Find at least one person to hang with. Not necessarily of your age or an adult, it can be a child as well. Somebody with whom you will feel enough comfort to talk more frequently. This might be a good starting point to socialize again with others in the future.
Avoid to be alone.
Try something you have not done before, like learning to play a musical instrument, or practicing a sport where at least two persons will participate, can even be playing cards, a video game, anything to be in contact with another person and keep your concentration busy.
Try yourself a new make up, a different color of hair, a new dress, make a new "you" in front of the mirror. Don't think too much about it, just select and do it.
Be positive.
Something has caused the increasing of daydreaming on you. It would be a good help if you can find what caused it. If not a trauma or a physical condition -have your health status check by a doctor, and don't mention at all about your daydreaming- then, don't worry about it, just start your life all over again. Otherwise, focus in the mental trauma or the physical condition to be put under treatment.
Be aware that you might need to start your life lots of times after you fall in daydreaming from time to time, but the only person who can help you it's you yourself.
You came here asking for advice, and this is a good signal that you want to change, that you want to start again your life without "much" daydreaming.
Everybody have daydreaming, so it is not bad as you think it is, the point is to control it in order to make you live your life facing reality in a more frequent rate.