Seriously, the day will come when nononono as a black man will suffer a great disillusionment. Unless he chooses to be willfully blind (which is quite likely), he will discover that many of the whites he has embraced as his supposed allies have a less than positive record on the issue of race.
Just to give a few examples: Phyllis Schlafly was a staunch supporter of Jim Crow and the John Birch Society, which claimed that the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s was a Communist conspiracy. (By the way, the Republican-dominated State Board of Education in Texas has recently approved history textbooks for the public schools that present a white-washed version of Jim Crow. That's almost as bad as Holocaust denial. I bet many, if not all, of those Republican members of the State Board also support the "Men's Rights" movement.) Then there's Charles Murray, who is a very prominent member of the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute. I'm sure nononono would be quite pleased with his recent declaration that women are (supposedly) inherently intellectually inferior to men. I bet he shouted
Yes! when he read this. (I bet my wife's brain is twice as large as Murray's, by the way.) Uh-oh! There's a problem here. Murray also claims that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. (I've notice over the decades that whenever some "expert" -- such as Gen. Edwin Walker, William Shockley, and now Charles Murray -- comes forth with "proof" that blacks are genetically inferior, he's always -- and I repeat,
always -- a political right-winger.)
Lest I forget, there's the great intellectual, that "Zen Buddhist" hawkeye10 (whose political designation should be "anarcho-fascist") who has claimed that virtually every minority group that has experienced a history of oppression brought their mistreatment upon themselves. So, I guess the centuries of persecution of the Jews was justified! After all, one generation after another approved of the persecution. So, in hawkeye's view, they had to be right. (Of course, this fits in quite well with hawkeye's warped contempt for victims of bullying, rape, and discrimination and his warped admiration of the victimizers. I'm sure the abuse of power by the powerful is a big, sick turn-on for the poor amoral, sadomasochistic guy.) Meanwhile, that other great intellectual BillRM has no problem with men who get off on child porn. Warren Farrell would be embarrassed by these guys!
You've got a great crowd of people to go to bed with (figuratively speaking), nono! It's your choice.
You think I'm lying, nono? Well, just do some research.
I feel sorry for you. If you're observant enough and if you're intellectually honest, you'll eventually notice that many white misogynists (including many members of the so-called "Men's Rights" movement) are either racist bigots or deeply resent black Americans and have absolutely no sympathy for them but, instead, are filled to the brim with deep resentment. If you ever come to this realization, I'll feel sorry for you. Well, actually, I already do. So, good luck!
It's really not surprising. After all, misogynists and racist bigots are cut from the same cloth.