we could faintly hear the 'Russel'ing...............................
Translating Russian obscene speech into English is difficult, as Russian mat (as such swearing was called, a word with the same root as the word for "mother") tends to be far more varied, complex, and lavish than English swearing, and often quite different in form. For example, the original here, gonite pozhalusta ginirala karnilova k khuiam sobachim (the many misspellings are in the original), literally means "please drive General Kornilov to the dog pricks."
dròm_et_rêve wrote:nimh wrote:Translating Russian obscene speech into English is difficult, as Russian mat (as such swearing was called, a word with the same root as the word for "mother") tends to be far more varied, complex, and lavish than English swearing, and often quite different in form. For example, the original here, gonite pozhalusta ginirala karnilova k khuiam sobachim (the many misspellings are in the original), literally means "please drive General Kornilov to the dog pricks."
That's really interesting; I wish that English had a proper equivalent to 'please drive General Kornilov to the dog pricks.' Much classier.
Yes. This was from a footnote to a translation that was made to read "Please drive out that ******* son of a bitch General Kornilov". Its just not the same thing.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:(Incidentally, Nimh; have you studied more Hungarian since the last time?)
Nah. Nuthin.
We should start making incomprehensible curses now!
May Kafka lovingly lick your left earlobe.
Australia is not europe you know ! ! We don't have kangooroo in the parking of our supermarket !
Truly a perplexing game; "we exit"
you being Jezebel or Aiden; ot the Taco Bell Guy?
Clary wrote:Nabokovinertiadvertiseminarymansbookstorehabilitationwardchristiansoldiersatzitzikamandolin
Here is a thought: I wonder how people in the future will take this part of the site?
Made a new thread:
Florid + typical swear words / expressions, around the world
Nothing in it yet, tho ... you can still be first.
O, I am neither Aidan or Jezebel (certainly not the latter.) There is a Taco Bell guy in all of us. Most of which are Michael Moore.
Here's a VERY bad Dutch joke for our patron saint:
Een beroemd Amerikaans romanschrijver ontmoette bij een bezoek aan New York eens een wereldberoemd pianist. 'Ik ben op mijn manier ook musikus,' zei de schrijver. 'Mijn muzikaal talent heeft me eens het leven gered. Er was een grote overstroming in ons dorp, en toen het water ons huis bereikte, klom mijn vader op de keukentafel, en dreef de rivier af, totdat hij gered werd.'
'En U?' vroeg de musikus diep geroerd. 'O. Ik!' zei de schrijver. 'Ik begeleidde hem op de piano.'
*Bo dom, tish*
Possibly a touch funnier, if one spoke a little Dutch;
But without money we couldn't start anything, and the money was in the banks. At the time, some believed that it was heretic when people like us, who were against capitalism and money, would get our money from the banks. Now thats become the most normal thing in the world. After all, we didnt need the money for ourselves. We took it because the revolution needed money. We were the first, at the time in Spain, the inventors so to say. At the time it was said that it was immoral. Now everyone knows its moral; at the time, people thought it was unjust; now everyone knows it is just.
Für Clary und anderes:
So we'll go no more a roving
So late into the night;
Though the heart be still as loving
And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath
And the soul outwears the breast
And the heart must pause to breathe
And love itself to rest
Though the night was made for loving
and the day returns to soon
Yet we'll no more go a roving
By the light of the moon.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Clary wrote:Nabokovinertiadvertiseminarymansbookstorehabilitationwardchristiansoldiersatzitzikamandolin
Here is a thought: I wonder how people in the future will take this part of the site?
since they probably won't be able to read, at that point, they may simply pray to it!
How awful would that be? I have my suspicions that they would think it as a get-rich-quick scheme that they need to decipher.