McGentrix wrote:Why do Carters religious beliefs garner more respect than Bush's?
Read The gospel of Matthew, especially chapters 5,6,7. Then contrast the actions (both inside and outside of the presidency) of Bush and Carter to the words and life of Christ. Of course, deciding who garners my respect is a personal thing. The Jesus portrayed in the gospels does garner my respect.
Christ was concerned about helping the poor, love, forgiveness, peace and the kingdom of God. Christ was against vengence, didn't speak to kindly of the rich and eschewed violence.
"Love your enemies" is not a part of the Bush doctrine. Nor are policies that help the poor.
I feel Carter's idealism and integrity hurt his presidency. I still deeply respect him for it. His policies tried to create peace and help the poor.
But, the real test of Carter's religion was his very successful work after he left the presidency. He has remained very active working for justice, peace and poverty issues.