Following on from the Quran:
- calling Jews/Christians, variously: dogs, cattle, monkeys, 'the worst of creatures' (
Verses quoted in this post) ...
- stating of non-muslims: don't believe them, don't be friends with them, they are your open enemy (
Verses in this post)
.... Quotes from the Quran ascribing other negative traits to Christians and Jews:
Quotes obtained from (all bracketed comments below exist online)
Jews/Christians are envious, jealous:
2.109. Many of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) wish that if they could turn you away as disbelievers after you have believed,
out of envy from their ownselves, even, after the truth (that Muhammad Peace be upon him is Allah's Messenger) has become manifest unto them. But forgive and overlook, till Allah brings His Command. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things
3.19. Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. Those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except,
out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieves in the Ayat(proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, then surely, Allah is Swift in calling to account.
Jews/Christians are Haters:
3.118. O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends, etc.) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you.
They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses) if you understand.
Jews/Christians (and all non-muslims) are followers of Satan:
Note: the following verses refer to 'unbelievers'. Any perusal of the Quran states numerous times that both Christians & Jews are unbelievers (an unbeliever is anyone that isn't Muslim).
4.76. Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and
those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitan (Satan).
4.117. They (
all those who worship others than Allah) invoke nothing but female deities besides Him (Allah), and they
invoke nothing but Shaitan (Satan), a persistent rebel!
7.27. O Children of Adam! Let not Shaitan (Satan) deceive you, as he got your parents [Adam and Hawwa (Eve)] out of Paradise, stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts. Verily, he and Qabiluhu(his soldiers from the jinns or his tribe) see you from where you cannot see them.
Verily, We made the Shayatin (devils) Auliya' (protectors and helpers) for those who believe not.
There are also many other verses calling non-muslims: evil, impure, liars, untrustworthy, corrupt, deaf/dumb/blind (all quotable).