@cicerone imposter,
I don't pay much any attention to Trump. He is everything that you say.
That said - Trump is both a lower level, and worse example of what I've said several times would start happening if this pattern of Islamist terrorism kept continuing - ignorant people would start taking things into their hands - as evidenced in the rising amount of radical 'patriot' organisations, and others, with the common theme of being antimuslim.
Admittedly Trump wasn't elected on that platform (disenfranchisement with the establishment is my understanding), but the public attack by disenfranchised people is what I was referring to.
I say lower level, because he's not physically attacking them, and higher level because the amount of power he holds as president can sway a lot minds to more extreme bents.
This issue isn't going to go away by itself. The internet has changed so many things things. The ease of access to Islams holy texts changed things. Islams sense of Umma vs the very small world this has become, has changed things. Social Media has changed things (not just in terms of Umma, but for recruitment as well). The access to bombs making instructions has changed things.
Burying our heads in the sand is not going to work. Chanting 'they've hijacked Islam' hasn't worked, and won't. Chanting 'Islam is a religion of peace' hasn't worked, and won't.
What then will work?
Governments are barely having this conversation in the public sphere. And the lack of apparent action, is causing a backlash. Not only that, but the threat is growing. Since 2015, despite the incredible amount of money they are throwing at it, the threat has grown significantly (at least in the West).
So again, burying our heads in the sand isn't going to work.
Discussion needs to start about how this can be solved, if it can (I have my doubts, given the contributing factors, but I've been wrong before, and open discussion at govt level would be better)