Quote:I think that the person happiest with the results last night (secretly of course) is named Hillary.
The only change we won't see but it will happen is that the "deals under the table" will be taken by Republicans more than the Democrats.
This is to say, for the regular citizen, the same punishment will continue, with a future chaotic economy, while politicians still making deals to save themselves of what it comes and the special interests are preparing to start better places where to invest and keep safe their status.
Hillary is a woman who when she is under pressure, she starts to lose her mind. We can remember in the debates when she imagined to be under fire in her visit to Bosnia, a fiction story that was "her reality" at the moment of the debate.
Another moment of crisis in her mind, when she said about the possibility of candidate Obama being killed before elections.
Hillary Clinton's mind works well as long as she is not under pressure, and she becoming the next US president is a dangerous thing. It is obvious that she will become nuts again if any event against our economy or security happens, she will be "loco" "crazy" "nuts" living "her reality" again which will be even opposite to what is going on in the US and the world.
She might swears that she is 100% capable to take the job as the next US president, but we know that her mind is not right.
If Hillary Clinton wants the best for this country, then she must quit her intentions of being the next US president.
She is too old, and her mind and general health are not 100%, and she knows it, her doctor knows it, we know it (witnessed in the former debates).
An independent and impartial psychological test must be performed on her, because she has showed to be out of touch with reality in several occasions.