Touche - I touchtype and sometimes confuse letters. I'm well aware of how to spell "BelIEve", thanks!

Enough silliness and ad hominem stuff from me.
I'll try to answer your points in turn:
"Why? "
I understand Hillary's ideologies to be closer to my own than Dubya's.
"What is it that she has done to distinguish herself over Bush? hat has she done that wasn't out of pure self-interest?"
I maintain that this is a non-argument. We each act out of our idea of what is right/beneficial to us and those for whom we care...that applies to everyone, not just politicians. As for what has she done to distinguish herself from Bush - where do I start: they are chalk and cheese!
"What has she done to demonstrate her ability to lead an entire country or to encourage the American populace to follow her?"
No one can prove their ability to lead an entire country without doing so, can they? Having intelligence, compassion and reason on her side would be a good start - things I believe she has proven. Whether the American populace would follow her is a matter for the ballot box, surely, not for me (as a non-American) to decide.
"I think Hillary would be even more devisive to the American country."
You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. Just because you find her/her policies objectionable does not mean that they are either wrong or that being divisive is a bad thing, for that matter. Sometimes there can be no agreement on certain subjects. Like this one between us, I suspect.