Get off your high horse, you asked for advice and you got it. I'm not the only one who told you that you were off base. Apparently you are not as shy as you claim to be. Now if you just use some of the courage you used to smart mouth me when you see or hear something offensive maybe then you will have a stronger commitment to refusing to cave to fictitious gossip. Apparently you are in high school or middle school. You need to become your own person now or you will still be waffling when you're thirty. I understand it's a little scary to challenge gossips, however if you would rather not be controlled by other peoples petty remarks, learn how to say "that's not true". It gets easier the more you do it.
Nice touch with the all caps AS A FRIEND handle. I sincerely hope you don't think you are intimidating. Don't ask for advice if you don't want to hear it. Passive aggressive won't make you a better person, just figure out how honorable you want to be, and then be that person.