you have an ideology with a vested interest in a scientific question. If the number you get don't match an ideology, the researchers are often asked to go back and find a way to get better numbers.
I don't think this is a very good way to do science.
If there is an objective consensus to have a new measure, then that is perhaps valid. But when one side of an ideological divide is calling for a new number because they don't like the results, that makes me uncomfortable, especially when there is a political component (as there is in domestic violence).
Ideology shouldn't be allowed to drive science.