...I just read a few of the religion debates. One person in particular preens ridiculously under the guise/auspices of self-deprecation. Verbose crap. Snow be damned, I need to get some fresh air and meditate. [Which means I will be wearing a long down coat, boots, gloves and a faux fur hat. Then I'm going to search online for Tempur-pedic slippers, if such a heavenly thing really exists.]
Loden green knit sweater and sweater. Sweater's got beaded embroidery around the top. Brown tights. Bronze multi-strapped heels.
smorgs wrote:Zane, is that you in the avatar? You look very 'dapper' :wink:

I answered that question! Read back
blue jeans, black belt, blacksweater. I'm sick of my clothes.
Yeah, striking resemblance, huh? I found him on a Dutch website.
The avatar picture looks like Pim Fortuyn, a dutch politician
who was assasignated a couple of years ago.
Zane..... never mind.
The sun is shining through the snow.
[Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am ...]
CalamityJane wrote:The avatar picture looks like Pim Fortuyn
Really? Interesting. I hope Zane doesn't take it too hard.
In fact, it is Pim Fortuyn - I just checked out his pictures.
Yep. I'd thought Zane knew that and was maybe using it to harmlessly flirt by broadcasting that he and Pim shared a taste in/for men. (We gals love to flirt with gay guys -- just ask the prince or jaypeedee, if Kicky didn't off him that is...)
So my brother was gay but is now dead? Honestly, I had no idea. ...I found the picture at a Dutch AVATAR site. For the record, (sorry, ladies!) I'm not gay, not white, not bald.
This is getting really fascinating, but I have to leave now...
I knew that! After the fondue questions and mentioning
his "white" twin, you gave yourself away Zane
Coincidentally, I just found out there's a writer named Zane. Just Zane, no last name. Genre: erotica.
I have something to tell you, Cinnesthesia.
Zane, the writer, is female
Yes, but she's really female. (Article about her in the NYT a while back.)