Finding the same sex attractive is not what determines your gender preference.
You can only be the one that can determine where are your sexual preferences. At the very least, you sound inexperienced. This is a choice. Your preference to not have intimacy and to wait is commendable.
You have higher values and prefer to act respectfully when you're not making lewd comments about female bodies or thinking of them only as sex objects. This is not an indication of being gay or not gat.
Sexuality varies - on a spectrum. This means there's variations in behavior (between asexuality....homosexuality, bisexuality and hetero) and your own preferences. When you do have intimate moments with one gender or the other, you'll know where you feel most comfortable.
When and if you find yourself fantasizing about one sex at the exclusion of the other, this may mean you need to explore a bit more. Don't allow societal pressures to be sway you one way or the other. Your preferences can and should be a private matter.
Practice safe sex and enjoy your life without fear or judgment - whether self-generated or external.