The best argument winner I ever saw was Lucy to Charlie Brown.
He had pointed out the indefensibility of her position, and she annihilated him with the following response:
"You" she said
"have a homely face."
Of course, I am not sure of the parameters of that judgment.
L.R.R. Hood, I checked out the link, and I agree. It's a bit sad really. I'm going out on a limb here, but I do believe that Relative's post was ironic, as I know that they can spell better, so I don't think it was defensive (re: MyOwnUserName's post). I'm enjoying the interaction in this thread, as it does point to a lot of flaws in political arguments here. Personally, I feel that at the end of the day, nobody should feel the need to 'win'.
I completely agree cavfancier. It amazes me at how some people just won't give up... even after you give links and fully explain. LOL
Cav writes:
Quote:Personally, I feel that at the end of the day, nobody should feel the need to 'win'.
If Cav wasn't so young and if I wasn't so old and so married, I would propose. This is by far the most perceptive, most intelligent, and most sensible statement yet made on A2K.
And never forget the most powerful of them all:
A: "And how d'you know THAT!??"
B: "Cos' I'm a woman."
A: "AAAARGH!" (thud)
McGentrix wrote:Compare your opponent to Adolf Hitler.
This is your heavy artillery, for when your opponent is obviously right and you are spectacularly wrong. Bring Hitler up subtly. Say: "That sounds suspiciously like something Adolf Hitler might say" or "You certainly do remind me of Adolf Hitler."
This wouldn't work in Europe.
joefromchicago wrote:Sounds like a bunch of you really need to get laid.........
and the ever popular:
"if you are going to make suggestions, how about some specific information, and techniques?"
and i must add; if it really looks like you are going to lose, when all the above has been used to its most virulent effect, start to look like you are going to cry.................
Foxfyre wrote:........If Cav wasn't so young and if I wasn't so old and so married, I would propose. This is by far the most perceptive, most intelligent, and most sensible statement yet made on A2K.
as Mr. Caviar's official agent (don't tell Ms Fancy about this), i would hasten to say - nobody's 'that' old, or that 'married'; call us! :wink:
I think Foxfyre just won.
Bo makes a good point as well. Start to cry, virtually, and you win sympathy votes. Also, if in a heated debate with someone, just interject a humorous quip like "Okay, I see your point, but don't you really just wanna git down like Bill, and make a mess all over Capitol Hill?" It doesn't matter what sex they are, that sort of statement is guarenteed to throw them off, or make them laugh, at least.
you forgot "You're an asshole"
you forgot "You're mother was good to me last night"
try 'em. dicussion will grind to a quick halt.
cav, you ARE aware that I was kidding right?
MyOwnUsername wrote:cav, you ARE aware that I was kidding right?
Erm, yes, check out my posts! When do I not kid?
I noticed McG's original comment too! I thought that the "It's the clown suit, isn't it" would have confirmed that, but yes, I knew it was a joke.
well, yeah, I was sure at that moment...later I got confused
Does that mean I 'won' the argument? Heh silly. Finally, a political thread I can relate to.
No. I think as a pre-requsite to winning any argument, no clown suits must be involved.
McGentrix wrote:No. I think as a pre-requsite to winning any argument, no clown suits must be involved.
What if I take off the wig and shoes, and pretend to have an opinion?
Individual wrote:Then you're republican
That sounds like something Goering would say...