This item is a must watch for anybody wanting to understand this ****...
Ebola and Fruit Bats....
Ebola turns out to be largely a man-made disaster. That is, it used to be found amongst monkeys and fruit bats and what not in forested areas, and an occasional human in one of the small settlements in or near such a forested area might catch it here and there. A monkey would get it from finishing off a piece of fruit which a fruit bat had eaten part of...
And then world bank and IMF projects in West African nations effect the near total or total deforestation of those countries (Guinea, Ghana, Ivory coast...):
Leaving the fruit bats without any sort of a home; they begin flapping their way into cities...
Humans can then get the disease in several ways, not least of which is including fruit bats in what is called "bush meat":
I am totally anti-green, but there is no reasonable view of capitalism or any sort of development which requires entire nations to be deforested, that's basically perverted.
There is one claim out there that genetics indicate that the present grief originated from a single child being bitten by a fruit bat; I find the claim that World Bank/IMF policies made what is going on now inevitable and predictable, more believable.