Is George Bush Trustworthy

Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 02:18 pm
The poll of the day on CNN was, Is Moammar Gadhafi trust worthy the results were 93% no. I wonder if the question was, is George Bush trustworty what the results would be.
What is your opinion, do you think G. Bush is trustworthy?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,731 • Replies: 54
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 02:26 pm
The more I learn about the guy, the less I feel I can trust him. I'm sure someone here can go into a whole thing about particulars.

I think what started me not trusting him very much was how hyped I was when he said he would get Osama "dead or alive". When I noticed a few months later how the words "Osama Bin Laden" didn't even come out of his mouth anymore, thats when I started saying, "heeeeey.... somethin' fishy is goin' on"
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:16 pm
Well I think the most obvious action he is criticised for was the decision to invade Iraq under the guise of eliminating Iraq's WMD, and to this day none were found which has led to a multitude of occasions in which he was deemed to be no trustworthy by the media, and individuals across the world. Clarke's book only contributed further to the image of Bush being untrustworthy.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 04:54 pm
I refuse to trust anyone capable of getting themself elected.

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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:03 pm
The White House is No Longer Trustworthy
by James Glaser
March 15, 2004

At one time I thought George Bush and his administration was trying to make America a better place for all of us and that his way of doing it was just different than the way I thought it should be done.

Now I look at what President Bush and his people do and I have to wonder if they are actually trying to destroy our country and make us a pariah to the rest of the world. Now whenever the President or one of his people says something, I have to ask myself if I believe it or not.

It isn't one thing that got me thinking this way, but the fact that almost every week there is another false hood exposed or a very bad policy decision made by the Executive Branch of our government.

It started all the way back with 9/11 when the President sat there reading to those grade school kids as terrorists continued to attack us. He then went into a day of hiding and only came out when the "all clear' was given.

Giving a free plane ride home for every rich Arab in America didn't make any sense to me either. No other plane could fly in the United States except for the one George sent for his Saudi friends, so they could get out of the country.

We gave Osama bin Laden every warning a person could want before we attacked Afghanistan. Warning after warning, threat after threat, allowed Osama to get his family away and disperse his whole organization through out the world. Even though bin Laden has no country, George Bush decided to treat him as if he did, instead of branding him as a criminal, we went to War with him.

George Bush made Osama bin Laden an international hero for much of the world and Osama made America look foolish and he still does. He can still get on television when ever he wants to and his brand of murder has been carried out world wide by people that think they are in a War, not a criminal conspiracy. They think that because the President of the United States made it a War on Terrorism. War has a note of honor and George Bush has given this "honor" to these murderers.

The whole world watched as George Bush and the American military gave bin Laden plenty of time to get away in Afghanistan and they then saw us kill thousands of poor innocent people in that country. The world watched as we dropped food packets the same color as our cluster bombs. People the world over saw pictures of little starving Afghan children that were killed or maimed, when the thought a dud cluster bomb was a food packet. People hear report after report of children getting killed in George Bush's first war and to this day they are still seeing reports of American mistakes in Afghanistan that kill children ten to twelve at a time.

Then the world along with the American people watched as Bush abandoned the War in Afghanistan, the search for Osama bin Laden, and launched the might of the American military on to another pitiful third world country, Iraq.

Bush used every thing he could think of, every excuse, every lie, and every distortion to get the world to go along with him and in the end he only got three countries, Great Britain, Australia, and Spain. Later on with money and coercion, he had another set of countries go along with him and he called them the "coalition of the willing." They still number less than 10% of the world's nations.

We all know about the lying of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the hoax about Saddam Hussein's ties to al Qaeda. We have all suffered with the over 560 American families that lost loved ones in Iraq and the thousands more that have had a family member wounded. Some of us even think about the thousands and thousands of innocent Iraqi children that have been killed or maimed.

It isn't just the United States that is watching what George Bush is doing; the whole world wonders where all of this killing will take us. People the world over know that George Bush feels that America has the right to kill any women or children, the aged, or the infirmed if we are going after terrorists. They know that the Unites States believes that our right for revenge is greater that any innocent persons right to life.

Since the terrorists attack on the United States, American military forces have killed an estimated 15-20 thousand innocent people and have wounded tens of thousands more in Iraq and Afghanistan. The whole world wonders if their country might be next.

Just recently the world has watched as George Bush and the American government is accused of overthrowing President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti. Before the Bush administration a simple denial by Washington would have sufficed, but now nobody believes any more and not only other nations, but American politicians from both parties are asking if we did that.

They ask this because somebody gave American military arms to those overthrowing the Haitian President and he was flown out of the country on an American plane guarded by US Marines. They also read about how Washington has funded opposition forces in Venezuela, where Bush is trying to get rid of the democratically elected President, Hugo Chavez.

Just because the American media decides not to cover these things, do not think the rest of the world is in the dark too. They watch the United States and George Bush out of fear. America is the world's only super power and we have our troops in well over a hundred and twenty five countries.

The rest of the world watches as Bush keeps trotting out the pictures of the World Trade Center, hoping to get votes and they know he hires actors to play roles in his election commercials because the real people would find his tactics distasteful.

American citizens watch as their President does everything he can to block investigations into the cause of the September 11th terrorist attacks and the way intelligence was used to get the American Congress to go along with Bush's second war, in Iraq.

Now we see that it isn't just foreign policy that George Bush plays "games" with, but also domestic policy. It was reported this weekend that a government Medicare Cost Analyst was ordered to provide false figures on the cost of the new Prescription Drug Bill to Congress or he would be fired.

The only reason that people would believe something like this is that Bush and his administration has lied and distorted the truth so much that any wrong doing could now be believed.

There are now tens of millions of Americans that no longer trust our President nor his administration and I am one of them. I would give this some serious debate if I felt that I was somehow a member of some small faction of conspiracy theorists or an out and out Bush hater, but I am not.

For a long time now I have written about one Bush foul up after another and I used to think the guy was trying to do things the way he thought was best for all of us. I really believed that George Bush thought giving tax cuts to the richest people in America would help everyone. I didn't believe it, but I thought George did. I thought because George Bush had never been to war, he had no idea of what he was unleashing when he sent the Army and the Marines to attack a pitiful country like Afghanistan. A country with no Army, Air Force, Navy, almost nothing at all to fight us with, but he did it again when we attacked Iraq.

We knew with the first Gulf War that Iraq had nothing militarily and after a decade of our embargo, they had even less. No nation, not even Russia can stand against the American Military. Washington know this, the rest of the world knows this, but the American people still want to keep pouring money into our killing machine. Please don't even think of calling our military a "defense."

To this day we still can not defend our own country. Tens of thousands illegal aliens come to our country each and every week. George Bush does nothing about this and even encourages more people to come by saying that he will make them legal.

George Bush is really hurting our country. I don't know why he is doing this, but he is. Maybe being the most powerful man in the history of the world was too much for him and he has decided to run amuck. The whole world is watching him do it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:13 pm
The only thing we can trust Bush to do is fill his pockets and that of his cronies with money. Oh, there is a second thing, destroy the basic foundation of our country by ignoring the constitution he swore to uphold and defend.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:27 pm
Wiyaka wrote:
The only thing we can trust Bush to do is fill his pockets and that of his cronies with money. Oh, there is a second thing, destroy the basic foundation of our country by ignoring the constitution he swore to uphold and defend.

How so? You just made unfounded claims.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 08:20 pm
Is George Bush Trustworthy?

buffy laughs ..........
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 08:27 pm
Only when he's a permanent resident of Texas.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:00 am
Well, at least from the results of our unscientific poll he is thought to be more trustworthy than Gadhafi.
But not by a hell of a lot. Twisted Evil
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:02 am
I am sure the results are a little skewed here. Fortunately, A2K does not represent the American population.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:06 am
Is it safe to say, that most of the votes on this thread were cast by liberal Dems?

I'm a conservative and think President Bush is trustworthy. As far as Mrs Clinton is concerned, that, of course, is a different matter, the possible basis for a separate and distinct thread.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:12 am
Disagree with Bush and they think by striking out at Clinton they are answering the criticism, like kids in a name calling fight. Consider this, please, Miller: I did not vote for Clinton last time he ran and I have spent considerable time criticising the man. But what does that have to do with the fact I consider Bush the worst president in our history?
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:15 am
edgarblythe wrote:
Disagree with Bush and they think by striking out at Clinton they are answering the criticism, like kids in a name calling fight. Consider this, please, Miller: I did not vote for Clinton last time he ran and I have spent considerable time criticising the man. But what does that have to do with the fact I consider Bush the worst president in our history?

My comments were directed at Mrs. Clinton, not her husband.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:17 am
McGentrix wrote:
I am sure the results are a little skewed here. Fortunately, A2K does not represent the American population.

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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:23 am
I misread the MRS part, but what I said is still the truth. If you think by saying perhaps Hillary is not trustworthy in any way answers the the question in this thread, you are mistaken. That's a little kid's name calling tactic, not a discussion related to the thread.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:37 am
Cinton, Clinton, you people have Clinton on the brain. The question was about Bush. You know the loose cannon in the oval office.

Check the latest "error" tripped over
Colin: We goofed
on terror-dip data


WASHINGTON - Despite U.S. contentions that worldwide terrorism declined last year, the State Department acknowledged yesterday its conclusions were dead wrong.The findings had been used to boost one of President Bush's top foreign policy claims: success in countering terror activity.In fact, the number of incidents and victims rose sharply, officials said."I can assure you it had nothing to do with putting out anything but the most honest, accurate information we can," Secretary of State Powell said. "Errors crept in that, frankly, we did not catch here."A report issued in April said attacks declined last year to 190, the lowest level in 34 years, and had fallen 45% since 2001, Bush's first year as President.State Department officials are working to determine the right figures. "We will be correcting whatever needs to be corrected," Powell said.Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who had challenged the findings, said he is pleased that officials "have now recognized that they have a report that has been inaccurate, and based on the inaccurate information they tried to take self-serving political credit for the results that were wrong." "[Powell] says it wasn't politically motivated, so I will accept that," Waxman said. However, he added, "We are still left with the fact that this report is useless until it is corrected."
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:49 am
Trick question or a joke?

The shrub is less trustworthy than most used car salesmen.

But let's see-Clinton - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" -yeah right.

Bush I - "Read my lips, no new taxes" except for this one and that one and the other one.

And before that was Ronnie who we were terrified would start world war three because he's was likely to doze off with his finger on the switch at 10:00 am. (And then get his wife to explain why)

I don't think the US does a really good job choosing any of it's leaders. And my own nation elected the most worthless slimy little turd in the country.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:49 am
Amazingly enough, I trust Hillary to do what she thinks is best for her constituents. I just don't like her.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 07:54 am
is'nt it rather a mute point whether or not a dangerously misguided person can be trusted to carry out their dangerously misguided plans, or not.
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