Quote:they're a bunch of bigots who deliberately distort and lie about another faith. The millions of law abiding decent Moslems are ignored, whilst the actions of a tiny disproportionate group are blown up out of all proportion.
Coldjoint, Viktor and Gungasnake are no different from the Taliban they claim to despise.
How odd, I post:
- numerous, current, and ongoing links to evidence of ongoing severe violence in the name of Islam, right around the world; and
- links to evidence of severe Islamic intolerance, affecting hundreds of millions from other religions
According to your quote::
1. Would you care to explain how that, in your view, makes me a liar?
2. Would you care to explain how over 100,000,000 christians being persecuted by muslims constitutes,
in your words 'just a tiny disproportionate group' of Muslims?
3. Would you care to explain why current examples of the severe, frequent, and ongoing violence/terrorism in the name of Islam, right around the world should be ignored, and evidence to such should not be posted…as you obviously do not want me to continue doing?
Seriously...rather than your shouting that Islam needs to stop intolerance in it’s societies...
... Instead, you are, by your very silence on such widespread intolerance, and by your denouncing anyone who sheds light on such intolerance…
…. defending widespread intolerance and persecution of non-muslims by muslims
...the defender of widespread Intolerance?
...The silencer of those who provide evidence of the intolerance?