My, that DOES sound lavish, ebeth
I LOVE textiles (if that is what they call them) from the Orient. Such beautiful gowns, shawls, throws, and even quilts and other bed coverings. My ex-daut. in law is Korean, and left a beautiful blue comforter with my grandson. (He loves it so, it is showing wear, now that he is almost 17). It is silken, with big circles made to resemble tapestry, having colored silk threads with bright gold threads woven in- on the decorated side. The other one is just soft silk and he LOVES it in Winter.
I agree with you, it 'feels' very rich indeed, to swath oneself in such beauty.
(Now, i'm swathed in an old nightshirt that says SNOOOZE on the front, above "
near about classics" [having seen better days]-and gets softer with age.

) Goodnite all.