I have a number of thoughts on this article. Most of which can be boiled down to this emoticon....
To me, it's just another oft repeated article or "test" for many people to console themselves with "Hey, I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just a heavy drinker!" Or insert binge, problem, whatever more palatable term you want to use.
It boils down to "I'm an alcoholic and my life is more fucked up than it should be" as opposed to "I'm a (problem, heavy, binge etc) drinker and my life is more fucked up than it should be."
This talk of "misdiagnosing"? Just another loophole in my opinion. Come on, it's not like you misdiagnosed yourself and came to the conclusion that you're not diabetic, don't have parkinson's, aren't epileptic.
Officer, you don't have to arrest me, I'm just a heavy drinker.
People who don't have problems with alcohol don't much do more than look at the headline of articles like this, or quickly scan on their way to something more pertinent.
People who do, or have friend/family that do, read in much more depth.
People who are alcoholic, heavy, binge etc and have stopped and are living a good life probably don't much care to read it either, as it's just old news to them.