My statements were made using deduction. They are my opinions and I should have stated as such. I apologize for not making this clear.
Considering his close ties to the oil industry, it seems unusual that so many of his cabinet and other appointees would have similar ties, if not for their wanting to further their personal interests, like invading oil rich nations. Iraq has the oil and Afghanistan would be a good place for the pipeline to go through, providing the Afghanis were receptive to that idea.
Regarding Bush and the constitution, there is the matter of his ignoring it back in the time of the Vietnam war. It's a question of the missing three months, which most of us are aware of. Instead of reporting for duty, he worked on an election campaign, yet was never punished. On active duty and in the National Guard, it's considered AWOL. Anyone else trying it would be charged with being AWOL, why wasn't he?
Bush declared war without a vote on a declaration of war being held by congress. Forcing the Homeland Security down the throats of congress and the people has caused strong concern. They are able to do pretty much what they want to do. They can detain people simply on accusation by others, including neighbors that might overhear a neighbor they don't like say things against the government. This agency is even capable of tapping into such things as what books are checked out at public libraries by private citizens! Many of our constitutional rights are thrown out the window, if there is any hint of anti-americanism. This smacks of McCarthyism and worse!!
Again, these are my observations, deductions and opinions. I'd like to know why I was singled out to explain my answer in my previous post here, when others have expressed their thoughts and opinions so freely,
without being challenged for facts. Just curious.