@Lustig Andrei,
according to the news briefing, he just got tired of it all. He was spotted in an area where he apparently had returned and a perimeter was set up which he was kind of "herded" into a place from which the cops could get sight of him. He was actually in an area of the woods where there was an abandoned airport . The scrub understory of the forest in that area is really dense so the guy apparently hadt moved great distances but relied on the "hiding in plain sight" method but this left him having to break into cabins for any food.
H was NOT very comfortable for the 7 weeks that he was hiding out. I her were seeking the death penalty because this killing spree was an assassination, it was planned and executed in cold blooded care.
It was amazing how much this impacted the "leaf peeping" and bo hunting season in the 5 county area that was the primary manhunt zone.
All in all though, the cops were focused on just a few thousand acres