1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 02:41 am
My "personal attacks" have consisted of repeating details you've already disclosed. (Apart from the attack on your execrable English, that was all me.)

It paints quite a picture.
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 03:46 am
I don't know. Generally, the women are wearing something hot, or in a fantasy costume of some description before they take their clothes off.

But all they really need is a vagina under all that business. I'm just telling you the truth. If a lady has got a good attitude, a half decently pretty smile, and a vagina; she's gonna get a thumbs up from me.

...And that is my biology at work. We men are slaves to our reptile brains and our evolution. But I wish that society would recognize that we are so much more than that.

But don't let that discount my flattery when I say that's it's nice to hear from you again FS. You are an attractive lady; and I say that without ever having met you, or seen a picture of you. Smile
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 04:41 am
According to you you're braver than the soldiers coming back home from Iraq and Afghanistan, because you voluntarily chose to skydive and everything they did was part of their job.

Oh? Where do you come up with such nonsense are you a drug user and is that part of what you are hiding????

There's nothing brave about searching for extreme pornography on the dark web, it is quite stupid to boast about such activity though.

Sorry but as far as so call extreme porn is concern it is our friend Hawkeye who might be looking for S&M materials that the UK laws now label as extreme porn not little old me.

Nor is such porn illegal in the US so there is no reason or need to go to the dark net for it in the US if you wish to look for it.

One of the disagreements I do have with the UK laws in that regard is considering such porn illegal as long as it have only willing adults taking part in it.

Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 04:51 am
My "personal attacks" have consisted of repeating details you've already disclosed

Such as I was a victim of both domestic violence and that my abuser then to add insult to injury lied under oath to the courts concerning who the victim happen to be?

I can see where my ex-wife have something to be a shame of but not myself.

Nor can I see how being a cat lover and trying to find homes for kittens by showing them in public places is shameful either at Pet Smart or a public park.

Kind of proud of myself as a matter of fact that I did in the end find homes for all but one kitten that I fell in love with and took into my household along with the mother cat.

Only a strange and sick mind such as yourself or Firefly have could find any fault with any of the above, in my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 05:55 am
That's exactly what you said, apparently memory loss is another one of your problems.

Most victims of domestic violence take out restraining orders against their abusive partners, not the other way around.

And nobody in their right mind thinks going to a children's play area with a box of kittens is an acceptable way to get kittens rehomed.

None of your feeble excuses wash.

Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 05:59 am
And nobody in their right mind thinks going to a children's play area with a box of kittens is an acceptable way to get kittens rehomed.
We parents appreciate that as much as we do grocery stores putting candybars at the register at just the right eye level and reach zone for our kids to grab them. THen we need to either fight with them or buy a candybar. Devious attempts to get us to do things by going through our kids are wrong wrong wrong.....everybody knows that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 06:38 am
Most victims of domestic violence take out restraining orders against their abusive partners, not the other way around.

The taking out of false restraining orders are not uncommon and sadly a common method of getting one up in divorce situations.

Take note I was the one filing for a divorce at the time not my ex-wife and I had moved out of the home and still was paying all bills without being order to do so until I found she had begin renting rooms in the home without my knowledge let alone permission.

The order was an attempt to keep me from interfering with the use of the home in that manner not any concern on her part of being harm by me as once more I was the victim of abused not her.



There are between 2 and 3 million temporary restraining orders issued in the United States annually*. Despite their huge impact on a person's emotional and financial well-being, in order to receive a temporary "stay away" order of protection, one needs only to allege that he or she "feels" threatened by their partner. There does not need to be any history of domestic violence whatsoever. There does not have to be an actual verbal threat of domestic violence either. Likewise, there does not need to be evidence of a major overt act, such as stalking or purchasing a weapon.

It is a well-known fact within the matrimonial legal community that many lawyers and their clients use these orders of protection to gain a strategic advantage over their spouse from which it is difficult to recover. And since no judge wants to be the one who "gets it wrong" leading to a tragic result, these orders are easily obtained.

What does the accuser have to gain in misusing orders of protection? A lot of things, including the following:

Judicial requests for exclusive use and occupancy of a marital residence are not often granted, and can take up to six months for a ruling. Therefore, unless an allegation of threat of immediate harm is claimed, couples are forced to live under the same roof unless they can come to some form of agreement. Orders of protection force the accused to immediately leave the residence.

It sets a precedent for custody. Joint custody is presumed. However, if a permanent order of protection is issued containing a finding of domestic abuse, that finding cannot later be disputed. As a result, in many jurisdictions, there is suddenly a rebuttable presumption that the victim should have legal custody. Also, the longer a parent's access to a child is limited, the less likely that person will be deemed the primary caregiver. In fact, often the accused spouse's children are now afraid of their father. Many upstanding citizens are shocked to find themselves automatically subject to supervised visitation with a social worker. This may confuse children, wishing to "please" their mother, and scar them unnecessarily for life.

It serves as a bargaining chip--many men are forced to agree to a permanent order of protection either of the same or more limited scope in return for something else such as lower spousal support or more access to children.

It drains resources. It gives the accuser the upper hand in property litigation and spousal support. The ousted spouse has no access to their financial documents, tax forms, personal property, safe deposits, deeds, etc. Although he can always request from his wife's attorney or the court that these items be made available, the process often takes time, and requests for compliance are often ignored.

It emotionally puts men on the defense. They have no access to their belongings and family. There is the mad dash to find a new place, new clothes, furniture, etc. He is now known as the "bad guy." And, if he acts too aggressively to refute the allegations, it may make him suddenly seem more menacing. The innocent who are accused are therefore thrown into overwhelming turmoil from which it is difficult to recover.

It creates a windfall for the attorneys. Once a stay away order is issued, the parties cannot communicate with each other. All communications must therefore be carried out via the parties' lawyers. As a result, there is a strong incentive for the less ethically minded lawyer to protract a legal battle by encouraging this tactic.

There has been a small effort to address the problem, but none have made significant
efforts to remedy it. In New Jersey, in 2008, one trial judge found that the current standard of proof was unconstitutional in that it violated the defendant's right to due process, and required the stricter "clear and convincing evidence standard." However, the Appellate Division overturned the ruling, which was upheld by the New Jersey Supreme Court**.

In 2005, The Family Law News, California State Bar's official publication in the field, noted
that the state issued on average 250,000 orders of protection annually. It acknowledged that the issuance of such orders were "routine" and conceded that they were misused by parties seeking to "jockey" for an advantage in custody matters and as retaliation***. Similarly, the Illinois Bar Journal called orders of protection "part of the gamesmanship of divorce****."

A few recent studies examine this problem. One study found that 59% of allegations of domestic violence between couples involved in custody disputes could not be substantiated by the courts as true*****. A 2008 analysis of orders issued in one county in West Virginia concluded that 81% were unnecessary or false******. A 2010 review by Connecticut's Judicial Department noted that ex parte orders increased over 25% from 2003 and 2004, and that nothing was being done to stop frivolous requests*******.

And nobody in their right mind thinks going to a children's play area with a box of kittens is an acceptable way to get kittens rehomed.

First is was not a child play area it was a middle of a public park that service both adults and children.

It was no difference then showing them at pet smart where there was heavy traffic of both adults and children.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 07:28 am
To sum up I unlike my ex-wife have zero to be ashamed about and I was the victim of abuse not her. The physical harm I suffer from that abused was very minor but the emotional scares was deep indeed and interfere with my having other relationships for a large percent of my lifespan.

Next there is nothing wrong with using a public park that my tax dollars help pay for in order to try to get homes for kittens nor did I show the kittens in a children play area but instead in the middle of this fairly large park with both adults and children around.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 11:58 am
Some women enjoy erotic literature, or romance novels, or rape fantasies, these are all harmless escapism in controlled form

But the people consuming these things (women) wouldn't be doing so if they weren't turned on by them.

Does a man who enjoys action movies really want to walk out of the theater and find bombs and trucks exploding all over the place, around him, in the real world?

...completely unrelated to what I was talking about, and a distraction tactic on your part to compare such a thing.

I'm really tired of listening to your A Voice For Men canned spiel and I think drinking so much of Paul Elam's Kool Aid has affected your capacity for objective and rational thought. All your carping and whining about an alleged feminist/female supremacy conspiracy doesn't do a thing to rectify any of those problems you feel disadvantage men. Don't blame women if they are better organized and more effective lobbyists to accomplish their societal goals--and they don't accomplish those goals by just yakking on internet forums.

You are so ignorant. I'm tired of you constantly bringing up Elam. Especially when you know absolutely nothing about the man. See that's the thing, when I criticize feminists I'm actually basing it on first hand knowledge I've collected from actually reading their own words. You on the other hand just shout "Paul Elam!!" like it's a codeword for the boogieman without ever having heard what he has to say and then criticised that because you found the content to be unacceptable. But mostly I'm tired of hearing you reference Elam, because he is but one small piece of the men's movement. There are so many others. Of course you might know this is if you did actual research instead of just strawmanning the entire movement based on bullshit that you make up.

And the reason that "women" (i.e. feminists/gynocentrists) "are better organized and more effective lobbyists" is because feminism is a BILLION dollar propaganda industry with already well established support from the government, media, and academia. The men's movement is a grass roots movement with little support and little money. We are David fighting Goliath. And we aren't just "just yakking on internet forums", we're doing a lot of things. But again maybe you'd know this if you researched the subject so that when you speak, what you have to say might sound somewhat knowledgable. Instead you willingly choose to sound like an idiot.

The topic is rape--the crime of rape.

Yes. And phony statistics, and the hysteria that accompany them is part of that discussion.
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 02:11 pm
Alan Young, a law professor at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto, says existing legal precedents may allow prosecutions for BDSM-style sex -- regardless of whether consent was received -- if the courts think bodily harm occurred.
A 1991 Supreme Court of Canada decision held that consent isn't a defence for a criminal act of assault where one of the perpetrators intends and causes bodily harm, he added. That decision was in the context of consensual street brawls, Young explained, and the boundary line for what's considered bodily harm is still being interpreted.
"There have been cases of convictions for what might be called rough sex, but everything will turn on the facts because you have to know the intent of the accused and the extent of the injuries," he said.
Brenda Cossman, a professor of law at the University of Toronto, said the law in Canada hasn't clearly dealt with BDSM practices such as "safe words," which are used in rough sex where the submissive partner has a code word to indicate they wish to practice to stop.
"It's a very, very murky area," she said.
In 1995, the Ontario Court of Appeal applied the Supreme Court of Canada decision to a case of sexual assault causing bodily harm and upheld a conviction, despite consent.
"It could apply in a BDSM case," she said.
"If there were ... permanent scars left, I would say that would be something the courts might consider to be bodily harm. ... No matter how much the person is consenting to it, the courts can still say, 'That's not something you're allowed to consent to.'

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/rough-painful-consensual-sex-is-murky-legal-area-experts-1.2074687#ixzz3JXycOEOV

In other words consent is everything, but it is not the citizens consent that must be gained, it is the governments. Much like the old days when a guy had to get the parents consent before he could ask for the girls consent for marriage.

So much for the feminists railing against paternalism...they are hostile towards it, except when they embrace it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 02:33 pm
...And that is my biology at work. We men are slaves to our reptile brains and our evolution. But I wish that society would recognize that we are so much more than that.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, nononono well that ends that conversation Smile

You could say that it sucks, that you men are wired in the manner of which you are when you see an attractive lady or a woman that smiles.... Apparently though you are the hunters.

If you think on that note, we therefore "have" to find you attractive to be hunted, though the cave man days apparently, the man didn't care, you know, drag her by the hair and claim her. Well I think that still happens Smile

It's the "taking" without permission that's not acceptable, the keen eye watching a woman drink, even assist by buying her one, assuming that's all you need (not you personally), to score.

I wonder where the "Father" instincts come out. Mmm maybe later in life? When a man matures and has children of his own. In the meantime, we truly can be "game" hence the constant forums and seminars available to men, teaching them how to pick up chicks.. Chicks? Even there, a bird with two legs. Non recognisable as a human being.

Respect for both genders in my opinion tends to come later in life, which is a sad shame because young women just feel free, safe, just want to have fun and un-aware for the most part of a lot of things to be wary of.

But don't let that discount my flattery when I say that's it's nice to hear from you again FS. You are an attractive lady; and I say that without ever having met you, or seen a picture of you

Thanks.. Reminds me why soul wasn't a bad name after all Smile
Reply Wed 19 Nov, 2014 05:08 pm
The topic is neither your difficulties getting laid, nor your envy of women because they allegedly don't have that problem. The topic is rape--the crime of rape--a crime that affects females and males of all ages.

Your puerile rants about "feminists" border on the bizarre in the context of a discussion about rape--particularly the rape of women--given the magnitude of your disconnect from the reality of the crime of rape, and how most people view the issue of such crimes, and why they want laws to deter such crimes.

Vulnerable women, of any age, can be sought out and preyed on by sexual predators--these crimes occur every day, and the statistics are all too real. And, whether she's a 20 year old, incapacitated by alcohol, or elderly and incapacitated by the infirmities of old age, for a sexual predator, her vulnerability presents an opportunity to more easily dominate, subordinate, and over-power her sexually, an opportunity to use and abuse her sexually, an opportunity to criminally sexually assault her, all with a low probability of being apprehended or prosecuted, let alone convicted.

This story, from today's news couldn't be a better example of that. Could this rape victim have been any more vulnerable?
Family of elderly rape victim: 'We have a voice for her'
By Tracy Vedder
Nov 18, 2014

AUBURN, Wash. -- The family of an elderly woman is speaking out about how they used a "nanny cam" to catch the man charged with raping her. And the family also wants to know why the state didn't do more to protect their grandmother.

"How could this happen in a place that looked so good?" said Gary Moon.

Moon placed the hidden camera in his mother in law's room a week ago, but he never could have imagined what he would soon record. The elderly 83-year old woman suffers from dementia, doesn't speak and had been living at the A. A. Adult Family Home in Auburn for the past three and a half years.

Gary and Shari Moon, the woman's adult daughter, chose the home because it was close to where they lived and looked like a caring family environment.

But after Shari Moon found a pattern of bruising on her mother's arms she got worried. It's tough on dementia patients every time they move into a new environment, so rather than just moving her to a new home, the family decided to try the nanny cam first, to find out for certain if caregivers were handling the elderly woman too roughly.

Instead of rough handling, the family and charges filed today by the King County Prosecutor's Office say the hidden camera captured the owner of the home, Laszlo Molnar, sexually assaulting the elderly woman.

The family immediately called police, who arrested owner Molnar last Thursday.

"I want him to know," said granddaughter Chrissy Black, "that even though he didn't think she has a voice - we have a voice for her."

Molnar is out of jail after posting a $200,000 bond Saturday. Since then, prosecutors have charged him with rape, upped the bond to $750,000 and asked that he surrender his passport, saying that as a Russian citizen he's a flight risk...

What's the essential difference between the rape of a 2o year old, who is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or the rape of an 83 year old who is incapacitated by infirmity, dementia, and an inability to speak? None. And the mentality and motivations of their rapists are equally similar.

Trying to deny the reality of rape, or the nature of rape, or trying to see it as a crime that victimizes the rapists, is absurd, just as is most of what you post.

Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 02:34 am
Don't expect Mememeeee to pay any attention. He has to be the victim, blame everyone and everything else for his crappy life. He can't face reality.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 03:13 am
The topic is neither your difficulties getting laid, nor your envy of women because they allegedly don't have that problem.

Who ever said I have problems getting laid? I certainly didn't, because I don't. But if you're referring to me examining the differences between men and women, and how those differences affect circumstances surrounding issues such as rape, then yes; I WILL bring those differences up.

Your puerile rants about "feminists" border on the bizarre in the context of a discussion about rape--particularly the rape of women--given the magnitude of your disconnect from the reality of the crime of rape, and how most people view the issue of such crimes, and why they want laws to deter such crimes.

No, you are not allowed to attempt to use pathetic shaming tactics to divert the points I've brought up. A discussion of rape, especially in regards to the subject of this thread (which is that the figures being thrown around in regards to the prevalence of rape are INACCURATE) should ALWAYS include discussing the influence of the people enacting the laws and controlling the narrative in regards to rape.

And see that's the thing, people who are interested in TRUTH take the time to examine every facet of complicated issues. What you're doing by claiming that discussing feminism's impact on things such as but not limited to rape laws is that you're attempting to silence any opinion you disagree with. This is (ta da!) the same kind of behavior that feminists engage in on virtually ANY subject. Just like them, you wish to be completely in control of the narrative. Instead of either considering different viewpoints, or else using logic and facts to point out why they're wrong, you use logical fallacies and shaming tactics to attempt to shut down anyone who disagrees with you.

Vulnerable women, of any age, can be sought out and preyed on by sexual predators-

And the same can and does happen to men. Quit omitting men when you speak about this kind of stuff in your attempt to sweep that under the rug by inferring that somehow violence against women is a worse crime than violence against men. Violence is violence period. Women are not special snowflakes who deserve special protection. And that's also a big part of what's wrong with society, men's pain and problems are being ignored.

and the statistics are all too real

The statistics are fiction, and that's the whole reason this thread was started by maxdancona.

whether she's a 20 year old, incapacitated by alcohol,

Let me ask you this: Why is it that when women drink, they are allowed to act as irresponsibly as they choose and not expected to accountable for any of their actions while when men drink, they are expected to be fully responsible for everything they do? Do you believe that men have some sort of super powers that makes it so that they are immune to alcohol impairing their judgement? Women get a free pass for their bad behavior while drinking. Men do not. How is this just?

Trying to deny the reality of rape, or the nature of rape, or trying to see it as a crime that victimizes the rapists, is absurd, just as is most of what you post.

Ok, this is again complete horsehit on your part. I will not allow you to straw man me firefly. I've never argued that rape victimizes ACTUAL rapists. Ever. I will not allow you to insinuate that I have.

If you're going to argue against my points, then use actual things I've said and explain what you disagree with. Otherwise sit down and shut up.

Or you can continue saying stupid things, I really don't care. You're doing a great job, making yourself sound like an imbecile.
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 03:47 am
So tell me, great authority on the crime of rape, why do you think that 83 year old, with dementia and unable to speak, was selected to be repeatedly raped in her adult home bed by the owner of the home? Which of your great insights on the topic sheds light on this rape, or the other rapes of all the other very elderly women that occur all the time, and that contribute to the rape statistics.
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 03:55 am
You could say that it sucks, that you men are wired in the manner of which you are when you see an attractive lady or a woman that smiles.... Apparently though you are the hunters.

Yes, but society conditions men to go about that hunting in the wrong manner. And it conditions women to bait and then use those men. Society has changed; especially since the industrial revolution. We as human beings need to evolve, and for that to happen we have to be conscious of what we're doing. That involves looking at things like the way men and women interact in a very sober light. It involves seeking truth. And when we find those truths we need to take them to heart, even if they are unpleasant, even if they are not the fairy tales we've been sold all our lives.

For example, we humans have been selling ourselves the narrative that men and women have some mystical bond for all of our human existence. However true that may have once been (and I would argue that the "bond" was little more than a strategy for survival), I would strongly argue that it's no longer true. Men and women are so fundamentally different that they almost border on being different species. What motivates them, and how they operate are so very different. And they are competing with each other in a zero sum game for the same resources.

It would seem that in the present day, the most substantive thing holding men and women together is breeding. As science progresses, one day men and women may not need each other for either breeding or for recreational sexual activity. It's hard not to recognize that if and when that were to happen, how many social ills it would alleviate.

If you think on that note, we therefore "have" to find you attractive to be hunted, though the cave man days apparently, the man didn't care, you know, drag her by the hair and claim her. Well I think that still happens

Except now it's more often women, clubbing their men over the head by using the state to extract their resources through alimony payments through divorce.

I wonder where the "Father" instincts come out. Mmm maybe later in life?

I honestly think fatherly instincts are always there for men. In fact even in their 20's most men want monogamous relationships that they view as "going somewhere." Women in their 20's on the other hand have so many options available to them (much more than men do, to the point where most women are essentially at the heart of a bidding war similar to when someone has multiple job offers), that most have trouble resisting temptation and jump from one man to another. That's why most women have had more sexual partners than most men have.

Another thing that is a factor in all this is the hypergamous nature of women. Women are always looking for a bigger and better deal. A man with more resources. Sometimes this better deal can come in the form of the government when the woman divorces the man. I'd have to look up the exact figure, but I believe it's something like 70% of divorces are initiated by women. The men in those situations still have that fatherly instinct to be with their kids, but women more often than not use the state to keep the man's children out of his life while extracting child support money. So he's essentially supporting kids that he's not allowed to see very often.

which is a sad shame because young women just feel free, safe, just want to have fun and un-aware for the most part of a lot of things to be wary of.

I would argue that young men are unaware of dangers as well. And those young men are treated more harshly by society and the law, which expects them (unfairly) to be more responsible/accountable than young women are.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:26 am
or the other rapes of all the other very elderly women that occur all the time

^That's hyperbole. Rapes of elderly people don't happen "all the time", just like rapes of anyone else don't happen "all the time". This is part of the problem. People like you exaggerate how often rapes occur in order to fan the flames of hysteria. If what you and people like you are insinuating is true, then nobody would ever leave their house. If rape was really as prevalent in society as feminist ideologues would have you believe, the president would likely declare a state of emergency and perhaps institute martial law. And that's why people need to be having open discussions about things like what maxdanconna pointed out at the beginning of this thread. It's an important dialogue for people to have, because there are negative consequences for BOTH sexes because of these bullcrap statistics and rape hysteria culture. Men are unfairly demonized, and women who have actually been raped have a harder time getting help because of all the other bullshit that isn't rape that's eating up time and resources.

why do you think that 83 year old, with dementia and unable to speak, was selected to be repeatedly raped in her adult home bed by the owner of the home?

Probably because the person who raped her was some level of sociopath who enjoys raping. It's really a simple answer. Some people are shitty, it's an inescapable aspect of life.

Just because you cherry pick a story out of the news doesn't add any weight to whatever you're claiming (which I'm not even sure what that is because your logical argumentative skills are so weak.)

I can find stories in the news about men being assaulted or sexually abused also.

I'm not even really sure what you're asking me. Like, are you insinuating that because this woman was violated that then definitely proves that all rape statistics are accurate? Do you have any kind of logical reasoning skills whatsoever? Because what it sounds like you're saying to me is essentially "Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderer. Jeffery Dahmer was a man. Therefore it stands to reason that all men are murderers."
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:55 am
If rape was really as prevalent in society as feminist ideologues would have you believe, the president would likely declare a state of emergency and perhaps institute martial law.

That was my reaction to the claims of one in four or now one in five female college students being rape during their college years.

Never mind that reported rapes are at a many decades low or that crime reports dealing with college campuses containing many thousands female students show at worst one to three reported rapes a year.

If rape was in fact one in four or five event what parents would allowed their daughters to go to colleges until martial law was declare on those campuses?

To try to pump numbers up the government needed to demand under threat of cutting off federal funding to colleges that they set up kangaroo "courts" without due processes and the very low standard of more likely then not, while redefining the issue of consent on top of it.

With all the above while they have indeed manage to ruin some young men careers the numbers still are far lower then one in five claims of the feminists and their phony surveys.
Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:06 am
Probably because the person who raped her was some level of sociopath who enjoys raping

What could possibly be enjoyable about raping an 83 year old with dementia who can't speak?

What could possibly be enjoyable about raping a 20 year old college student incapacitated by drugs or alcohol?

Think Bill Cosby is "some level of sociopath" since he seems to have preferred drugging in order to rape?

You claim to understand what rape is about, so tell us. What's enjoyable about raping?

Just saying, "Some people are shitty," reflects no insight into the nature of rape at all. What happened to your great theory that women want to be subordinated and dominated and taken against their will? Think that 83 year old woman with dementia had a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on her nightstand, and her rapist noticed that, and wanted to do her a favor?
I'm not even really sure what you're asking me

I'm asking you to deal with the reality of rape--actual rapes, and why they occur.

Reply Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:13 am
rapes are at a many decades low

Ok, now that is true^

If rape was in fact one in four or five event what parents would allowed their daughters to go to colleges until martial law was declare on those campuses?

Exactly. And yet there are more women enrolled in and graduating college then ever before. Women on college campuses outnumber men. Women are also more likely to graduate than men are.

To try to pump numbers up the government needed to demand under threat of cutting off federal funding to colleges that they set up kangaroo "courts" without due processes and the very low standard of more likely then not, while redefining the issue of consent on top of it.

And don't forget that all of this propaganda at it's root cause is because of a wealthy few group of people who are trying to pit men and women against each other in order to continue to justify their jobs.
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