You used it good - bored and welcome aboard!
Everything including pride is good in appropriate dosage. At some point pride may transform itself to arrogance (I speak in general and do not mean anyone specifically).
And I fail to understand people that are proud of their innate features, the ones they did not develop deliberately, like race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. These are not reasons for either pride or shame. IMHO, the only reasons for being proud may be personal achievements: career, wealth, education, etc.
Pride becomes a bad thing when you start to hate yourself!
Late checking in here. Obviously, pride makes the world go round, or Face.
Face is key to many things and we haven't advanced much beyond that, sadly says I.
pride becomes a bad thing when you won't let go of your hotmail account even though it drives you crazy :wink:
(inside joke)
pueo, I think you owled your way inside!
There are varying kinds of, and degrees of pride,I think.
Even though I have posted previously I enjoy the mass of meanings
engaged with pride as a virtue versus pride as a flaw.
1. pride = you are better than others (negative)
2. pride = you are proud of something you accomplished
3. pride = you think only of yourself, but I think this is
called self centeredness, not exactly the same thing
yet in terms of pride is negative.
4 = when you can not admit you are wrong, or that you
made a mistake (negative)
5. pride = a strong sense of belief in yourself (positive)
6. pride = NEEDING to always be the king of the hill (negative)
7. pride = acknowledging your support of a group of
people who are treated unfairly in your community as
in gay pride weeks, etc (positive)
8. pride = arrogance (negative)
9. pride = egotistic behavior (negative)
10. pride = to preen, swagger, strutt your stuff (positive/negative?)
11. pride = dignity, self confidence (positive)
12.pride = conceit, haughtiness, snobbery, vanity(negative)
When one stops to grow as a good human being. c.i.
Quote:At what point does pride become a bad thing?
When you go to war over it!
Here's an observation; as we get older, we're not shy about what we've accomplished in our life, and we're more apt to share it with others. When young, bragging seems to be somewhat irritating when hearing other people brag about their accomplishments, so we tend to keep quiet. Anybody else with this observation?

Some distance (in time) between the event and the current time changes it from a boast to an experience. the boastful ones I spend little time with!
BillW wrote:Quote:At what point does pride become a bad thing?
When you go to war over it!

That just about tops the list
When you begin to think you're as good or smart or nice looking as me, of course!!!
Actually, BPB, I have never felt I was good looking nor that smart. In our family, I was always the black sheep of the family. All my siblings did very well in school, while I barely made it out of high school. As for looks, well........I just accept myself as the end product of all of my ancestors. Can't do nothing about that!

c.i. - just think: every single one of your ancestors reproduced successfully. that's something, ain't it?
(but then i look around....)
patiodog, Quite. We're all the ancestors of somebody that originated in Africa. We're all brothers under the sun.
