Brown pants
Leopard print t with metal clasps at upper front
too warm for a jacket in here today
Eva wrote:I don't think I like that program. Are those the two rudest people they could find for hosts, or what? Geez...if that longhaired brunette ever came near me (not that I'd give her a reason, mind you) I'd throttle her before she could roll her eyes. God, what pompous asses they are!!!
I love the show. The American version is a bit watered down in comparison to the Brit one - now they really haul people over the coals. Love it. I've learned a lot from the shows.
Today I am dressed as an evil snakey thing
Beige drawstring cotton pants (got to get rid of them, they wrinkle in milliseconds on exposure to light), ice blue turtleneck of cotton/lycra, yes, Tarah Rose loafers, and my gaudy artist-made earrings.
Zane, that seems to be a fetching outfit...
Ha, Zanes mind went in the gutter to
Dark Hunter Green sweater, gray flannel pants, gray clogs.
Update: I got the promotion!
Drinks are on me, 6:00 Eastern, somewhere...
Cinnesthesia, are you around?
I will hoist one in your honor.
Congrats, Zane!
That is great news.
Maybe a hot bevvie this evening would be in order.
Burgundy flowered overalls. Very girly.
Raspberry 3/4 sleeve blouse.
Dangly turquoise earrings.
Burgundy flowered socks.
My burgundy BCBG shoes are under my desk.
Good going, Zane.
Still in my bathrobe, about to get ready for work. It's a Bill Blass burgundy terry men's bathrobe. When I arrived in cold-ville here, I went to a department store and looked at robes. The thick ones were in the men's department, and on sale. I bought two, one for guests..
Osso, sozobe, ehBeth, George- Thanks! I'm pretty damn pleased about the whole situation.
Cashmere long sleeved polo (beige), black trousers, beige/maroon/black plaid socks, black loafer-type shoes.
Those wrinkled beige pants I'm about to launder and put in the give-to-thrift box, and yesterday's cantalope boat neck sweater - I was surely a feast for the eyes as I just took out the week's trash in time to beat the trash collector...
....Cinnesthesia seems to be missing. Probably not time to put out an APB yet but she hasn't been on Messenger either..
<looking around>
Cinn's not here either.
Will watch for her and her pretty boots.
I thought you understood the Messenger rules. Severe punishment is in order.
<backing away as rapidly as I can without my clogs falling off>
No paczki for Zane!
Is it just my imagination or is A2K moving in slow motion tonight? This page took several minutes to open.
verrrrrrrrrrrry slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i couldn't get in at all for a while
Me either. I think the hamsters were busy.