Well, yes, aren't we all? Still, it's good to remember..
especially when give a speech to a large group of people.
I'm wearing a sari to work today. A blue-green cotton sari

. and a new nose ring
-sigh- saris -sigh-
My favorite one is very fine silk with a green warp and a purple weft. Looks blue overall, then turns greener or purpler in the folds... love it. Have worn it once, that was fun.
sozobe wrote:-sigh- saris -sigh-
My favorite one is very fine silk with a green warp and a purple weft. Looks blue overall, then turns greener or purpler in the folds... love it. Have worn it once, that was fun.
yes those colors would be lovely in silk

I'm wearing a black top and brown bootleg trousers....nothing exciting I'm afraid!
What a coincidence! I'm wearing a brown top, with black trousered bootlegs!
Oh, and a monocle.
Oooh Lord Ellpus!
I'm now wearing a brown chenille cardigan as I'm chilly...
Really? I can't seem to see one on your Avatar.....
<removes monocle and looks VERY closely >
The foxy lady in my avatar must be feeling the heat, lounging around in what looks to be her underwear.
Disgusting, I would never do such a thing!! Especially not whilst I am sat here typing this post, oh no, not me....definitely not!!
Charcoal sweatpants, brown danskos, my favorite tropical hawaiian rayon shirt, silver bracelets - as I load the volvo for a trip to the city waste disposal facility..
I'm now in a pink dressing gown....not alot else...getting ready for beddy byes eventually when I can drag myself away from the computer and once Lost finishes on TV !
Binoculars on a strap around my neck, small gray backpack, green military-style jacket, lightweight black sweater, black spousebeater, stretch khaki pants, black socks, and hiking boots. Under all that, light blue lace bra and matching underpants.
If I'm not back by tomorrow, alert the authorities.
what, exactly, is a spousebeater?
From the rest of your outfit, I'd suggest a bearbeater instead :wink:
A spousebeater is an equal opportunity wifebeater.
No bears, just an owl and various other creatures.
Today, a lime green and black retro op-art print dress.
Tall black boots, long denim skirt with slit in back, dark brown t, black cotton jacket.
Fall has definitely arrived.
Fresh outta the shower, with a big fluffy/furry blanket around me to warm up!