Ever stand back, squint, and look at an old map of St. Louis, Missouri?
I did now... but what I saw was too obscene to repeat here.
Quote:Methinks the midget won't be so keen on fist-bumping the Terrorist once he finds out his taxes are doubling so William Ayers can have convicted Negro felons teach highschoolers how to perform forced abortions on their Christian mothers under portraits of Malcolm X and Timothy Leary.
Greetings, my name is Jury V Oschepkov, my project refers to "AVGUSTEISHAYA" this name does not give in to exact translation into English language. If to simplify, it is the Russified title of the Roman Emperors, or it is possible to translate as " More than August " that will be not less true. That is the name of collective basically does not give in to translation. I worked at cinema much. Basically it there was a direction of installation and installation of documentary films. As has removed a documentary serial received the premium " Negatively but Objectively " at festival " the Board and the Feather " in Russia. Though this premium as cannot characterize me as the artist. It I am simple for the information I write. I do not like anything to do aimlessly, even daily trips on a bicycle in a wood (I live near a wood) at me not simply for reception of a charge of vivacity and health. I go on a spring behind water. There can be I the boring person? I do not know my native and close so do not consider. And about the project "AVGUSTEISHAYA" for work above each new album I usually type new structure of musicians, and here there has now come that moment when I am engaged in a set of new people for this project so while is not present concerts records new. But they soon will appear. As they say - watch advertising! Success everything, and happiness!
Posted by Serge G
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I would like inform you that Scarlett Johansson (actress)actually is a clone from original person,who has nothing with acting career.Clone was created illegally by using stolen biomaterial. Original Scarlett Galabekian last name is nice, CHRISTIAN young lady!I'll tell you more,those clones(it's not only one)made in GERMANY-world leader manufacturer of humans clones,it is in Ludwigshafen am Rhein,N. Bavaria, Mr. Helmut Kohl home town.You can't even imaging the scale of the cloning activity.But warning! H. Kohl clone staff 100% controlling their clones spreading around the world,they are very accurate with that, some of them are still NAZI type disciplined and mind controlled clones,be careful get close with clones you will be controlled too.Original family did not authorize any activity with stolen biological materials,no matter what form it was created,it all needs back to original family control to Cedars-Sinai MedicalCenter in LA.Original Scarlett is not engage,by the way!
In 2005, former Cornell University entomologists Quentin Wheeler and Kelly Miller named 65 new species of slime-mold beetle of the genus Agathidium, with one named Agathidium vaderi after Darth Vader.
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Sometimes I say things that I can't believe came out of my mouth. Or I won't mean something and it will come out completely nonsensical.
Rachael Leigh Cook
Yes, I confessed, I did use the mini-bar. I took the chips, the cashews, and the coke can too, even though the price of the three could have paid for one Congolese child’s food for a lifetime.