Paranormal Experiences

Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 08:00 am
Paranormal experiences are quite 'normal' in my household but this story I'm about to relate is kind of disturbing (for me that is. I have not mentioned a word about this to my parents or anyone else).

From where I'm from, the belief of ghosts of the dearly departed and other supernatural beings is very common, either in the form of believable superstition, possible sightings and plain uncertain rumors. The area I live in used to be covered in only thick forest with no previous signs of it being used at all by a human population. Thus, the usual goings on of stereotypical rumor circulation among the large suburban community that has now settled here. Rolling Eyes

I chose to believe that ghosts and supernatural beings exist only in the mind and the subconscious as an element of fear and anxiety brought about by social influence. My family chose otherwise and simply speaking I began to believe as much as they do when the 'occurances' began.

Nothing of the extreme sort like flying objects and stuff as the 'other' family that has taken up residence in our house is quite peaceful. Occurances like missing objects that reappear after a few seconds, moving curtains, rolling chairs, strange arowana behaviour (my family has 2 of them and they do not usually act up as much since they are quite lazy), voice callings and footsteps. The family consists of a father and mother, two younger brothers, aged 5 and 1, and an elder sister aged 8.... or 18. I have very little clue of the sister's age. My mother claims they are from another plane, where they behave like humans do, only that we cannot see them. They all like to frequent different places. All I know that my room is quite popular with the kids, and especially that fact that I share my room with the sister.

I am 17 years old, male and just about done with my A levels. A plain and simple guy with a connection to computer games and logic based questions. I think differently from everyone else, thus I have very few friends and even fewer personal connections. All in all, I think I'm quite a boring guy without a life or a life partner to save it....

I'm sure someone can recognise where this is going but don't snicker. This actually did happen.

Most recently I recall a dream. Quite a vague memory from about a month ago. I remember an explosion and me rushing into a house as if l was looking for something. Heading down into the den, I found a young teenage girl, wounded but alive. I could remember voices of concern, distress and relief, plus I was down on one knee to help her up, looking so much like a 'hero save heroine' scene. Then, I recall a smile and a lovely passionate kiss....

What really surprised me and gives me the chills to this day is that that kiss felt as cold as ice and her lips were quite hard. Plus, after I woke up immediately about 3 seconds from the kiss, I felt a chill on my face when I sat up.

I'm not sure how to feel or what to say right now. Its all really confusing to me. Its just too bizarre....
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Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2005 02:09 am
I have had many, but don't like to talk about them because I'm afraid of being ridiculed or thought of as crazy. They started at a very early age. Some are so incredible you might not believe me unless you have had a similar experience.

I do write them as poems. When I first came here I started to share some of these poems, but no one seemed interested, so I stopped.

I feel I am being taught many things, but I really don't want the responsibility. There are others in my family who also have special gifts, and I have some uncles who are spiritualist. They also have a chosen religion.

I am not a witch, and I do not belong to any religion on this planet.

My belief system is this: I believe that every living thing on this planet stand equal to each other, and I believe that every life system outside this planet stand equal to us. This sounds strange I know, but I know why I say it. Man stands equal to all other beings in the universe.

What I mean by equal is: All have the right to exist, live according to their environment, all have intelligence, some sort of feelings, we are all connected. I could go on, but this is enough.
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Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2005 03:35 am
Forgot: I have had paranormal experiences by myself, with other people, with my first dog (white poodle named smokey), and confirmed by other people. Most of the confirmations have come from the markers given to me as a child of a blue print that are supposed to be many of the events in my life.
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Reply Fri 1 Jul, 2005 11:11 pm
Angelique, I can relate to your feelings as I also have these seemingly strange abilities. I am a Buddhist which actually compliments the experiences I have had. My original post on this subject is only one of the strangest.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 12:54 am
Maybe they should have a section for the paranormal. It seems people are interested in it more than I thought.
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Reply Fri 8 Jul, 2005 09:35 am
shewolfnm, did you ever belong to:

Magical Kingdom- Talent Amplified, with Shadow Spawn, and Running Wolf?
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Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 11:20 am
I have had several experiences that most would call para-normal I suppose. They seem quite common to me but I have learned not to talk to much about them to much around people I am not familiar with because they either think I'm making it up, weird or just plain crazy.

My mom, dad, brother and myself have all had our share of experiences(together or alone).

My mother can always sense when my brother or I am nearby or if we need her. She is also more in tune with the weather than any person I have ever met. My mom has also had pre-cognitive dreams that have come true later, often violent ones, like a friend in a car wreck or her brother almost drowning.

My brother also has frequent dreams that come true. Once he dreamt that he and my mother were at a local intersection in my mothers van waiting for the light to change. In this dream a particular car pulled up next to them and a man he described in perfect detail looked over at them and then reached into his passenger seat, pulled a gun and shot them both. My brother woke upright with his ears still ringing from the shot in the dream. A few weeks later he and my mom were at the same intersection and he didn't think anything of it until the exact car pulled up next to them with the same man dressed the same way. He looked over at the man shocked and the guy looked right at him and then turned and reached into the passenger seat of his car. My brother sreamed for my mom to go and thankfully she did without question (running the red light) the man turned a different way, my brother never saw what the man was really reaching for but we are all sure what it probably was and thankfully they got away. We never saw the car or man again.

My father and I VERY empathic and down right telepathic at times. He has had a lot of different experiences but it is hard to get him to talk about them. I believe that most of them are not very pleasant for him. I do know that he knows had to create out of body experiences for himself, but doesn't do it often because the chances of getting lost or pretty high.

I very much believe in all of this stuff, how could I not? I have been in the presence of innumerable ghosts and spirits, I have spoken to most of them. I have a ghost that has followed me to every place that I have lived and speak to him daily. I have had broken objects disappear only to reappear completely fixed and vice versa. My soon to be husband is a shaman who belongs more comfortably in the spirit world than he does in our corporeal one. He has many spirits and demons (for lack of a better name) bound to him and to our home for protection. My best friend of 15 years is a wiccan and I sit in on some of her coven's rituals and meetings.

I have just experienced to much to think that this is all mind tricks. I know it is not. In fact just last night I was physically attacked by a spirit unknown to me. I was leaving my mothers house and just got into my car and turned the ignition. I had my hands resting on the top of the steering wheel when suddenly my right hand started to sting. In the dim light I saw a long red welt appear out of nowhere. I drove home (only 2 blocks away) and got inside and there on my hand, following a years old scar line perfectly, was a long red scratch similar to that of a cat scratch. It was oozing a little bit of blood and already looked old and infected. I swabbed it out with peroxide and Let hubby look at it. He confirmed my spirit theory and is now looking for the particular one to find out why it's mad at me and to make sure it doesn't happen again. Today it is sore but healing.

sorry this is so long but I could write a book about all the stuff I've seen. I know many people will think I'm just being crazy, but oh well. I know what I know. Just wanted to let the others who wrote on this thread know that I certainly believe them and don't take peoples criticism personally, they either have never had anything extraordinary happen around them or they explain it away as something else when it does. Some people are just not able to believe.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 12:47 am
NickFun wrote:
Angelique, I can relate to your feelings as I also have these seemingly strange abilities. I am a Buddhist which actually compliments the experiences I have had. My original post on this subject is only one of the strangest.

One thing that worked for me is the a white crystal a gift given to me by a family member. It will enhance what you already have. If it works for you, it may not. It was just an experiment to me.

She gave me the crystal, and I read everything I could find about crystals. I took the crystal and bought some copper wiring and made a casing with the point of the crystal pointing up. Then I programed the crystal the way I learned in the books, and I became charged.

The book explained that you may experience some discomforts. For example stomach problems, headaches, and some others. After wearing the crystal for a month or more I began to have terrible headaches (felt like my head was going to explode). That same day I took the crystal off, because I could not stand the pain.

After about a week I started wearing the crystal again, and had some incredible experiences. I never had the headaches again, I need to get a new one. It also helps to sleep on a real brass bed, the metal of the Gods. I believe my bed keeps me charged too.

I have had so many paranormal experiences since I was a child that I like to challenge the powers that be, and make experiments like the one I mentioned. The few experiments I have conducted have been successful. I don't know why they have for me, but they have.
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 03:17 pm
I have found that many of my so-called abilities seem to be more a pain in the ass than a "gift". On many occasions I have freaked people out by telling them exactly what they were thinking instead of what they were saying. I had a girlfriend who broke up with me beacuse she could not hold a thought in her head - or a secret - without me knowing what it was. I could go on but let's end there.
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 04:26 pm
I know what everyone is going through, I wouldnt tell anyone anything either, and laughed it off as a coincidence or an over active imagination,
always telling myself this is not logical.....now I just accept it and I dont think its a gift , I find it a damn nuisance. I find it comes in waves, I can go 4 months without anything happeneing and then 6 months full on.
I finish off peoples sentences, I know what people are about to say to me
I know who is phoning me, and I can just have a picture of someone in my head that I might not have seen for ages and they turn up out of the blue!....I cant purposely put an image in my head, its only through accidental thought/images....and then there are these.....

1/.....didnt believe in Ghosts until this happened, I was 14 went to bed one night and couldnt be bothered shutting my b/door, I always slept with my door closed. About 2am I awoke with a feeling that someone was in my room....now everyone knows when you wake in the night your eyes become accustomed to the dark, so I could see that there was nobody in my room, then my door closed very slowly in front of me...with no one closing it...then I heard someone walking on my carpet even though I could actualy see no one there, then I burst out into a cold sweat....plucked up the courage to jump out of my bed, open my door, run to my parents bedroom and wake them up, next day I swapped rooms with my ecstatic little brother...now we have all grown up and moved out and that room is vacant and nobody goes in there, my Dad has to switch off the light every week or so on his way to bed.

2/my first home, beautiful summer morning , threw open the double front doors and started doing some gardening, I could chat to my fiancee who was up a ladder painting the lounge...with my back facing the the doors I lifted myself up from the ground spun around to say something to him and between myself and the distance of my fiancees legs up on the ladder, was a figure of an elderly gentleman dressed immacuately with a hat...I got such a fright I almost had a heart attack, let out a yell blinked and he was gone! my fiancee rushes off the ladder, and Im trying to explain what I saw....later I had a gut feeling he was my Grandad so I asked my mum to show me some old photos and the clothes were the same!....so I dunno, why he came to visit me as he died before I was born...I still dont know.
I finaly told my mum of all the strange going's on with me over the years and how it all started as a young teen, and she finaly admitted that my Irish Grandad went through the same thing, now my level headed, rugby playing brother has admitted hes had a few coincidental moments as well.

So thats my input on it all, we are not a religious family at all
and I dont know if there is a God, but I now know we just dont die and
thats the end, we go on to somewhere else, where? who knows?
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John Jones
Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 04:50 pm
Can someone tell me why some posts are permanently 'featured'? What's the reason for this odd posting system?
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 05:46 pm
NickFun wrote:
I have found that many of my so-called abilities seem to be more a pain in the ass than a "gift". On many occasions I have freaked people out by telling them exactly what they were thinking instead of what they were saying. I had a girlfriend who broke up with me beacuse she could not hold a thought in her head - or a secret - without me knowing what it was. I could go on but let's end there.

I agree, or if you don't want to know what is going to happen to a family member or the world, and you get the information, and it only makes you anxious and helpless because you know that in most cases you cannot do anything about it. I get very angry at this, and I let the the powers that be know it too.
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 05:50 pm
John Jones wrote:
Can someone tell me why some posts are permanently 'featured'? What's the reason for this odd posting system?

Some of these post become very popular or important in some way. Some of the people that run this forum might like a particular topic, thats all I know.

I just learned that some threads are used as advertisement on the web for the forum.
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Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2005 10:01 pm
I have seen the future many times in vision. I can feel the unspoken thoughts of people i know, even when they are not around. I can see danger and enlist help for the endangered from a distance. I have driven my spirit into an other body and performed action. I can make myself heard by another in mind and clearly as if i were there. I can tell the future to friends with my mouth while in belief. I can go from my place and see a place at a time if asked specifically and with belief. I can see impending danger and I can change it. I can pray to the Maker of god for the greatest miracle.

I can do these things, I know, because I have done these things... I want more. I want no bounds, and constant unwavering belief. I want to see at will as I may; I want to go where I may and do as I might. I want to make real what I will; i want to heal who I would; I want to smite what I might. i want to forgive, and I want to forget. I want to remember what is important always. I want to reward my enemies justly; I want to give to those who would receive. I want to always be right.

I want to talk about some of the specific things with me that have happened. I want to share with those who might believe.

I would like someone to ask me in order that I can focus into a specific topic, action or event and maybe make a few posts.

ps to seasoned member NickFun: The people on the tennis courts could almost as surely see you as the cop could see you... That is, if they were looking. And if they were looking, they might have seen you disappear.

hmm... That is, unless you were both not physically traveling in time and instead, traveling momentarily into other personages from the different time zone.

ha! ZONE lol
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Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 04:43 pm
Re: Paranormal Experiences
NickFun wrote:
Has anyone here ever had a paranormal experience?

Sure, everytime I use my imagination, I'm going paranormal! Laughing My friends think my middle name is Paranormal.

No, but seriously, the so-called paranormal just goes to show that the Naturalist/Materialist paradigm of the universe is nothing but a giant black hole.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 02:39 pm
nickfun, et al..... do you believe HYPNOTISM? Are you aware of the power of suggestion, and how formidable it is when used by a hypnotist upon a person ---however unwittingly--- but one completly trusting and admiring the person?

Much of what seems to be paranormal is actually the manipualtion of the mind to 'see' - 'believe' things projected by another. (perhaps this is paranormal in it's illusion)

Sometimes it is in the form of subliminal messages- anywhere from on tv, to cd's , to telephone calls. It is FAR MORE widespread than most people realize.
Sometime---- just go to google, or other search engine- and research MIND Control. You will be SHOCKED by the numbers of persons affected, and the names of some of the accused, Also- what they can actually perform with electronics that can be purchased- and good technical knowledge of computers and communication.

Of course this is illegal, but doesn't stop them. There needs to be a way to prove it and hold them accountable for their actions, but I have not heard of one yet. Seems the persons victimized by this are disbelieved. Pitiful!
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 12:45 pm
Hey Theolady, I appreciate your spin on what happens during a "psychic episode". However, my experiences are by no mean the power of suggestion nor hypnotism. What Larry and I experienced was quite real. It would be impossible for two people to have the exact same hallucination. It could be argued that the cop told us of tennis courts and we so firmly believed him that we actually saw tennis courts. However, our descriptions of the events, partucularly the lady in the right court in the white tennis dress, were identical. It is impossible that two educated men could have the same illusion.
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John Jones
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 01:19 pm
theollady wrote:
nickfun, et al..... do you believe HYPNOTISM? Are you aware of the power of suggestion, and how formidable it is when used by a hypnotist upon a person ---however unwittingly--- but one completly trusting and admiring the person?

Much of what seems to be paranormal is actually the manipualtion of the mind to 'see' - 'believe' things projected by another. (perhaps this is paranormal in it's illusion)

Sometimes it is in the form of subliminal messages- anywhere from on tv, to cd's , to telephone calls. It is FAR MORE widespread than most people realize.
Sometime---- just go to google, or other search engine- and research MIND Control. You will be SHOCKED by the numbers of persons affected, and the names of some of the accused, Also- what they can actually perform with electronics that can be purchased- and good technical knowledge of computers and communication.

Of course this is illegal, but doesn't stop them. There needs to be a way to prove it and hold them accountable for their actions, but I have not heard of one yet. Seems the persons victimized by this are disbelieved. Pitiful!

What bigger mind control is there except when a doctor tells you you have a 'mental disorder', and you mouth 'yes', even though both of you don't know what is being talked about?
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 07:18 pm
Hey nickfun--
What I wrote is NOT spin on YOUR experiences, (which I do not doubt you and friend Larry, however much, I know EDUCATION has nothing to do with it)--
but my own horrifying experience, with which I have to live, every night and day, every moment of my life.
It does not matter that I am a highly educated woman... in fact, I am sure it enhances the enormity of my indignity. It does not MATTER what I do or do not believe, I cannot escape the 'rays' or 'waves' or whatever they are, neither can I prove, disprove or understand them. but I do KNOW they began with hypnotism; in a phone call.
Now- that being hindsight- I waited too long to trace the phone call, too long to report it, and backed off too much, in shrinking disbelief and fear.
Incidentally, my medical doctor DOES believe me... knows me well... and knows me to be not only a stable and sane person, but aware, intellectually sound, and has documented some of my symptoms (which are NOT due to any cause from my own body).

John Jones, I am sorry, I do not appreciate your attempt at humor.
You sound like a perp to me.
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 07:26 pm
Is there trouble here, the ollady? You want me to take care of these guys?
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