Oh horseshit--one of the more effective pieces of propaganda in history has been the Versailles Diktat myth. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, the Prussians imposed reparations of 700,000,000 gold francs. The French not only paid it off, they did so in under three years. By contrast, the Germans never did pay off their reparations, and a good deal of what was "paid" was in-kind seizures by the allies. As long as they were supposed to be paying reparations, there was no incentive for the Germans to get inflation under control, By 1930, the situation was critical, and German and Austrian banks began to close. Eventually, the German chancellor refused to pay any more reparations, and in fact, including the repudiation of debts incurred before 1930, Germany effectively got operating capital from France and the United States, and ended by repudiating her reparations obligations and her legitimately incurred debts for financial assistance. In adjusted dollars, Germany got more out of the United States after the Great War than they did after the Second World War.
It just appalls me how readily people run to suck the Nazi propaganda tit. Germany went to war in 1939 because they had a rogue government lead by a madman, not because they were in any situation which required it. Grow up, stop posting bullsh*t.