Sun 21 Dec, 2014 07:29 am
Was dealing with this guy who led me to believe he was just supporting this woman until she could get back on her own, told me they were having too many problems and the book was closed with her. One night they got into it pretty bad and the police were called and they told her to leave. So he calls me and wanted to spend time with me and we did. A week later he tells me she is moving back in, he's in love with her and its the right thing to do since he has "equity" in her. To me that sounds like bs because equity doesn't stop people who have been married for years from divorcing. They were only together for a year. During his time away from her it seems he used it poorly he used me and led me to think it was going to be me and him but while i was at his house during this time he had another woman stalking him and calling and hanging
up! If he was so in love why did he do this to me and the woman stalking him? He's so in love but he cheats on her, uses prepaid phones behind her back, has an online dating site for which he pays for ( this is how i met him), etc. i feel bad because i was attracted to him and he used me. But i keep thinking he used me and this other girl and now he's gone back to the gf ad a changed man but do cheaters change? He 's hid his facebook page again, changed the phone number to his house as if he has changed BUT he has done this before. Since i've known him for less than a year he had changed that phone number at least 3 times and continues to buy prepaid phones yet he is so in love. I think he may be a bit controlling as well! Am i doing the right thing to rid myself of him? Do these types of guys change?
This guy's CHARACTER is crap.
NO! He is NOT going to change.
Learn from this. Stay away from bad boys.
People can change. I was a HUGE world class womanizer for years and cheated on the three wives previous to squinney. ALL the time. It was easier for me because I was a touring rock musician but still. Then I met squinney and we were married for 25 years. Even though I remained in the entertainment business and got offers galore, I was never unfaithful to her in all that time. People can and do change.
I don't know about this guy...he still has an active dating profile.
Pinkplush wrote: he's gone back to the gf
Am i doing the right thing to rid myself of him?
he's with his girlfriend
he was cheating on her with you
why do you think you got rid of him - he's gone back to his girlfriend
why are you still monitoring him?
time to cut off contact and get on with your life
I looked at his profile because i felt like it!!! If i want to monitor it thats my business.
Then do what you feel like doing. You asked for advice; don't blame people for offering advice.
You're stupid, sorry to say!
And you are smart? Spending half of your life talking to cheaters in forum?
I am so surprised you haven't been flamed yet. It is probably because everyone is busy with presents for holidays but beware
Eliusa wrote:
And you are smart? Spending half of your life talking to cheaters in forum?

In the hopes they're smarten up too! No such luck with you, but there are others who might be not as resistant as you are.
So you are basically living here in hope that some of us will smarten up and instead of cheating will sit here and give out advices? Hmmm...
....and while we're on the subject, you're quite limited too, aren't you?
yes I am Limited...Edition!!!
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
do your worst Corky
I gotta get some popcorn for this.
nah... I don't know this person so I'm not engaging
I am always do just that! I do not even need an encouragement...but thanks anyway
Eliusa wrote:
I am always do just that! I do not even need an encouragement...but thanks anyway
Boring response as usual...better get your G.E.D.