I want to be different..

Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:25 pm
But where do i start: Like how do i start talking 2 them?
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:35 pm
ChattyFibre wrote:

Pastor, is related 2 me.. then youth leader, sort of awkward, altho i hav wondered... but then, where do i start? "hi, im depressed.." ..awkward...

Let's just say...a youth leader is doing what he does because he enjoys to be around young people. He may seem awkward but--he may just be a little off cause he's older ;-). You could start by telling him...I feel I need someone to talk to about this thing I'm going through. Can I talk to you? My guess is you'll gladden his heart by opening up to him. Take a chance.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:37 pm
But i would upset my parents, it would just break my mums heart.. Sad
And the annoying thing bout being this age is no body cares about any1 other than themselves... Sad
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:37 pm
You're not with the Westboro Baptist Church are you? Smile

How old are you? You've chosen the name Chatty..... so you like to talk right? Talk to us! We're here almost 24/7 - well not everyone, but various people in different time zones.

Which subject in school do you have a good grade in?
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:40 pm
yes the councillors were attached 2 school
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:46 pm
Chattyfibre was a defult gaming name i got given on my xbox, and so i just stuck with it
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:52 pm
I am probably on the other side of the world from u... its only like 2.50 pm now... and im 14
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:54 pm
Sounds like your youth leader might be your best option.

Maybe you can start with a discussion of volunteer work you could do in the community. A good pastor/counsellor/youth leader would ask you why you're looking for something to do ... that could give you an opening to talk a bit
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:57 pm
I see him reguarly, so im ok with that part, just wat do i say?
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 07:59 pm
Ah sweetheart, I thought you were on the young side.
You know when my daughter was around 14 years old, she was also questioning herself a lot and thought everyone else was better, had a better life and she felt insecure. It's perfectly normal for young teenagers to go through these stages. You are not alone, many of your peers have the same anxiety, same insecurities and same fears.

Just like you, they have to overcome these feelings with the help of their parents, friends or whomever they choose to talk to. These people can help you and walk you through your concerns. You only have to open up to someone and trust someone enough to help you.

As I said, you can talk to us here, we're always good at listening Smile
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:02 pm
Thanks. Just y do i hav 2 b alone? this is the first time in my whole life i hav talked bout me feeling like crap, and cant find happiness
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:04 pm
ChattyFibre wrote:

I see him reguarly, so im ok with that part, just wat do i say?

Just start by saying..I really need someone I can trust to talk to....can I talk to you?
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:06 pm
is that not awkward? what if he says no? what if he thinks im wierd? what if i ruin the friendship?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:07 pm
You know happiness isn't laying around the corner. There are plenty of people out there - much, much older than you, who can't find happiness either.

It's really a feeling within that you have to give yourself - reward yourself with, no one else can do that for you. Sometimes you feel happy just helping someone else. You're a bit young to volunteer yet, but maybe you
can start helping someone around your neighborhood - an elderly neighbor who needs someone to mow the lawn, things like that.
You'd be surprised how rewarding and satisfying these things are.
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:12 pm
thats true
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 18 Nov, 2014 08:19 pm
Spot on! Anyone who expects 'happiness' to come to them will be waiting an awful long time. Happiness is what one makes of themselves through hard work and communicating with people. Internalizing inferior feelings will get anyone nowhere. Feeling sorry for oneself only deepens that endless cycle of "I'm not worth much." Some people need to put more effort into setting goals for themselves, and having the motivation to improve themselves. Doing nothing and only complaining is a ticket to nowhere.
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 01:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
Yeah I want to get out of feeling this way, I dont want 2 see myself as **** anymore... i just dont know how to change Sad
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 06:05 am
ChattyFibre wrote:

But i would upset my parents, it would just break my mums heart..

Suicide would destroy them. It sounds to me like you're clinically depressed, and depression is treatable. Make an appointment to see your doctor, doctors are bound by patient confidentiality.

Your parents would rather know you're depressed now, and have the opportunity to do something about it, than find out when it's too late.

14 is a really difficult age, emotions are running high, and little things can really hurt. It does get better, it will get better.
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 07:36 am
ChattyFibre wrote:

Yeah I want to get out of feeling this way, I dont want 2 see myself as **** anymore... i just dont know how to change Sad

Nobody is ****. There are just people who dream and hope, and people who despair. Seems to me you need a little hope.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 01:04 pm
Listen to izzy; problems seem overwhelming when you're a teenager, but that stage in life can be overcome, but it'll take effort on your part to make something of yourself. Yes, I said effort. You need something to motivate yourself to seek a future for yourself. I understand where you're coming from, because I almost flunked out of high school, and didn't have any goals until I volunteered into the USAF in the mid-fifties. Everything changed for the good after those four years; I earned E4 (three stripes) after 18 months in the air force - considered pretty good even during war times.

It's been a wonderful and productive life after that, so I know anyone can accomplish some level of success by working at it. You can too!


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