Ive actually worked in several Muslim Countries and outside of the Phillipines or Indonesia islands where Islam is its own unique brand, the middle east countries all have fairly civilized outlooks for what wed expect from Theocracies. I happen to like countries like Jordan or the Emirates and have used em as a base of ops when working in places like Egypt .Even the booze is sold in "clubs" because its a profit earning product
Just think about having something like our an NRA overseeing things like explosives in US, wed probably have as many wacko bombings here as we read in the news about over there.
I once was in Lebanon while **** was hitting the fan around me,and I was politely and apologetically protected. The places Id not like to go back to is Niger ,Chad and Nigeria. There, the tribal wars are more intense than the news reports. I was shot at in anger in a remote Northern Area of Nigeria, (and lost one of my drillers who died of a rocket blast that hit his drill rig and there we were locating water supplies for remote villages-This was a few years after the Biafra uprisings and there was a" tribal turf battle" going on among the tribal nations) Islam was lower down the scale than was tribal identity.
Ill bet we have more crap going on in killing and crazyness in the US on a daily basis than most Muslim countries. When you get inured to it life goes on.
I was more afraid of Stockton California than I was in Nigeria. The thing is that the stuff in the US is RANDOMIZED. In any Muslim area where fighting goes on, they even cover it as public information to "keep away dummy".