
Aren't you a little too young to be reaping souls?

Get a face before you walk in my house.

It' a job. Get out there and reap some some souls, or I will rent out your bedroom.
Meantime, I hope Panz' posting this week's Cartoon means his area has power now...
On the cartoon, I'm thinking on it.
Eh! My much derided iMac is not letting me copy at this time. We'll see, I'll probably wiggle out of it. No need for advice - I've been pasting these cartoons forever and a day. I could easily do it if I used Diane's computer, but it's not serious enough to ask.
I'll be back with captions, though.
First thoughts -
I'll get you with my clogs!
If you rim my trees, I'll kill you.
If you kill my tree, I'll rim you.
How can you see in that outfit?
That's the wrong tool to pick bananas!

Enough with the teenage angst!

Did you see my husband? He's walking around as an angel.

Don't you know what a bad message wearing a hoodie sends?

I thought I was calling Roto Rooter.