Khaki jeans and a V-necked, short sleeved tan-orange-green-yellow Pucci-style print sweater. Barefoot.
I'm wearing, in addition to very plain work clothes, the winner of " the gaudiest, most gold sequined slippers in all the land" award.
No, that's not right.
I'm wearing the slippers, not the award.
Truly tacky, but I had to have them.
I think I'm a crow.
Scruffy five-day-old beard
Quote:I think I'm a crow.
I'm wearing a floaty tiery ruffly choc brown skirt (mid-calf) and a fitted grass-green t-shirt.
JoeB, I was so hoping that I'd spot you downtown - wearing your award!
Beth - you'd spot me a mile away, I've no doubt.
Haha, really, you couldn't miss these shoes.
And with the award in my beak, I'd be unmistakeable.
Charcoal fedora, white peasant blouse with white embroidery and eyelet trim, short black pinstripe skirt, silver sequinned glorified flipflops. I'm a study in contradictions.
black cuffed pants
white eyelet-lace tunic-length sleeveless blouse
faux snakeskin slides
ehBeth wrote:black cuffed pants
white eyelet-lace tunic-length sleeveless blouse
faux snakeskin slides

, how many faux snakes died to make those
Jeans, a white shirt and black wrap. I feel very very stylish, almost in a flirtatious mood. Its the colours that are doing it!
Navy Blue Tank, Navy Blue Basketball shorts, no shoes...fixin' to change into, another tank to sleep in. Exciting huh?
I am wearing a pool blue, linen skirt (knee length) and a pea green t-shirt. I look good (if I do say so myself), but I may have to change.
A black tank top(to show off my pipes) and blue plaid pj pants.
Currently I am wearing a teal blue towel (J.C. Penney, the Egyptian cotton) later a pair of brown trousers, a shirt (still deciding which one) black socks, black shoes, and my Yankees baseball cap.
black cuffed dress pants
the faux snakeskin slides
white tuxedo shirt with the sleeves rolled up
Just a pair of navy blue corduroys, and green Chuck Taylors.
White robe, blue men's boxers, light green socks.
Blue/peach/purple striped towel turban-style. Purple bath towel. Vanilla body lotion.