You are in a place you know nothing about. You have no friends. You're a Mother with two small children and work in addition. Off course you are feeling down and out, just on that frontage.
I bet, if you were able to have him look after the kids and you hit the gym or took a class of something you have passion about, you'd not feel so down in fact you'd feel that you own something, yourself.
If you are not ready to leave then make other changes. Changes for you. You didn't state whether he works or not, just that you do.
Think back to when you were 17, what was your passions? Then go and start one of them via a course, mingle in places where you can make friends.
The moment he realises you aren't just going to sit there, work, watch all of this, tend to the kids but also have "a life" is the moment in my opinion he's going to realise what he has.
Remember though, you both cheated and this was meant to be a fresh start, that's not easy hon. Things take time.