Tue 18 Nov, 2014 05:59 pm
Hiya! I'll get straight to it: I'm 24 and just started Nuvaring today and I'm not too good at recognizing stuff inside my vagina, so how do you know if it's in far enough?
My doctor said to just put it in as far as a tampon, so I pinched the circle together like she showed me (surprisingly difficult, it's a squirmy little thing) and tucked it on up there as far as I could (that is, as far as I could reach). I took a tampon and pushed the applicator in as far as I could to try to make sure it was in there and wouldn't fall out...but I've read some comments about the Nuvaring falling out so is there any way to know if it's in far enough?
I'm a virgin and I don't plan on having sex anytime soon (not until marriage) so there's no risk of pregnancy, but I do need the hormone help- plus, I want to make sure I'm "absorbing" the medicine regularly...
Any help on this is very much appreciated, I live with my older brother, have no sisters, and a rather neglectful mother so other than the doctor, I don't really have any women to help me with this stuff.
@Belle Reve,
I think it's wise that you're practicing before you really need the Nuva ring for birth control. I'm thinking the thing to do is ask your doctor. Can you go in briefly and ask? You could likely just see a nurse there. I agree, better to know that you've got it right.
Thanks! I'm going to do that in the morning =)