1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 04:38 pm
I thought the first story said she hit him with a shovel and knocked him out?
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 04:52 pm
It was. And as Bobsal has proven, it is a ridiculous story that was clearly invented to make some point.

The fact that Bobsal posted a fake video from an advertisement as if it were real to support this crazy claim is very funny.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 05:19 pm
If that is what happened, then it is entirely possible that wmwcjr is telling the truth to the best of his ability, and is not trying to be deceptive.

considering that fellow spends the majority of his time on A2K screwing around this is doubtful.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 09:30 pm
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 09:31 pm
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2015 09:32 pm
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Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2015 02:35 am
@bobsal u1553115,
You're really upsetting the likes of Max and Hawkeye. Then don't want to hear about children escaping from rapists/murderers, that's not what they would consider a happy ending.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2015 06:14 am
Too bad for them. Truth to power, truth to ignorance.

Angry Dad Goes Full BEAST MODE, Gets REVENGE On Daughter’s Bullies
March 3, 2015 11:15 am·

An angry father, who also happens to be baseball legend Kurt Schilling, went into beast mode to get revenge on his daughter’s bullies, and now they’re running scared.
Angry Dad Goes Full BEAST MODE, Gets Revenge On Daughter’s Bullies

Kurt Schilling (Photo Credit: TheBlaze)

Schilling, a former Boston Red Sox pitcher who’s won a World Series MVP award, posted an innocent tweet congratulating his daughter on getting accepted into the Rhode Island college Salve Regina, where she’ll be following in her father’s footsteps and pitching for their softball team, the Seahawks. However, rather than follow in his praise for the 17-year-old girl, Twitter users started attacking her with sexually explicit messages, and the New York Daily News reports that so far nine of them have paid the price for it.

Congrats to Gabby Schilling who will pitch for the Salve Regina Seahawks next year!!

— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) February 25, 2015

“As a father, besides providing for my family, what other job do I have? Loving my kids and protecting my family,” Schilling told the Daily News.

Schilling said he’s fully aware that nine trolls have faced dire consequences for their actions, but “we’re not done,” he said.
Angry Dad Goes Full BEAST MODE, Gets Revenge On Daughter’s Bullies

Gabriella Schilling (Photo Credit: New York Daily News)

In a scathing blog post on 38 Pitches, Schilling’s website, the relentless father called out the trolls in epic fashion, according to TheBlaze.

If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand.

My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her a** off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She’s loved it, and I’ve loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way.

Last week we were told she’d been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year.

Clearly an incredibly proud day.


And tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to follow.

Now let me emphasize again. I was a jock my whole life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys. Guys will say dumb crap, often. But I can’t ever remember, drunk, in a clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to someone…


My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn’t do anything, she never said anything, yet she’s now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let’s just say I can’t repeat and I’m getting beyond angry thinking about it. Her boyfriend, a wicked good hockey player who has a fighting streak I absolutely love is going out of his mind to be let off his leash but unlike the athletes tweeting this stuff he understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.

These boys have yet to understand one of life’s most important lessons. In the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are not careful that can mean some different things.


This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after.

If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public.

What part of talking about a young woman, my daughter or not, makes you even consider the possibility that this is either funny or makes you tough?


The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding.

These aren’t thugs, tough guys or bad a**es, these aren’t kids who’ve had it rough, they aren’t homeless or orphans, these are pretty much ALL white, affluent, college attending children, and I mean children.

A mistake is tweeting once and saying “damn, I’m an idiot” and taking it down. These guys? They’re making conscious choices to cyberbully an amazing and beautiful young woman on the internet, that none of them know by the way, because they don’t like her dad or they somehow think saying words you can teach a 5 year old is tough? Cool? Bad a**? Something I am missing? My right hand to God I promise all of you that tweeted this stuff, the friends around you saying “dude that’s hilarious” and “OMG that’s awesome”? Those people? Inside they’re actually thinking “what an a**#$!Q” and “holy crap what a piece of trash”, no matter what they say to your face.

Ladies? If any of these guys is your boyfriend you’re in for a real rude awakening.

Lastly? Not one of these gutless clowns would even think of saying a word of ANY of this in person.


As it turns out, one of the Twitter users who resorted to the vile bullying was a ticket seller for the New York Yankees, a long-time rival of the Red Sox. However, the Yankees organization said they have “zero tolerance” for that kind of behavior, and Montclair (N.J.) State University graduate Sean MacDonald was promptly fired by the team.

MacDonald also belonged to the Theta Xi Fraternity, who didn’t hesitate to call his disgusting posts “offensive and inappropriate,” while promising disciplinary action against him.
Angry Dad Goes Full BEAST MODE, Gets Revenge On Daughter’s Bullies

(Photo credit: New York Daily News)

Schilling was able to trace other tweets back to the account of Brookdale Community College student Adam Nagel, who also has to face the music. The college quickly suspended him and scheduled a conduct hearing, where “further disciplinary action will be taken.

Schilling, who is currently fighting mouth cancer and just finished another round of chemotherapy, has a simple explanation why he’s going to such great lengths to punish Internet trolls.

“Let me be very clear,” he said. “I don’t know that I could put myself in a place where my daughter would take her life, but if that happened, I’m that father with nothing to lose. This was an attack on my family.”

While many might argue that Internet trolls are commonplace in today’s time and as such, we should take them with a grain of salt, I can’t for a second blame Schilling for coming to his daughter’s defense. We hear too many stories these days about kids who are bullied to the point of suicide, and I couldn’t even imagine being a parent who loses a child after knowing that it’s been happening.

So to that I say, kudos to Schilling for standing up for his family and what he believes in. Trolls are a dime a dozen, real men willing to take a stand aren’t.

[H/T: TheBlaze]

Author: Sean Brown Sean Brown is a libertarian political writer who believes in God, family and country, and is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment along with the rest of our natural rights. Make sure you follow him on both Facebook and Twitter! Feel free to check out other stories he's written as well.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2015 01:10 pm
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 04:03 pm

Rape Culture: 20 More Signs

Rape culture is the minimal media coverage and lack of independent inquiry and rarely talking about how to improve it. Here are 20 signs rape culture is taking over American society.
Published: March 7, 2015 | Authors: NationofChange Staff | NationofChange | Op-Ed

Rape culture is the “don’t drink because you could end up in a bad situation” lecture being given to women who are the victims of crimes, not the men who commit them.

Rape culture is talking about rape and having someone say, “Yeah, it’s happened to everyone you know.”

Rape culture is not having a discussion about pornography comprising 30 percent of Internet traffic.

Rape culture is rarely talking about how to improve many video games that objectify females, despite significant research by gamers like Anita Sarkeesian.

Rape culture is gamers threatening critics with rape and feminists with killing because, you know, the dehumanization of women in video games has no affect on them.

Rape culture is having a porn actor, Gemma Massey, say in her BBC Three documentary, “Porn: What’s the Harm?” that the thought of an 11-year-old boys watching her films is “quite disturbing,” adding, “I think people need to understand it’s not real [sex]. It’s not how I would have sex at home at all.”

Rape culture is not talking about how pornography is causing erectile dysfunction in young men and changing their sexual preferences.

Rape culture is GQ having accused rapist, Kobe Bryant, on the March 2015 magazine’s cover, along with “Are You Man Enough for the Men’s Rights Movement?,” which documents men who have mostly abandoned positive masculinity (this in the same issue as a “Letter from the Editor” that celebrates acceptance of gay marriage).

Rape culture is that GQ article including, without comment, an assertion that a woman just “wanted to be raped,” men speaking furiously about the consequences they faced for harassing and assaulting females, a man discussing whether the age of consent should be 12.3 or 12, a man telling a journalist she “shouldn’t put her hand on a man’s knee if she doesn’t want to have sex with him” and a man recounting the time he warned his daughter who had just been raped that “if she pressed charges, he would disown her.”

Rape culture is most pornography representing numerous, severe violations of affirmative consent—the behavior standard now in SUNY schools and California colleges (with lawmakers pushing for high school education).

Rape culture is GQ’s, “My Hardcore Obsession,” which documents extreme brutal violence against women, being advertised as their most popular article for about a week in January.

Rape culture is a huge percentage of songs played on the radio for teens and young adults that involve drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or having sex inspired solely by desire.

American rape culture is “Blurred Lines” being played widely in America, but banned in UK colleges.

Rape culture is no national conversation about rape on TV, or in movie entertainment, like the pervasive rape scenes in “Game of Thrones,” which include child molestation, incest and gang rape.

Rape culture is not talking about potentially more men being victims than women because of prison conditions despite the Prison Rape Elimination Act passing unanimously in 2003.

Rape culture is when those who threaten violence against female journalists are rarely investigated or prosecuted because of technological complexities, or a lack of urgency, but quick action is taken when mostly male police departments are believed to be at risk of violence.

Rape culture is ascribing assaults to “a few bad apples” although 6 out of every hundred collegiate women killed, 36 of each 100 men would never be compared to spoiled fruit.

Rape culture is the minimal media coverage and lack of independent inquiry into Operation Death Eaters charges, including sex with minors by rich and powerful leaders.

Rape culture is when former Vanderbilt football player, Brandon Vandenburg, watches, photographs and encourages multiple men to sexual assault a woman he dated and then his lawyer blaming it on “culture” and “peer pressure.”

Rape culture is having a long-time friend tell you she doesn’t know if you knew, but she was date raped in college.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 04:15 pm
Cops Make Parade Float Mocking a Woman for Being Raped By Her Father as a Child
The Baton Rouge police department has launched an internal investigation into the actions of officers who allegedly rode on and helped decorate a float that mocked a woman for being raped as a child; by her father.

The theme of the float was of the Baton Rouge reality show, “Sons of Guns.” It focused on the daughter of the former television star, Will Hayden. Hayden is currently facing sexual assault charges in East Baton Rouge and Livingston Parishes, after being accused of sexually assaulting his own daughter along with two other victims.

The float was “decorated” with a large photo of Stephanie Ford, the sexual assault victim, with the caption underneath her photo stating, “A face only a daddy could love.” Other sayings on the float consisted of things like, “Krewe of Sleazania,” “Red Jack It” and “Kiss Me Daddy.”


No words...

On edit I do have some words. Try to get your head around the mentality of the people who would even think of something like this. Then consider they not only thought of it, they decided it was a good idea, and then actually went out and did it. Then consider those are the same people who are sanctioned by the state to wield lethal force against the citizenry, and to do so who little oversight and even fewer consequences. We live in a very sick place.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 04:19 pm

Morning Mix
The scary past of former ‘Sons of Guns’ star — and alleged rapist — Will Hayden
By Justin Moyer August 28, 2014 Follow @justinwmmoyer

For Will Hayden, former star of the Discovery Channel’s “Sons of Guns” accused of raping a 12-year-old girl, doors are already slamming shut.

His reality show has been canceled, evidence of its existence scrubbed from Discovery’s Web site. As The Washington Post’s Emily Yahr reported: “‘Given the serious and horrific nature of the charges against Will Hayden, we have decided to halt further production of “Sons of Guns” and cancel the series,’ the network said in a statement Wednesday.”

Hayden’s lawyer, Frank Holthaus, said he believes the allegations are “are completely false.”

But his gun shop has disowned him. “Red Jacket Firearms LLC. has initiated and received full legal separation as an entity, from William M. Hayden,” read a statement on the shop’s Web site. “With heavy hearts, we will be continuing to operate and ensure the fulfillment of new customer orders, back orders and to provide support to those affected by these new developments. WE are the Heart and Soul of Red Jacket and will remain steadfast in our commitment to quality and our customers, for years to come.”
This Aug. 27, 2014 booking photo released by the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office shows reality television star Will Hayden, after he was arrested in East Baton Rouge Parish on a charge accusing him of raping a child. Hayden, whose show “Sons of Guns” appeared on The Discover Channel, had been free on $150,000 bond after an Aug. 9 arrest for alleged child molestation. A sheriff’s office spokeswoman says she cannot say whether both arrests involve the same child. (AP Photo/East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office)
Reality television star Will Hayden, after he was arrested in East Baton Rouge Parish on a charge accusing him of raping a child. Hayden, whose show “Sons of Guns” appeared on The Discovery Channel, had been free on $150,000 bond after an Aug. 9 arrest for alleged child molestation. A sheriff’s office spokesman says she cannot say whether both arrests involve the same child. (AP Photo/East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office)

Whatever the outcome of his criminal charge, Hayden, 44, is looking at his show-business obituary — the latest chapter of a life that, in light of recent allegations, seems filled with darkness. “Long ago I became comfortable with the idea of death,” he once wrote. Consider these glimpses of a troubled past:

1. Hayden was beaten as a child. Hayden said his father did not spare the rod — or the fist. “Hell, he put me through a wall with a punch when I was five,” Hayden wrote in “Sons of Guns: Straight-Shootin’ Stories from the Star of the Hit Discovery Series.” ” … From that moment on I realized I had to pick my battles carefully. Very carefully. Any battle I could get up and walk away from was a victory. It didn’t matter if me or my psyche looked or felt like it’d been run through a meat grinder. Victory is victory.”

2. And he survived a house fire. Hayden described an early brush with death in Faulknerian terms. “I was pulled out of the house that was burning down around us,” he told CBS in 2011. “In honesty, I still have that nightmare … waking up to fire eating me up, the bed and sheets in flames, the curtains falling around you, the smoke-filled room, the scary man from outer space with the huge mask over his face and a big thing on his head dragging me out of there. That s–t f—s with you, bro.”

3. He couldn’t afford a gun — so he made one. In his memoir, Hayden makes his youth sound like warfare. “Surviving my single-digit and preadolescent years wasn’t the easiest cake to bake,” he wrote. “Growing up in Dixie, just north of Baton Rouge, you had to be harder than coffin nails. Gunfights between twelve-year-olds weren’t uncommon. … But since I couldn’t afford to buy my own bang stick, I made one. Found some discarded pieces of this and that at a construction site, including some rubber banding, a decent board, and a broken section of pipe … I cobbled it all together as best I could.”

4. He was suspected of robbing his own gun shop. Hayden wrote that the ATF suspected him of burglarizing his own store for insurance money — even though he had no insurance policy. Though this seems like a rock-solid alibi, Hayden gets cagey in his book. “The rest of this robbery story crosses deep into ‘dirty laundry’ territory,” he wrote. “But because I already give y’all a top-to-bottom view of my hamper on each and every episode, this particular dirty laundry I’ll keep to myself. Let’s just say my marriage didn’t survive the aftermath.” The fallout? “Busted marriage = homeless Will,” he wrote.

5. He’s said creepy things about virgins before. Faced with a “virgin kit” — a gun that has never been assembled before — Hayden expressed disapproval. “As with any virgin, I can pretty much promise you this kit is going to end up being more trouble than it’s worth,” he says at the 2:40 mark of this episode of “Sons of Guns.”
Justin Moyer is the deputy editor of the Morning Mix. Follow him on Twitter: @justinwmmoyer.
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Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 04:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Rape culture is not having a discussion about pornography comprising 30 percent of Internet traffic.

LOL so pornography cause rapes or result in rapes!!!!!!!!!!!

There was no rapes before the Edison came up with films or the printing press for that matter and the whole populations of large cities did not suffer massive cases of rapes during war times?

“don’t drink because you could end up in a bad situation” lecture being given to women who are the victims of crimes, not the men who commit them.

LOL datng couple go out on date and both get hammer of their own free will and have sex that the female partner later regret and therefore turn her male partner into a rapist due to her regretas after the fact!!!!!

Rape culture is gamers threatening critics with rape and feminists with killing b

LOL so a few immature gamers turn the whole society into a rape culture by issuing threats that they for the most part have no way of carrying out.\

Hmm have a female friend into gaming that had stated that she could killed another player in such a game does that fact turn the society into a female murder culture?

or having sex inspired solely by desire.

Are you a roman catholic of the old school that think that sex should only be for producing the next generation? In any case there is nothing wrong with sex due to physical desire on the part of both parties.

pornography is causing erectile dysfunction in young men and changing their sexual preferences

LOL after looking and enjoying porn for a large percent of my 66 years on earth I still have no problem with having sex with my wife and I question if any far younger men are having such problems.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 05:37 pm
Oh I remember reading a sex book in the 1950's that stated that mastabation by young men would cause problems later in life with having normal sexual relationships.

Now it is online porn so it would seems in any case that nothing ever change.
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 05:40 pm
BillRM wrote:

Oh I remember reading a sex book in the 1950's that stated that mastabation by young men would cause problems later in life with having normal sexual relationships.

Now it is online porn so it would seems in any case that nothing ever change.

the anti sex people trot that BS out on a regular basis. They have as much credibility with me as do the anti make-up people "You look so much better without all that crap on".....no she does not unless she is completely clueless on how to use make-up, the actual agenda is to not have other guys wanting to **** her. Same with the anti porn people, where the agenda is to leave people ignorant about all the possibilities for innovative interesting sex so that they dont have too much fun and want to do it too often.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 06:01 pm
Pornography and Sexual Violence


Robert Jensen Robert Jensen
University of Texas at Austin, School of Journalism
<[email protected]>

Published: July, 2004

Copyright © 2004 National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Table of Contents

The Question
The Industry
The Content of Pornography
Consumption and Effects
Implications for Policies and Practice
In Brief: Pornography and Sexual Violence

Consumption and Effects

Virtually all reviews of the research on the potential connections between pornography and sexual violence suggest there is evidence for some limited effects on male consumers but no way to reach definitive conclusions. If one is looking for direct causal links in a traditional science model, this is likely to be a permanent assessment; it is difficult to imagine research methods that could provide more compelling data and conclusions. However, if we expand the scope of the inquiry, other insights are possible ( Boyle, 2000).

Three basic types of studies have emerged in the search for an answer to the question about the relationship between pornography and violence, two of which are within the traditional science model and of limited value. First, a few large-scale studies have investigated the correlation of the availability of pornography to rates of violence, with mixed results ( Kutchinsky, 1991; Jaffee & Strauss, 1987). The complexity of confounding variables and the imprecision of measures make these studies of extremely limited value.

Second, experimental studies in the laboratory have been constructed to investigate directly the question of causal links. A typical study might expose groups of subjects to different types or levels of sexually explicit material for comparison to a control group that views non-sexual material. Researchers look for significant differences between the groups on a measure of, for example, male attitudes toward rape. From such controlled testing -- measuring the effect of an experimental stimulus (exposure to pornography) on a dependent variable (attitudes toward women or sex) in randomly selected groups --researchers make claims, usually tentative, about causal relationships.

One of the most thorough reviews of the experimental literature by leading researchers in the field concluded, "if a person has relatively aggressive sexual inclinations resulting from various personal and/or cultural factors, some pornography exposure may activate and reinforce associated coercive tendencies and behaviors" ( Malamuth, Addison, & Koss, 2000, p. 81). The authors also pointed out that "high pornography use is not necessarily indicative of high risk for sexual aggression" (p. 79). Another large-scale literature review also concluded that men predisposed toward violence are most likely to show effects from viewing pornography and that men not predisposed are unlikely to show effects ( Seto, Maric, & Barbarre, 2001, p. 46).

While this experimental work sometimes offers interesting hints at how pornography works in regard to men's sexual behavior, it suffers from several serious problems that limit its value. First, the measures of men's attitudes toward women, such as answers to questions about the appropriate punishment for rapists, do not necessarily tell us anything about men's willingness to rape. Men often view their sexually aggressive or violent behavior not as aggression or violence but as "just sex." In other words, men who rape often condemn rape, which they see as something other men do ( Koss, 1988). Also, sexual behavior is a complicated mix of cognitive, emotional, and physical responses, and the answers one gives to a survey may or may not accurately reflect that mix.

Most important, these lab studies also are incapable of measuring subtle effects that develop over time. If viewing pornography develops attitudes and shapes behavior after repeated exposure, there is no guarantee that studies exposing people to a small amount of pornography over a short time can accurately measure anything. For example, in one study, the group exposed to what the researchers called the "massive" category of pornography viewed six explicitly sexual eight-minute films per session for six sessions, or a total of four hours and 48 minutes of material ( Zillmann & Bryant, 1982). And, of course, no lab experiment can replicate the common male practice of masturbating to pornography, which no doubt influences the way in which men interpret and are affected by pornography. Orgasm is a powerful physical and emotional experience that is central to the pornographic experience, yet there is no ethical way that lab studies can take this into account. Although most critics of the experimental research caution that such studies may overstate the effects, for these reasons it is just as likely that the research underestimates pornography's role in promoting misogynistic attitudes and behavior.

A third method of investigation -- interviews with men who use pornography and are sexually aggressive, and women involved in relationships with such men -- does not hold out guarantees of conclusive judgments about the effects of pornography, but such work can help us achieve deeper understanding. It is especially important to include the experiences of women, the main targets of violence, who have crucial insights ( Bergen & Bogle, 2000). What we learn from the testimony of women and men whose lives have been affected by pornography is how the material is implicated in violence against women and how it can perpetuate, reinforce, and be part of a wider system of woman hating. Rather than asking whether pornography causes rape, we can ask how pornography helps make rape inviting. Based both on the lab research and such interviews, Diana Russell has argued that pornography is a causal factor in the way that it can: (1) predispose some males to desire rape or intensify this desire; (2) undermine some males' internal inhibitions against acting out rape desires; (3) undermine some males' social inhibitions against acting out rape desires; and (4) undermine some potential victims' abilities to avoid or resist rape ( Russell, 1998, p. 121).

Even without making claims that strong, the public testimony of women ( MacKinnon & Dworkin, 1997), my interviews with pornography users and sex offenders, and various other researchers' work, have led me to conclude that pornography can: (1) be an important factor in shaping a male-dominant view of sexuality; (2) be used to initiate victims and break down their resistance to unwanted sexual activity; (3) contribute to a user's difficulty in separating sexual fantasy and reality; and (4) provide a training manual for abusers ( Dines & Jensen, 2004). Consider the following reports and what they tell us about the relationship between pornography and behavior: From a woman involved in street prostitution, who reported that when one john exploded at her he said: "I know all about you bitches, you're no different; you're like all of them. I seen it in all the movies. You love being beaten. [He then began punching the victim violently.] I just seen it again in that flick. He beat the **** out of her while he raped her and she told him she loved it; you know you love it; tell me you love it" ( Silbert & Pines, 1984, p. 864).

From a woman, interviewed in a study of sexual assault: "My husband enjoys pornographic movies. He tries to get me to do things he finds exciting in movies. They include twosomes and threesomes. I always refuse. Also, I was always upset with his ideas about putting objects in my vagina, until I learned this is not as deviant as I used to think. He used to force me or put whatever he enjoyed into me" ( Russell, 1980, p. 226).

And from three different men in my study who had been convicted of sex offenses ( Dines, Jensen, & Russo, 1998): From a 34-year-old man who had raped women and sexually abused girls: "There was a lot of oral sex that I wanted her to perform on me. There were, like, ways that would entice it in the movies, and I tried to use that on her, and it wouldn't work. Sometimes I'd get frustrated, and that's when I started hitting her. ...I used a lot of force, a lot of direct demands, that in the movies women would just cooperate. And I would demand stuff from her. And if she didn't, I'd start slapping her around" (p. 124).

From a 41-year-old man who had sexually abused his stepdaughter: "In fact, when I'd be abusing my daughter, I'd be thinking about some women I saw in a video. Because if I was to open my eyes and see my stepdaughter laying there while I was abusing her, you know, that wouldn't have been very exciting for me. You know, that would bring me back to the painful reality that I'm a child molester, where I'm in this reality of I'm making love or having intercourse with this beautiful woman from the video. The video didn't even come into my mind. It was just this beautiful person who had a beautiful body, and she was willing to do anything I asked" (p. 126).

From a 24-year-old man who had sexually abused young girls while working as a school bus driver: "When I was masturbating to these pornography things, I would think about certain girls I had seen on the bus or ones I had sold drugs to, and I would think as I was looking at these pictures in these books, what would it be like to have this girl or whoever doing this, what I'm thinking about. ... Just masturbating to the thought wasn't getting it for me anymore. I actually had to be a part of it, or actually had to do something about it. ... Like sometimes after I'd see like a certain load of kids would get off the bus, I'd pick out a couple and I'd watch them or stop and look at the mirror and stare at them and stuff like that. I would think, later on in the day, I'd masturbate to some pornography, I'd just use that picture kind of as a mental, it's kind of a scenery or whatever, and I'd put in my mind I'd put myself and whoever at the time I was thinking about, in that picture" (p. 128-129).
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 06:04 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 06:06 pm
Killer Ted Bundy And Other Hazards Of Pornography
January 26, 1989|By Stephen Chapman.


The day before Ted Bundy was executed in Florida`s electric chair, religious broadcaster James Dobson emerged from an interview with the convicted serial killer and announced that Bundy`s crimes were all the fault of dirty pictures. ``Pornography . . . was the fuel for his fantasies to do the things he did,`` said Dobson.

This was an arresting revelation, explaining as it did the actions of the premier serial killer in American history, who may have murdered 36 women in all. You can be sure that before his corpse was cold-of course his probably took longer than most corpses to cool, having been warmed up beforehand-religious broadcasters, anti-porn evangelists and assorted right-wing groups were already rushing to get out fund-raising letters trumpeting the dangers of pornography, as so appallingly illustrated by the case of Ted Bundy.

A videotape of the interview, released after the execution, more or less confirmed Dobson`s account. ``I`ve lived in prison for a long time now, and I`ve met a lot of men who were motivated to violence just like me,`` said Bundy. ``And without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography.`` He warned, ``Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today.``

Here was the perfect testimony for Dobson, whose attitude toward erotica is roughly the same as Bundy`s attitude toward women. He has made a career out of crusading against smut, including his service on Ed Meese`s pornography commission. But he probably never expected to find an ally like this.

Unfortunately, after the attention grabbed by the Meese commission, public hysteria has moved on to other topics, like AIDS and drugs. Bundy`s claim should help revive public interest in pornography. And Dobson can be counted on to see that it enters the popular mind as proof that pornography fosters crime, violence and poor grooming.

Conservatives rarely miss an opportunity to point out the dangers of sexually oriented material. The Meese commission`s alarm extended not only to kinky stuff involving bondage and beasts, but even to that girl next door we know as the Playmate of the Month. It went so far as to use its position to intimidate most 7-11 stores into dropping Playboy and Penthouse magazines, which we all know have warped millions of American males to the point that they find beautiful nude women arousing.

But there is one case of pornography`s dangerous impact that the Right has neglected to publicize. It involves a man named Al Regnery, best known for his work for Ed Meese as head of the Justice Department`s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Like other Meese underlings, Regnery recognized the threat posed by rampant smut and set out to do something about it. Among his historic contributions to the cause of moral cleanliness was a $789,000 grant for a study of cartoons in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler.

But he resigned abruptly in May, 1986, shortly before the New Republic magazine published an article about him. Journalist Murray Waas had turned up some interesting items in his research on Regnery. One of them was that during Regnery`s 1976 campaign for district attorney in Madison, Wis., his wife had called police one night to tell them she had been stabbed and sexually assaulted by two men who demanded that Regnery drop out of the race.

But there were some odd inconsistencies between her account and the evidence. The house showed no signs of a struggle, and of the 73 cuts on Mrs. Regnery`s body, none required so much as a Band-Aid. The police finally concluded that the whole story was a weird invention, but Regnery still tried to use it to his advantage in the campaign. It didn`t work; he lost.

The police didn`t find any evidence of a sexual assault, but they did find some other interesting evidence. It was contained in a collection of pornographic books and magazines, including catalogues featuring, as the police report put it, ``various prophylactic devices and erotica.``

Regnery, when asked about his library of pornography, first said the police report was false. Only later did he concede, ``I probably had a little (pornography) around the house, like I bet lots of people do.`` But he also insisted, ``I don`t use and I don`t enjoy it.``

You can see the destructive sequence of events. First the man buys a copy of Playboy, then graduates to catalogues of sex appliances, and pretty soon he`s telling lies, running for district attorney and performing devoted service to Ed Meese. Like Ted Bundy, Regnery was just another innocent victim snatched away by pornography.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 06:09 pm

Studies show link between porn and violence, group says
By KSL.com
August 2nd, 2011 @ 9:03am

Andrew Adams reporting

SALT LAKE CITY -- An anti-porn group is trying to draw attention to studies showing pornography increases violence against women.

Morality in Media and it's online campaign "porn harms" are in the middle of a four-week blitz that began on July 11.

According to the Deseret News, the group points to studies that show porn can lead to sexual violence because porn viewers need an increasingly deviant stimulus. Morality in Media also cites a Newsweek report that connects porn with violence and sex trafficking.

Some question the studies. Todd D. Kendalls, who was an assistant professor of economics at Clemson University in South Carolina, told the Christian Science Monitor the arrival of the Internet was associated with a reduction in rape incidence.

Porn Harms will hold an online discussion today at 2 p.m. on Facebook.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2015 06:13 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
During an explosion in the availability of porn the sexual violence rate, and in fact the over all violence rate, has dropped like a stone.

It would take a lot to get me to worry about porn.


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